

Adam took a brief pause and pressed a kiss on her forehead. "What do you think R&E stands for in the company's name?" 

He looked deeply in her eyes before he answered his own question. "It stands for Rosaline and Ethan."

"Rosaline and Ethan? As in my parents' name?" Stella asked him as she gazed into his eyes. 

Adam heaved out a sigh as he saw a number of questions bubbling up in her eyes. He could tell that she wanted to ask them, but at the same time she was hesitating, afraid of what could be the answers to them. Adam pulled her closer to himself and held her in between his arms.

Stella let him do that as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. She needed his support as much as he needed her warmth to carry on. She could tell that it was hard for him as well. Little did she know, it wasn't hard for him to talk about it, but rather he was worried about how hard this might be for her. 

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