
Learning new things (105)

Bella sat on the bed Waiting for Zane to finish his shower. She opened up her book to a new story.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ THE GLASS DOG

An accomplished wizard once lived on the top floor of a tenement house and passed his time in thoughtful study and studious thought. What he didn't know about wizardry was hardly worth knowing, for he possessed all the books and recipes of all the wizards who had lived before him; and, moreover, he had invented several wizardments himself.

This admirable person would have been completely happy but for the numerous interruptions to his studies caused by folk who came to consult him about their troubles (in which he was not interested), and by the loud knocks of the iceman, the milkman, the baker's boy, the laundryman and the peanut woman. He never dealt with any of these people; but they rapped at his door every day to see him about this or that or to try to sell him their wares. Just when he was most deeply interested in his books or engaged in watching the bubbling of a cauldron there would come a knock at his door. And after sending the intruder away he always found he had lost his train of thought or ruined his compound.

At length these interruptions aroused his anger, and he decided he must have a dog to keep people away from his door. He didn't know where to find a dog, but in the next room lived a poor glass-blower with whom he had a slight acquaintance; so he went into the man's apartment and asked:

"Where can I find a dog?"

"What sort of a dog?" inquired the glass-blower.

"A good dog. One that will bark at people and drive them away. One that will be no trouble to keep and won't expect to be fed. One that has no fleas and is neat in his habits. One that will obey me when I speak to him. In short, a good dog," said the wizard.

"Such a dog is hard to find," returned the glass-blower, who was busy making a blue glass flower pot with a pink glass rosebush in it, having green glass leaves and yellow glass roses.

The wizard watched him thoughtfully. "Why cannot you blow me a dog out of glass?" he asked, presently.

"I can," declared the glass-blower; "but it would not bark at people, you know."

"Oh, I'll fix that easily enough," replied the other. "If I could not make a glass dog bark I would be a mighty poor wizard."

"Very well; if you can use a glass dog I'll be pleased to blow one for you. Only, you must pay for my work."

"Certainly," agreed the wizard. "But I have none of that horrid stuff you call money. You must take some of my wares in exchange."

The glass-blower considered the matter for a moment. "Could you give me something to cure my rheumatism?" he asked.

"Oh, yes; easily."

"Then it's a bargain. I'll start the dog at once. What color of glass shall I use?"

"Pink is a pretty color," said the wizard, "and it's unusual for a dog, isn't it?"

"Very," answered the glass-blower; "but it shall be pink."

So the wizard went back to his studies and the glass-blower began to make the dog.


Betty and Bert dropped off the decorations off at the office. On the way out she ran into Oliver.

"Why are you here?" Betty asked.

"Getting some files I'll need first thing in the morning. You?" Oliver said.

"Just dropping off supplies from this weekend."

"Want to have dinner. My house keeper made lasagna, salad and bread sticks. I also have a good wine to go with it." He asked.

"Bert I'll see you at home. Lead the way." she smiled.

They went up to his office and he grabbed his files and they headed to his home for dinner.

She told him about the weekend and how everything went.

They had a wonderful dinner and he then drove her home.


Mr. Beauté took Mary Ann home first and then took Babs and David back to the house. David had left his car there.

"Want to stay for lunch son?" Mr. Beauté asked.

"I would love to but I think I should head home." He said then turned to Babs, "Call me if my mother comes anywhere near you. As I said I will protect you. I'll pick you up at work tomorrow at four." He kissed her cheek and headed to his car.

"He's a nice kid. Going to finally tell me what's going on?" Her father asked.

"I'll tell you as we make lunch." They then went inside.

Babs told her father everything. About his family and what his mother had done. He listened carefully.

"So What do you think dad?" She asked.

"This child is her grandchild too. She will have a right to see it. However she has no right to threaten you. Do you like this guy?"

"Yes, but we just met. He is one of Bella's professors. We've only been out twice. Once for lunch right after I told Bella I was pregnant and Once for brunch when I found out he was Neil's brother."

"I see, how was this weekend with him?"

"I had fun. He is convinced that we will get married. He even said I will be the one to ask him."

Her father laughed at that. "He's a unique one. Bert's home lets eat."


Ben and George carried the luggage up to the apartment.

Junior and Josh went a head to open the door.

"Can we play Combat V tonight uncle Josh?" Junior asked.

"If your dad says it's alright." Josh said.

"There was nothing to play at Uncle Mike's and grandpa was boring."

"Yah he is."

When Ben and George put the bags in the room. Josh put on the game for his nephew and the three men sat in the dining room to talk.

"Thanks for letting us stay." George said.

"Any time. It's been a few years since you've been here." Josh said.

"I know, we should of come more often. I am sorry for that." George said.

"Why are you here now? It seems like you only come running if your father is involved." Ben said placing three cups of coffee on the table.

"Dad is getting worse. Josh it's time you knew he has dementia." George said.

"Since when?" Josh said.

"Four years ago. Started with symptoms of include forgetfulness. Then he would get angry at people he would see walk by. The doctors thinks he was functioning for a few years before we noticed."

"Why not tell me about it?" Josh asked.

"His biggest trigger was gay people. Mike and I decided that it would be best if you stayed away after what happened at the wedding. It was to protect you from him." George said.

American Fairy Tales : THE GLASS DOG

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