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Post-Apocolypse, Gender Bender, Face Palms and Slaps, Cola lover, And an adorable, blood thirsty chicken. Meh... ______

4 thẻ
Chapter 1Chapter 1 - Reborn

Opening two dry sets of black orbs, Ren sat up from the floor as he studied his surroundings. Glancing down at his bloodied white dress and petite frame, Ren held a momentary smile that would make even the veteran of soldiers take a second glance at the devilish grin on her olae, bloodied face.

'I've been reborn... Although, I would have preferred to have been reborn as a man, however, this body will do quite nicely. 'Turning her attention towards the clock on a violet colored counter, two sets of footsteps came rushing into the room while Ren's host memories filled his head in those few seconds.

Sixteen years of life, all in an instant, Ren held a momentary pause as her previous host name was Sakura Hajime.

Her life had been one of torture and humility. Her adoptive parents took her in when she was only eight years old and by then, she was tasked with serving the young Master of the household.

For over the years, she was treated as a mere belonging and after eight years, her young Master desired more from her as she resisted heavily all that time. One thing led to another and it soon ended with her being thrown onto the corner edge of the counter, where she busted her head and bleed out on the floor.

The young Master felt utterly terrified that he soioed himself and ran for his mother.

However, Ren closed his gaze in a moment of respect for the deceased host.

Opening her black orbs, the door swung open and soon, a mother and son duo walked in yet, found only a large puddle of blood on the carpet floor as nothing, no body or any trace of someone was seen. The son passed out while the mother tended to her sons abnormal changes that she decided to send him to train in the military for a change of attitude.

Ren, or rather, Sakura had long since dissapeared into the wind.

However, it was only the beginning as trivial matters like revenge were insignificant as the true end of the above rod was fast approaching. Finding a place with an accurate calendar, Sakura'a bright black eyes lowered in indifference as she smirked an involuntary smile.

'Heh... Two years before the virus began to spread. I have time to prepare before everything hits the fan. I know not of what or how this is possible, but I shall thank the gods or goddesses for giving me this second opportunity of life.

Being born into the apocalypse, I was forced to survive in the most brutal of circumstances. I fought tooth and nail for even a scrap of food. Many children born in the enclosed cities were either brought up as soldiers or sold as future playthings for many disgusting perverts.

I was fortunate to have been born a boy yet, I knew of only one woman who was nice to me despite having been captured and sold to a fat merchant. Ren still remembered her soft and gentle voice yet, no light remained in her eyes all the while she spoke to Ren in passing outside a guarded ammunitions shop in the city. '

Sakura now had a clear goal in mind and ir was to find that woman in this life and sure enough, he spotted her coming into view as a similar sixteen year old teenager as she was walking with her freinds. Ren felt his chest tightened uncontrollably as he was really glad the woman told of her life story about the world before the apocalypse came.

This woman was the sole reason he changed his path and became the man he was before he died in a selfless attempt of saving the entire city from an impending zombie horde.

Shutting and blowing up two entire sky scrapers with him on the other side, Ren's memory blanked out as he remembered firing an endless flood of bullets and before long, he was overrun and finally, in a desperate and final attempt, he was blown up in a massive fireball as in his last breath, he wiped out more than 80% of the massive zombie horde.

Now returning to his feet, Sakura nodded and began planning for the future as the moment he walked around the corner between two residential houses, his eyes blinked and as if tine ajdnosace distored, Sakura suddenly found herself in a dark space with a white fog all around her.

'What is this? 'Was the only thought in her kind at the moment. Turning back, looking around, and finally meeting a light behind the heavy fog, Sakura took seberals temps and soon, the sight of a Japanese style pavilion appeared in the distance.

Walking and apprching closer, she then stepped out from the fog and felt her harem feet touch blades of grass under her foot. Gasping lightly, Sakura felt the cool breeze as actual Sakura blossoms fell in an endless motion from a large cherry blossom tree that looked ancient. The pavilion was decorated in red, black, and gold as two sets of statues from white marble women stood firm, holding two separate yet, elegant stances as they each held two different weapons.

One set was that of two sharp metallic fans while on the other, a row of chains folded in the slender woman's arms as they both held an air of grace and elegance. As Sakura climbed onto the pavilion, she took notice of a clear water pond beside the railing and it's waters inky darkened the deeper he stared inside.

Turning, Sakura looked up and met several rows of floors spiraling upwards and with no end in sight.

'What is this place? 'Seemingly lost, Sakura simply began climbing up the pavilion floors and after reaching the second floor, a blood red and stone tome appeared on a pedestal into he center of the room in a ceremonial setting.

Walking up and comoelled to lay her slender hands on over the stone cover, Sakura jumped back as she trained her eyes onto four sharp pricks on her finger tips as blood seeped out from her body.

The tomes abruptly exploded in a bright light and soon, Sakura's body hit the floor.

Moments later, she awoke with a sinister glint in her black colored eyes as they now held an ominous white circle around the rim of her irises.

'I see... This place is called "The Immortal Palace". It stretches back a millennia andn comes from a world far from my own. It nurtures and cultivates only those who have pure of heart. I have passed it's test and it has agreed to allow keep to become this place's Master. Interesting. '

Standing firm, Sakura couldn't help but smile as she looked down and found she had grown exponentially with a light, heavenly glow enveloping her nurtured, fill-figired body.

'It has been close to three years here yet, only one year has passed in the real world. 'Snapping out from her space, Sakura now stood in a darkened allyway and turned as she climbed up a large tree and watched from afar.

Sakura's eyes showed a hint of remorse and joy as he looked at the smiling teenager across his view. Her face could be seen from her window and she was on her phone, chatting and livibg a normal life... At feast, until the apocalypse a full year from now.

Jumping down, Sakura'a surroundings abruptly shifted and she found herself inside the pavilion once more. Returning to the second floor, she continued upward and arrived on the third. There, she had knowledge of her space and soon lifted up a silver and gold bracelet from one of the countless wooden cabinets.

Biting her thumb and dropping it onto the bracelet, she then put it on and it visably thinned as she held a smile now that she had what she wanted.

Entering another world, Sakura looked up at the tall grassy plains and looked over toward a crystal clear waterfal and lake. Trees and a garden area ready to be furnished. Time flooded the same in the space as it did outside in the real world.

Sakura then jumped out from her bracelet's space and appeared just as the morning sun had begun to rise. Sparing no effort, she turned around and made her way to gather everything she possibly could to prepare for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.


After three months of stealing, gathering, and plotting, Sakura's space was filled to the brim with all sorts of matter and relevant supplies. From seeds and food to stores of amunituons and weapons as well as armor and even a tank as well as an armored infantry light vehicle.

Sakura had broken into a few military bases and left many on high alert when their stuff began disappearing into thin air. Including a fully fitted attack helicopter, a cargo helicopter, and even a jet yet, Sakura debated on weather she'll ever really use it.

Also, since she now had military vehicles at her disposal, Sakura opted out and used the full force of her bracelet's mystical power and lifted an entire strip, run way into her space.

Sakura teleported into her space immediately afterwards as her nose was bleeding as she rested for a few days as a thought crossed her mind while picturing many grim faces over seeing a missing chunk of their base suddenly go missing. Sakura could only grin as she passed out to rest.


Returning to the real world, breaking news only showed after images of the massive disaster left behind of Sakura's doing. Sakura could car eless as she now only had five more months until the zombie apocalypse began and all hell broke loose.

Keeping a trained eye on the teenage girl, Sakura's feet dangled playfully as she loved watching the girl thrashing about with her close group of friends. Tilting her head at the present sunset from a tree, Sakura had run many thoughts over and found ahead had all that she needed as the last thing in her list was already acquired, which would let her build and create her own ammunitions for all her new toys.

Falling backwards calmly, Sakura gently hit the grassy floor in her bracelet space as she held a charming gaze at her small city filled with the pinnacle of war and survival. Her large stretch of runway now held all her vehicles as well as entire tankers filled with gas, patrol, and all other chemical liquids needed to properly maintain the equipment.

Although, Sakura quickly discovered things do not age inside the space. Which took a load off Sakura as she could resdily deploy any of her equipment at a moments notice.

Weaving her hand, Sakura then appeared in the Japanese pavilion after months of being away for her preparations. Now done, she began exploring the rest of the upper floors and gathered she could learn any form of fighting style as well as developing a state known as, "Cultivation".

For the next several months in the real world, Sakura found she could bind her age to her bracelet and as such, she no longer aged as countless years passed her by as the higher she climbed up the pavilion floors, the stronger her physical body got.

After a few years, Sakura emerged from the pavilion a changed being yet, only the words "First Stage Cultivation" appeared in her mind as she still had a long way to go. It felt as if Sakura had been climbing forever until she began to encounter small things like monsters and the such.

The higher she climbed, she began to notice the bizzare creatures were starting to block her path. At the level she stopped at, the creatures turned to full blown battles between bear sized animals to monsters straight out of nightmares.

Sakura grew from each battle as she now held a deathly stare at the face of death as she almost died countless times. Only surviving by the grace of each floor magically healing all her wounds, Sakura lost many limbs yet, recovered them during the next ascension of the floors.


Teleporting bacon to the real world, her eyes abruptly displayed a system screen showcasing everything from the latest news to her health status and even her persons of interests. It was all due to a treasure she received on the eighteenth floor called, "God's eye". The name said it all as Sakura took note of only being one month away from the start of the greatest calamity to happen to the human race.

Turning her eyes toward a live feed, the all to familiar yet, unfamiliar girl popped up as she was struggling away on her homework late at night. Sakura chuckled lightly as she then turned her gaze as a thought instantly crossed her mind.

'I will need a lot of help maintaining my farm and other equipment. It will be too troubling going back and forth. I'll need some help. 'Deliberating, Sakura turned and disappeared as she then reapeared yet, on the opposite side of the world.

Somewhere in Russia, China, Japan, England, Spain, Brazil, And Canada as well as the US, Sakura had taken care of all of the necessary paperwork and 'adopted' children from all over. Though, many orphanages did raise panic, there was nothing they could do as the children's records didn't even exist.

Plucking many brilliant and capable minds among their peers, Sakura suddenly appeared before the group of eight as she was sure they each had their own questions. Not uttering a word, Sakura then lifted her hand as her plan faced up and a sudden stack of white notebooks appeared that looked quire heavy yet, to Sakhra, weighed as light as a feather.

Dropping the stack onto the floor, Sakura then dissapeared in an instant and thus, the more capable kids grew closer after they formed a type of bond and officially declared Sakura as a Goddess. That notion alone was enough to the children as they believed she brought them with her for a reason. Which was about half right.

Half of Sakura wanted to save them, while the other half was simply too lazy to operate things around her space and clean up afterwards. In any case, Sakura found no problem in being the center of a white lie as it gave the children peace of mind.


Finally, the few days before the arrival of the apocalypse were near. Time was flowing as a heavy dark cloud began to covet the Earth...

Soon, the apocalypse will begin as the world will end.


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