
Make money, make money, make money!

What the owner of the gold shop did not know was that Ren Xiaosu did not care whether the Yang Consortium's currency had depreciated here or not. That was because the palace only required officially issued currencies. It was all the same no matter which organization's currency it was!

It could be said that the currently devalued Yang Consortium currency was just right for Ren Xiaosu's requirements. Moreover, the money he traded for would also be useful if he really went to the Yang Consortium's territory in the future.

After all, the Yang Consortium's currency would not depreciate in its own territory. Only the Qing Consortium and the Li Consortium currency would depreciate there.

Ren Xiaosu had not expected that the war would still bring him a windfall like that when they came back to the stronghold. He did not even know how he should thank the Li Consortium for this.

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