
Chapter 46 - Magic Competition Part 5 Cockroach...

As Tang Yao loaded into the familiar arena, his opponent was blond headed male, he looked fairly handsome.

"You may be impressive, but your streak ends here!" shouted the bald I mean blond headed male.


"Explode!" said Tang Yao in a monotone voice.

However to Tang Yao's surprise the blond headed man was completely fine.

"Are you surprised? I have an armor that makes me completely resistant to explosions!" said the blond headed man.

"Oh? How about you try this one for size!" said Tang Yao, while casting a Nuclear Bomb at full power.

The blond headed man saw a dark object falling from the sky, and his face immediately darkened.


This explosion was even bigger than any of the other explosions from the previous matches, to top it off, Tang Yao also put 99% of his Qi worth of explosives into the mix, resulting in a huge gigantic super sized awesome explosion.

However once again to Tang Yao's and the spectator's surprise the man came out of the explosion, however now, he looked extremely injured.

"Fuck you!" shouted the blond male, while trying to recuperate after that explosion.

"Explode..." said Tang Yao.

"Saint Micheal's SHIELD!" shouted the young man.

"Hmm. Explode!" shouted Tang Yao once more.

However, it seemed like all the damage he did, was absorbed into that shield.

"This is over Dip Stick! I Prince George of the Evergreen City will defeat you today!" yelled the young man who's name is George.


"Nuclear Bomb!" shouted Tang Yao before casting another nuclear bomb to be dropped over his head.

Another explosion occurred, similar in size to the previous one, their is currently no arena, and both of them are floating the air, however George was completely fine.

"Heh! Is that all you got?" shouted George.

"Chicxulub Meteor!" shouted Tang Yao, at that very moment, a huge rock was flying down at insane speed, towards the person called George.

"Holy Mother of -"


A Explosion that was capable of wiping everybody on the Kolyma continent occurred.

There was nothing, the screens broadcasting the fights was filled with static.

Nothing could be heard, it was completely quiet.

The spectators were too shocked at what they saw, a spell that could literally wipe out the entire Kolyma continent had just been casted, in the Simulation. Simply too frightening, what if that spell had been casted in Real life (NPC World), what would of happened then?

Gandalf, who was drinking beer while watching the fight, instantly spat out whatever he was drinking onto his friends.

"THAT FUCKING BRAT! I TOLD HIM TO LIMIT! LIMIT! LIMIT HIS SPELLS!" shouted Gandalf, "That emperor is gonna give me a god darn earful!"

The Royal Family, and the High Ranking Military Personnel who were watching the fight, just sat their with their eyes wide open, and mouth hanging down.

"Too insane..." said one of them.

At that moment, the static screen finally transferred back to the view of the virtual world. Everything was charred black, there was a huge crater, however in that crater there was a person floating in mid air, without a single speck of dust on him, and there was a glowing and cracked shield on the floor.

The cracked shield started moving, and a dirty blond haired male got up.

"Bro, wtf are you a cockroach?" questioned Tang Yao.

"You must of used up all of your mana in that attack, this is over I will win!" shouted George.


"Explode!" said Tang Yao.

The Cockroach, George was sent flying, and the shield he was holding shattered.

"Again! Explode!" shouted Tang Yao.

And once again the cockroach was sent flying.

"Once more! Explode!" said Tang Yao.

And the cockroach was blown into oblivion.


The spectators, who were watching the fight, felt pity for the young man named George, he truly was a cockroach. Being able to survive a nuclear blast, and a meteor that could destroy the entire continent.

The Referee who was watching the entire fight, was still frozen in shock.

"So... Are you going to announce the winner?" asked Tang Yao

"Ah... Yes, the winner of this match is-"

"WAIT!" shouted the young man, who was able to get back up again.


"This guy has to be a baby of some cockroach." said Tang Yao, before saying. "Explode! Explode! Explode! Explode! Explode! EXPLODE!"

Several explosion were occurring.

"*Pant* Is he finally dead?" asked Tang Yao outloud.


"EXPLODE!" shouted Tang Yao







"Is he dead?" asked Tang Yao once again outloud.


"JUST DIE ALREADY! SUPER MASSIVE BLACK HOLE!" shouted Tang Yao, before a humongous black hole appeared out of nowhere, sucking up everything, and destroying it.

If you look closely you could see a male figure flying into the black hole at insane speeds.

"OWWWWWWWWWWWW IT HURTS!" shouted a voice from the pitch black hole.

"Wtf? Sound can't get out of a black hole." said Tang Yao

Screams of agony could be heard from the black hole.


The spectators who were watching truly felt pity for this man, he should of just stayed down, instead of trying to get back up. The Black Hole continued for a full minute, and the screams of agony from the man never stopped.

"This guy why won't he just die already?!" shouted Tang Yao in frustration.

After another few seconds, the black hole finally dissipated, and the body was flung out of the black hole.

"Ughhh" moaned the body, that was completely black.


"KA ME HA ME HA!" shouted Tang Yao, before a huge blue beam of light headed towards the body, vaporizing everything in its path.

Once the light cleared up, a black figure remained standing in the path of destruction, "I-"

"ALL FICTION ERASE HIM!" shouted Tang Yao


The charred figure disappeared.


Chapter 6 of the Mass Release.

Remember no chapter tmrw, bcuz I am busy

Ok bye...


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