
Ruler of Iron and Flesh

Tác giả: Cythraul
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Inian shook his head, "I know I couldn't. It's a rush, but I couldn't stay in constant danger for my entire life. I know that I can survive and be fine with you at my side, but eventually, I will need a quiet job." Marc sighed, "I get it. I think that I may want to do this for the rest of my life. It's great money, fun, and I get to fly around on a ship! I had just hoped maybe hoped that you would enjoy this as much as I did, and we could stay doing this for the rest of our lives." When his friend joins a mercenary group, Inian has only one choice: to go with him. With nations at war fighting for land that giant monsters roam, Inian must find his place in the world. Hearing an echo of a voice saying that he is destined to rule with enormous power, what will he do with this knowledge? Will he protect himself and his family while keeping the peace? Or will he destroy the world instead? Will his son, Alaric face the same questions? Follow them on their journey and watch as one becomes the Ruler of Iron and Flesh!

3 thẻ
Chapter 1The Mercenary Band

"C' mon Inian! They aren't going to wait long for us." called out Marc. "Yeah, just a second," Inian replied. He was packing up the last of his clothes and belongings in the room he shared with Marc. He looked around to see drawings of vast oceans and an endless sky, and there were no monsters in them.

He sighed, knowing that this would be the last time he would set foot in this place. He didn't have a family of his own but was found as a small baby by Marc's family. He grew up with them, and they were his family, and Marc was his older brother. He was thankful to everyone in this house, and in an unlikely turn of events, the sky train Marc's father had been on was demolished by a Titan level beast.

To help pay upkeep for the family, Marc quit school and joined a mercenary group called Wing Demons. Inian couldn't just sit by and let him go by himself, so he decided to join him. Now the mercenary group Wing Demons are all waiting at a landing platform for Marc and himself to join them.

Inian took one last look around the room he had been given and smiled because of all the happy memories it had given him. He held one photo in his hand of himself, and Marc both smiling at the camera. He looked so similar to Marc that anyone could've mistaken them for blood brothers if it wasn't for Inian's jet black hair.

"I'm on my way!" He yelled and walked out of the door. The house was tiny, but was cozy and had beautiful furnishing. Marc was holding his bag and hugging his mom. He was easily a head taller than his mother. With a relaxed going attitude and compelling features, he was a perfect choice for a new mercenary group. His tears were dropping down onto the top of his mother's head as he rubbed her back, "bye mom," he said and walked out the door.

His mother turned to face Inian with tears and her eyes, "oh come here," she said with gentle sobs. She embraced Inian in a tender hug, and he said, "thank you for everything," before leaving with Marc out the door.

"You ready?" Marc asked.


It took a moment for Inian's eyes to adjust as the bright sunlight hit him. Soon the view he saw of the robust city was there. On top of a span of mountains, this city had been built up high to avoid the monsters that were lurking below. It was made mostly of iron and some steel, which were some of the most available resources on the planet. It had rusted over the years, however, and had appeared to be a dull orange rather than a shiny city.

They started walking towards one of the landing platforms, which had an airship sitting on top of it. The ship was smaller, with four Glastro cannons on the sides of it. It was made of copper and Iron and was able to float and stay powered with a monster core. It had large motors on the back that would lift it and propel it forward.

In front of the ship were four people. A huge man with a long scar across his forehead and a massive beard. There was another skinny man with soot covering his body, probably the man who ran the engine and controlled the ship. One woman with at least six guns on her hips and the last person was a noble-looking gentleman with a blinding smile.

"You two are Marc and Inian, I presume?" He asked, and Marc nodded. The man smiled, "welcome to the crew of the Wing Demons! I am your captain Oliver. From this moment on, you will take my orders without question, because that may determine whether or not we all live or die. So please hop aboard and place your belongings in your cabin space. Una will show you where." The woman nodded and gestured for the two to follow her.

Inian looked up at the ship they were boarding, thinking that this is going to be one crazy ride.

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Mục lục
Âm lượng 1 :Rise of the King
Âm lượng 2 :The Dragon's Descendants
Âm lượng 3 :Ruler of Iron and Flesh