
Kazuma Family Part 4

The Kazuma family along with Momoyo are gathered together in the hideout. Ryouta sighs

Ryouta: Well seeing how were family I wont say thanks for coming but some of you may not realize why I'm going all out to save a girl I hardly know"

Miyako: Isn't cause Ryouta-sama is kind? Miyako said blushing

"No" Ryouta said shaking his head"Its not that I'm kind. I just have feelings about certain people and he seemed like someone on the dark side" Everyone but Momoyo and Yamato seem confused at what I mean by the dark side.

Ryouta: So I had Takuya look into them. Tell them what you found

All eyes went on Takuya

Takuya: ehmm what I found was disturbing. "

he said as he looked at everyone. Ryouta walked near Miyako. she was confused

What I found is that Zenzo Kotoura. fronts as a huge casino owner but actually is owner of the largest Prostitutes rings in Japan. He tricks many people into going to the casino or borrowing money and if they are unable to pay it back he puts them up for prostitution. Makes matters worse he drugs them till they get addicted to the drugs and the only way to get more drugs is to well you know..."Seeing Gatou the only one confused Yamato says" in short he's bad"

Takuya: yeah but that's not all of it. originally he was training his daughter to take over for him when he retires but she lacked... something. But seeing how she was beautiful he was going to take her first time but she ran away before he could and came back with a husband and child. Then she became nothing to him. but the baby girl was interesting for him. She was able to read people's minds. That means if trained she could be the perfect asset for him and in the future, he can train her ...She was only able to receive what he wanted her to see"

Ryouta then spoke up"I think if the person is more mentally stronger than her they can prevent her from reading your mind. That's why she wasn't able to read my mind some ways to do it are...."

Ryouta: : Anyway right now her mother is about to leave her because she blames Haruka for her marriage so I don't want her to be unhappy that's why were here to challenge this group. This is going to be a tough battle but after all our training we can do it right? if you don't want to go I'll go by myself they have many experts"

"hah what are you saying" Cap hit Ryouta in the head "why would we be afraid"

Yamato: Yeah I have already set up some traps in the area so we should be able to start anytime

Everyone one was thinking when did you do that'

Takuya: I'll hack into their security system and prevent them from noticing you"

Gakuto: Well I have the equipment you asked for when will the red tails arrive"

Yamato: I already notified them don't worry your awesome Strategist has set up something special too."

Momoyo: So who are we up against"

Takuya hesitates to say

Cap: what it can't be that bad"

Takuya: no, it's worse.

Yamato says I have a list of who we will be against.

1) Ritsuko Akagi one of the most genius inventors in japan she made the security system of Kotoura. Takuya it's up to you to beat her with your new hacking skills and AI system... you could do it"

"wait why did you pause"

2) They hired some people from the organization to fight with the Hammerhead as there leader they aren't the strongest but their numbers on their side and special armors that do something I'm not sure about. Ryouta will handle them till Kazuko comes to assist him then he will move on ahead they should be here guarding this entrance. Usually, they go with this route with 23 members going this way. using mostly heavy armors so your style is best suited to handle them Kazuko you are the fastest of us.

3) They hired Kaoru Hanayama. He is a yakuza and he is strong. while only 15 he's one of the strongest Yakuza under 20 and just doing this job for training. he should be at the second gate right here. His fighting style is street fighting. I think Gakuto is perfect for him you are our muscle.

4) Miyoshi Seikai Nyudo is a monk and is said to be one of the strongest on the ground. One punch uses enough force to destroy a building. but he also uses a mace as a weapon. Only good thing he is weak against little girls due to his sister. Momo-nee will handle him"

Momoyo: what he will hold back

Yamato: don't underestimate him he's at Demi-level" sparks hit momo eyes

5) Zenzō Kotoura is at least Demi-level skills and is smart he probably will be hard to defeat but we will use our distraction to mess with his flow and Cap will take him on.

6) Miyako you will handle support but be careful I hear there's Himiko Toga there. She is an expert of disguise and likes to suck the blood of her victims. you have the best eyes you should be able to spot her."

Yamato: that's it.

Gakuto: wait what about you" Everyone was curious

Yamato: ugh it's likely someone will mess up our plans. I have to make contingency plans but the person is Shogo Makishima a criminally asymptomatic individual whose primary goal is to liberate Japanese society. He is probably one of the greatest strategists in the world. He could manipulate almost anyone. I will take him on with my planning...he also someone hi up in the organization...

Ryouta you will use the moment when Zenzo is distracted to get to Haruka and her mother. Our mission isn't to beat them but to get Ryouta to them and then its all on Ryouta.

Ryouta: Yeah no pressure"

Then Ryouta put his hands around Cap and Miyako's neck and they grabbed someone till all of the Kazuma family including Momo were huddled together in a circle.

Cap went and said "This is going to be crazy dangerous and risky but haha no worries nothing we cant do" Everyone laughed

Yamato said "The mission will take place in 1 hour we need everyone to be in place I'll explain the strategy on the way'

Ryouta then said "Look around at each of us we all came different status and places. the enemy might be stronger than us but in the words of Cap where one is weak the others are strong and when one falls the others right his wrong. The people in this room are not just friends were Family. We are the

""""""""KAZUMA FAMILY """"""""

Ryouta: ok enough mussy stuff we have to get set up now"

Everyone went to their positions...

"Go" Yamato commanded

Takuya was hacking the first gate it had the weakest deference he also manipulated the cameras to repeat the same images from an hour ago. 'naive' someone said as they Takuya hacking skills'

"Done" "ok move out Miyako take higher ground support, Red-tails and Ryouta are you ready"

"Misaki: Do we have to really do this its embarrassing...but for Ryouta and Souichi Sensei!"

The girls then put a mic that would be heard throughout the Kotoura base. They played

{Ai no scenario-honeyworks} a new song created by Ryouta. 'good but they lack experience'

Within the Kotoura estate in a bedroom, Haruka heard the sound and heard Ryouta voice and she went out but her grandfather prevented her from going out

***Haruka Kotoura POV***

Ever since that day in school grandfather won't allow me to go to school. He says Ryouta is bad to be around. I was shocked because I thought Ryouta was a great person, but grandfather has never hurt me so... Ryouta must be a bad person.' tears fell down

I hear lots of exploding which are scary and people are going all over the place... what is going on?

Haruka: Mom grandfather" I look for them I see a bunch of people running out

Grandfather: Haruka-kun stay inside ok."

I nod to my grandfather as he starts yelling at people ... he's scary right now.

What's that light


Kazuma family?? As in Kazuma Ryouta?? NO it can't be...

Then I hear music huh isn't that Ryouta voice. wait he's telling me I'm wrong and too come to the window on the top floor. I run there and then I hear lots of noises I look out I see a bunch of bald people over powering a girl with a long Spear thing? she's doing well but dogs come out of the ground and start attacking her. then I see a big kid fighting that man who has a scary tattoo on his back. the scary guy is beating up the big kid. but the kid is fighting a good fight I'm surprised. but then a bunch of men comes joining him. then there is a cool nee-san who is fighting that monk surprising shes is fighting his hand to hand. he supposes to be strong too. A man is yelling out orders and moving everyone around he has a bunch of people running around at the same time using tricks. and now What I see Ryouta and A guy with a bandana running through and grandpa they're fighting grandpa but then huh what happen. is that a robot what it's attacking Ryouta friends? what one of Ryouta friends is being attacked... they're all on the ground but Ryouta disappeared I'm looking all around I don't see them and grandpa men look like they're about to kill the men maybe I can do something what's going on...

***Third Person***

"well they did good for a bunch of kids. Yanji is the only one who made it"

"its Ryouta and of course"

"I guess its time lets help these kids outs

"What a pain"

In the Kazuma base

"ahh what should I do I I can no that wont work. what no a robot. Hey can you hear me. no response. What can I do umm I can no that wont work.." Takuya was panicking then a message appeared on his phone

"Hey nice hack but made lost of basic mistakes one is never go wireless unless you have****** also you didn't **** you should have encrypted all your friends faces so it wont notice them. you also didn't*****. it went on for pages then a picture calling sign said I will handle the rest so don't worry.

A man was plugged into the Kotoura network doing insane hacking. he easy fixes the mistakes Takuya made and even hacked into the robot this person is Takuya father Itaru Hashida code name the Super hacker

another locating Kazuko is trying to defend and avoid all the dogs and bald men but then she slips and a messy light color hair woman comes by saying

"he was right making sense that they would have dogs with that armor so the dogs wont bite them

"watch out," Kazuko said as the dogs run at her but the woman puts out a tray of food real fast and had a bowl for all the dogs...'where did those plates come from' dogs run to the food and eat like it is their last meal then the woman walks over to the men with a cooking knife and with a slice cuts all the armor off and the men pass out..

Kazuko blanks and thewoman was gone and the woman had a note saying Homemade scooby stew made with ***** then a voice saying it wasn't much"

Kazuko: was I imagining things?"

The messy light color hair woman was of course Yukihara Tamako father of Soma and Ryouta. Master

Miyako is unconscious on the ground a fake Takuya attacked her then suddenly right when the fake Takuya was going to kill her a woman came up behind her and put a needle on the fake neck and the fake lost all body control and passed out

the woman healed the girl and walked away saying you should know better to tell the difference between your loved ones and a fake. Smell hearing voice tone many signs you failed to notice well your still young.

the woman walked away as Miyako was started to wake up that woman was Fujiko Mine, Miyako mother who was supposed to be dead. called the queen of thieves/tricksters

At that time Gakuto was sent flying through a tree and losing consciousness then a man with a bear scar on his chest came and easily knocked all of them out...

"oh I'm used to life and death fights to those who go against me. Your fighting is like a bunch of clowns. come to my ring and I'll show you how a true man fight be warned I'm the world champ.

the man said overall the 'dead' bodies (not dead but they felt like they did when he punched them)

He looked at Gakuto and shook his head before walking away "Its not suited for the weak hearted you still have a long way to go" he said as he walked away

That man was Takamura Mamoru the father of Gakuto code-named the almighty Japanese Hawk

At another location a man is about to stab Yamato when someone shoots the knife away.

"who are... it's you no wonder everything has gone astray...I guess it will be my lost

"So are you just leaving? without a fight how pathetic."

"No way I don't want to be enslaved by you... don't think I don't know...well next time I won't lose"

Shogo walked away "you aren't going to protect your friends"

Shogo stopped and looked at the masked man and said you and I both have the same ideas I just want japan to be number one while you gave up on japan... zero."

The masked man looked at the boy and said" You can't be outsmarted you always have to be the smartest person in the room or you will lose what you care most about" the masked man walked away

The masked man was the man now known as Naoe Kagekiyo the father of Yamato and code name was Zero.

Momo was still fighting but losing her body was too small she couldn't out power him when right then an old man come by and punch the monk out.

Momo was losing consciousness but she said "grandpa?" before passing out

the old man was Hayato Fūrinji the strongest master of the Ryōzanpaku Dojo. a Legendary Master martial artist, undefeated elder. Momo and Kazuko's grandfather code name The Invincible Superman.

inside the estate Zenzo is about to kill Cap when a man wearing a cap comes in and stand in front of him and you hear "ATATATATATATAT " Zenzo then is seen across the room half dead and then the man with a hat says let me write you a recite for the damage on the paper it said F you. he looks at the boy and says well what a drag and moves him from the area.

that man was Jotaro Kujo Cap's father code name JoJo

As for Ryouta. He jumped through the window Haruka was in she was shocked because he came out of nowhere.

"Safe" Ryouta said with a box in metal container in his hands

Haruka: Ryouta?"

Ryouta: Yo sorry Im late had trouble going through the front door"

Then Haruka ran and hugged him. Ryouta was shocked but hugged her back. but then after a second Ryouta remembered he was low on time

Ryouta: hey bring me to your mother"

Haruto: she was in her room packing for something"

Ryouta: I understand hurry come on"

Haruka was confused but showed her the way

Haruka: mommy this is a friend of mine"

The woman looked at her daughter like she was disgusted of her.

Ryouta then pulled out his knife and said with a little fear "come with me "

The mother for the first time felt fear like if she didn't listen he would kill her. she heard stuff was happening outside and considering that he...She didn't have a good relationship with her father, in fact, she hated him so his life meant nothing but she was afraid of hers and....

"ye yes sir."

Ryouta: Haruka hold her hand while we go to the kitchen.

She did and then they went into the kitchen and he told them to sit down.

Still fearing for her life as Ryouta started cooking something she asked

Haruka mother: are you going to kill us"

Ryouta: Kill you...?no I'm a chef so I cook...but I am going to make you a meal something that will make you value your daughter"

Ryouta: said and continue his cooking at fast speed like a god of cooking no for the mother Kimiko he looked like a demon.

then he presented the food to them in a silver container "This meal will make you regret your words and actions of the past and make you want to take your daughter with you as you leave.then bam steam was released as he opened the silver container and Kimiko and Haruka looked at the food and shocked. they had the best food growing up but this food was a different level. is this really a boy

{Kimiko POV}

The boy telling me to change my ways. that I take this girl with me? Who does he thank he's talking to this daughter no this monster is nothing to me she ruined my life. What can he cook that would make me change my mind is her stupid. then he comes with food in covered by a silver container. I'm nervous for some reason and he removed the container and it's my no our favorite meal I used to make before when I was happy. I look at this boy... is he really a boy how did he know...he then goes grabs a Violin out of nowhere and plays a song

Chiisana Tenohira: Riya

I and that girl take a bite and what this feeling I think of all my life. how happy I was when I was pregnant how I was worried that she would suffer in the future. I knew I had to be strong but I was alone no I was never alone I had my daughter. I didn't want her to suffer. when she was born I was so so very happy. I felt like something but I didn't know what. My husband didn't love me he regretted marrying me. But I had to push on my daughter was my happiness but then she gained these powers and I knew she will suffer in the future I couldn't allow that to happen but I lost my way. Everything I do everything my heart and happiness were always hers. Why did I forget. How could I let the men in my life mess with me tears fell down

"I'm sorry""I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" "I'm sorry" I say as I hug my daughter

{Ryouta POV}

Ryouta: So it looks like you realize something right "I say after a while

Kimito: yes thank you so much umm?"She thanked me and realize she never got my name..

Ryouta: Haha its Ryouta Kazuma Ryouta"

Kazuma: How can I ever thank you without you I would have made a huge mistake"

I shake my head

Ryouta: All you have to is take good care of your daughter shes just young so what if she has powers shes your daughter first and foremost"

I then pack up and walk out

Ryouta: you should also leave this place

I put some money on the table

Ryouta: You know what type of man your father is. he wants your daughter to be his toy"

I say as I walk out the door

she runs out and asks me Who I am really

Ryouta: Oh who I am is simple" I put my case over my back without looking back holding it with my right hand over my shoulder and say, "I told you I'm Kazuma Ryouta...but my family calls me King

I then see none of the guys around but chaos is afoot... I run fast to base... Scary what the hell did you guys do.

I arrive to the base to find everyone is passed out but Takuya and ask him what happen

Takuya: well I'm not sure but we got helped" they started waking up and complained about how we lost

Ryouta: haha what are you talking about our mission was for me to get to talk with Haruka and her mother and I did and helped them so mission completed. you know the old saying it doesn't matter who wins the fight its who wins the war so.

I take out my Knife and say "Cap this is where you say something"

Cap: oh yeah*cough KAZUMA FAMILY WE DID IT'


we party the whole night...

Kazuma's family that night lost all the fights, but we still won the war. it's bitter but also sweet. we were all thinking we won't lose again. that's we swore in our heads

I was then found out by Est and Restia...and lectured by Sakura...I gave some rare alcohol I stole...borrowed from Rongrong and she passed out prior...so safe

AN: The kazuma family past arc takes place in a span of 2 years... Please rate comment and review

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