
Character of the Family

They start walking silently as Aleyn getting excited seeing every new things in her surrounding.

Roland walk in front, leading them to the place they want to go. Following the river besides them as guidance. Aleyn and her dragon mother look at every interseting things as they walk.

Her red eyes glowing as see seeing every new and recording it to her memory. The beautiful flowing river. The big looking up trees far from here. The windy place and swaying grass. Everything she sees looks very refreshing.

There was no other feeling than comfort she felt. With her adoptive father walking gallantly in front, like a walking wall, very big and strong, there is nothing she afraid of.

Even though her father was looking very big, there is more very bigger bigger thing her eyes catch. That is a mountain far from here. Soaring up into the sky. That's look quite close to her, but she knows that is not, because the mountain is very big so she is just can see it well.

"The world is very big, right?"

Her dragon mother wake her up from gawking.

After being woke up she nodded quickly. Her pure face and reaction made her dragon mother laugh gently.

"Fu fu fu, but you know, the world is even more bigger if you see it from the sky"

Her dragon mother last word made her reflectly looking up to the sky. Imagined what it would be like to see the world from up there.


The next moment Aleyn look at the dragon mother, she already fly to Aleyn front body. Aleyn reflectly raise her two palms to accomodate the dragon mother.

"It's been a moment we meet, but you haven't know your mother name, right"

Aleyn raised her eyebrows shockedly. She can't think about that before because she was very atracted of her surrounding.

"To make it easy for you, let's spell it together okay"

Aleyn nodded obediently.

"It's Eu –"

"Eu –"

"Ro –"

"Ro –"

"Pa –"


"Euyrp –"

Aleyn messed up in the full name. She even almost bite her own tongue. Her dragon mother – who has name Europa, holding her laugh with her tiny dragon hands.

While her human child regret her failure, Europa raise her hand and put it to her child's cheeks as she calmed her down.

"You need to go slower, my dear. Don't worry, the name is given directly by The Life so it's quite hard to spell"

Aleyn almost dropped a drop of tears due to failure. But her mother gently stroking her cheeks as she talk.

"Even your father really bit his tongue when he first tried it"

"I'm not"

As his existence mentioned, Roland quickly respond to the mentioner words.

"As always, won't admit his funny mistake"

That's around ten years ago. Roland first meet Europa and found her dying in a cave. Then when Europa told him her name, Roland quickly spell it and failed with he's in pain as he bit his tongue.

"That rendezvous was really beautiful and funny at the same time"

Europa muttered as she look back at their first encounter. Put her hand at her cheeeks as it begin to make her feel good.

But that beautiful moment only passed for a moment. The moment broke when Aleyn quietly getting interested in the story.

"You curious?"

Aleyn nodded quickly at that answer. But..

"You must spell your mother correctly first"

Aleyn quite disappointed at that point. Still she must do that first, correctly this time.

"Mommy will guide you, so you have to do your best, okay"

Aleyn understand what her dragon mother says, but a words made her curious about what it means. She even muttered it once, and that's atracted her mother and father attention.



Europa respond and do the same as her human child glance in curiosity.

For the father that before doesn't care about what his wife (?) and adoptive daugther, he quickly walk to them and broke the moment.

"Hey-hey, stop, just father and mother is okay"

His dragon wife and daugther puzzled at the first time he's quite getting upset. Then when his dragon wife knows what's the problem now, she become more interested.

"Aa, I see"

Europa put her hand on her chin and nodded as she know what she is doing. And that words of understand made Roland worried.

"Yes, this is your mommy and daddy"

Roland tap his face as Europa said it. The things that Roland worried about.

"Mommy and daddy?"

"Yes, my dear. That's the same as father and mother but in a more intimate call"


Aleyn surprised in excited.

"Mommy!" she said while looking at her dragon mother, then turn at Roland and said "Daddy!"

Roland surprised at his beautiful cute looking face daughter as she said that. As the respond, he is just turned his face to what he was and walked.

"Are you blushing?"

"No, I'm not"

Europa getting excited when Roland act like that. But there is someone who worried if she did something wrong.

Aleyn ran close behind his father and said.

"I'm sorry. If you didn't want it, I won't do that again"

She said while bowing her face in guilty. Her dragon mother even shocked when, for the first time she talked smoothly. Unfortinately, she talked like that in guilty way.

"Roland~ you made your cute daughter cry here"

After she apologizing Aleyn just stood still. Her dragon mother patting her head while confincing her father to calm her down.

Roland stopped his feet and stratching his head before she walk closer to his daughter.

After they stood face to face, Roland put his big hand in his daughter bowing head. Pat it gently and said.

"I'm sorry, but that's okay. I just have to get used to it"

He stopped patting and smiled. His daughter lift up her head and see her father didn't mad at her.

As the respond, Aleyn smiled to. The smiled is so pure and she even narrowing her eyes as she do that.

Roland stunned in surprised. For his dragon wife, she lift up her hand and start pinched her human daughter.

"Aaaa, you are so cuuutee~"

The pinch was quite painful but in happier way.

"Mommy, that's hurt"

Aleyn hands hold her mother body and she can't do nothing to stop her excited mother.

"Aaaaaa, you are even cuter when you call me mommy!"

Europa getting more excited and pinch her daughter even hard.

"Hey, stop that, you hurt her"

Roland stopped his dragon wife with lift her up from his neck skin. Like lifting a cat.

After that they have a face to face when Roland lift up Europa on his face position.

"Roland, honey"


"I once said don't lift me up like a cat while in this tiny form, right"

"O siet – Aw!"

Europa whips Roland's face with her tail. Roland at first want to release Europa before she do that, but it was to late. Now there is two red scars on his face.

Europa gently fly to her daughter shoulder and perched like she did before.

"You did that twice and twice the punishment" she said as seen Roland in cruel way.

Roland can't argue with that because they already have an approval on lifting Europa in her tiny dragon form. He can only stroke his cheeks where is in pain.

In that quite problematic moment, a tickled laughing voice coming from a cute little girl.

Aleyn laughed amused by covering her mouth with both hands. She can't hold it when her mother mad at her father in a cute funny way.

For her dragon mother and human father, they are just silently let her laugh in happiness. With both smile in happiness too.

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