
Saved By A Lone Raven

"Hannah mother fucking Bloodrose, hurry up if you take too long we'll get caught in the rain"

"Since when is that a bad thing? let the rains of the Twilight goddess wash us" the girl said with a smile as she continued to try on clothes in the store, Hannah went to purchase her clothes just as the rain started to fall, she looked at her friends and laughed her bright green eyes sparkling as she looked at them "you guys are too stuck up, come on, it's just some water"

The girls opened their umbrellas, suddenly they heard a loud rumble and looked up, it wasn't just raining it was a storm and that thunder made them want to run back inside the store but Hannah didn't let them she kept on walking, suddenly just as they reached the corner the lightning struck a nearby beast prison and the midnight beast rushed into the street.

They tried to rush back to the sidewalk to hide in the doorway of a building but Hannah tripped, her friends looked on horrified, not sure what to do as she bit her lip and resigned herself to her fate but right before the animals hit, she felt herself get tugged at violently and yanked in another direction, , before she knew it, she was sitting behind someone on a motorcycle, he pulled up to the girls and handed Hannah over to them, they all stared at him in awe.

The man had bright red eyes, black wavy hair that stopped at his shoulder and a black, metal half mask covering the lower half of his face, black pants black boots a black shirt and dark red Leather jacket, he quickly sped off on his bike and took out his katana, he rode up to the front of the heard and cut the head off one of the beasts in a clean swipe, drawing the attention of the others, he led them outside the city where they scattered into freedom.

"Who was that? he was hot"

"You just saved by a mysterious man who saved the city with just a motorbike and a katana"

"This day could not possibly get any stranger"

[Later that day]

"Father, I swear, don't you think if I knew who he was I would want to thank him? but he had a mask on unless I see him again there's no way to find out wh- THAT'S HIM"

She ran off and called out to a man getting on his motorcycle "WAIT WAIT! I WANT TO TALK TO YOU"

The man looked at her with a strange expression and sat on his bike as he waited for the girl to reach him, following close behind her was a man that appeared to be in his later years, although his physique did not represent that and a beautiful woman of middle age

"Ohh, you're the idiot that decided to walk through a storm and run on the wet ground during a stampede" he glanced over "How can I help you?"

"you're still wearing the mask? I thought you only wore it to conceal your identity, whatever that doesn't matter, I wanted to thank you for saving my life"

"Don't thank me, I didn't save you for your gratitude, now if you'll excuse me, this was my last day in this city"

"WAIT, young man, you clearly like your privacy but can I trouble you to at least take off your mask to enjoy a meal with my family as thanks? my conscience would not allow me a decent rest if we did not thank you properly"

The man on the bike hesitated for a second before he got off the bile, extended his hand to the man and said "Raven, Raven Kataclysm"

The man shook his hand with a smile and said "Jericho Dark, the lovely lady next to me is Felicity, my wife and this little thing is our daughter Kelsey, I am the city lord here"

The escorted him to their villa, where a young and arrogant guard stopped him, two spears pointed at his throat "Hand over the sword" the arrogant young man said coldly

"Try and take it from me"

In that instant, he unsheathed the sword and cut the tow spears in half as he put the sword back, grabbed both broken spears and swept the two guards feet, then he turned to the arrogant young man and pointed the sword at his throat "Never threaten me again if you want to keep your tongue"

seeing this, the City lord and his family were shocked but they did not stop him, the young and arrogant man did indeed have no right to take his sword since he was personally being escorted in by the city lord

After being escorted inside, a young maid arrived to take his jacket "Be careful, I have numerous blades hidden in that jacket, don't hurt yourself" The maids face paled and she started to hold the jacket more delicately "You have weapons hidden in your jacket?" the city lord looked at him curiously "my boots also have blades in them, I spend a lot of my time outside of the major cities and after a while I got tired of Bandits, if you'd like I can remove them before going further"

"No, No, no need, I trust yo-"

"YOU!" a voice called out from behind them "Where the hell did you disappear to last month?"

the young woman had bright green eyes and wavy black hair that stopped at her shoulder and was swept more to one side of her head than the other

"You know and Raven know each other Kalista?" Kelsey widened her eyes

"No, he saved me, Rouxian, James and an entire village last month and he ran off before we could thank him"

"He's the one that saved me yesterday"

"I see so your family seems to be a magnet for trouble" Raven shook his head as he sighed "Raven Kataclysm, nice to meet you

"A handshake? after what you did for me, screw that" she hugged him tightly

"Darling, what did he do? You don't even treat us like that" Felicity was shocked almost speechless

"I humiliated him in the village and slapped him, thinking that he was a pervert who wore a mask to hide his identity when he did despicable things, I kept doing this, even as we were in a bar, causing him to get kicked out but then when some men from the bar dragged me out to--- to do awful things to my body, I screamed and he came, the men offered to let him get first shot at me, according to their words but instead he just walked overkilled them and gave me his jacket to cover myself"

Everyone's eyes widened "You- May I ask where your parents are, I feel like they need to be thanked for raising someone like you"

"My parents didn't raise me, don't waste your time, if you wanna thank the people who raised me, feel free to thank the Mythic forest"

"You were raised by the Mythic creatures? you just got more interesting" City Lord Jericho smiled and talked to the maid before turning to everyone "dinner is ready"

When they got to the dining room, Kalista insisted on sitting next to Raven so she was seated on the right of the end of the table, with the city lord at the next table head directly across from Raven"

"Dad, I see we have a guest aren't you going to introduce us?" a young man spoke up

"Ahh yes, Raven, this is my only son, Lewis and his fiance, Samantha Parkins, you two, this is Raven Kataclysm, he's the man that saved Kalista and the village she was at and also Kelsey yesterday"

"Ahh it's nice to meet you" Lewis bowed and smiled, Samantha only glared at him "what decent man wears a ma-"

"Samantha, be careful, I said those words and he still helped me"

"I wear a mask for.. reasons, taking it off for this diner is only a tiny exception and, I trust that it won't leave this room"

with that, he slowly removed his mask and everyone gasped, the man was truly breathtaking, then he smiled and everyone saw why he used the mask, he was stunning however he had two very obvious fangs

"FREAK!" Samantha exclaimed loudly and everyone glared at her "how can you be so disrespectful;?" The city lord was angered as he looked at her

"I should probably leave, it seems my presence here is unwanted" he got up, put his mask back on and bowed "thank you for the offer"

"wai-" before he could finish those words, Raven had already left the dining room"

"You stupid bitch" Felicity wanted to slap her hard "He saved your sister in laws lives and even agreed to trust us about his mask, you not only insulted him, but you also humiliated him"

"he was a fucking freak, he had fangs, he wasn't human, on top of that I bet he only saved them so he could toy with them"

Felicity hastily explained everything they had learned thus far, leaving out not a single detail

"Kalista quickly, try to catch up to him, it seems he has the best impression of you" Lewis was very decisive and quickly urged her, just as Raven got his jacket back from the maid and was about to leave Kalista wrapped her arms around him and pulled him back inside "Wait, before you leave, come back, we punished Samantha, her status was stripped and she was sent to the dungeon, the rest of us aren't like her, we won't judge you like that"

Just then the rest of her family also came forward "young man, may I ask how old you are?" The City Lord was adamant on forming a good relationship with Raven

"I'm twenty I think, truthfully I don't know my birthday but the Mythic forest creatures said I was a newborn when they found me which was twenty years ago"

"twenty, hmm, tell me, would you be willing to take Kalista with you? I want her to train to become as strong as you and since she's taken such a liking to you, this is a good way to get closer"

"With all due respect city lord, my home resides in the mythic forest and they do not take kindly to outsiders if I took your daughter with me, I would not be able to return home or even get their support until she was strong enough, in this case, is this not inconvenient for me?

"That I understand, however, if you do this for me, I would be willing to compensate you since you won't be able to get support, you will have mine"

"Okay, fine, I'll go buy a second helmet so she doesn't die"

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