
17. Strange creatures

All the happenings of the night assured her of one thing; the rumours that ocean city harbored other creatures was somehow true. Unfortunately for her she had to be an eyewitness to such absurdity.

"Where do you think you are going?" The voice she recognized and dreaded spoke sending chills down her back till her heart begged to be set free from it's cage. But she would be damned if she showed the emotions that coerced through her which could be lined up from fear to panic.

She knew just how she could mask her fear her father had thought her this. He would say. Gloria wear a mask till it becomes your face. So when you look in the mirror you know no difference between your face and the mask. If you can't recognize yourself Gloria, no one will.

"Where else will I be going? Home of course. I will assume you don't know the laws but kidnapping someone is a crime. You should keep that in mind when you want to take another woman." Gloria eyed him. Her heart was beating so fast it threatened to burst out from her chest but there was no emotion evident on her face.

"My father is a soldier and a retired sheriff, I don't think he would appreciate you kidnapping his daughter. He can be quite merciless when he's pissed and I won't want you to see that side of him.

So here is what we are going to do, you let me go and I promise not to say a word about this sordid encounter. Deal?" She asked cocking a brow.

She was so scared but her voice and facial expression Luckily didn't give her away. She had learnt how to control them to sooth her lies. She really hoped that he would fall prey to her threats and let's her go, even though in her heart of hearts she knew the possibility that he would was very low.

"You do well to hide your fears, Gloria. That's good I'm impressed but you should know who is the boss around here, daddy's girl. Its either you find it hard to process what's going on or your mind is building a defense to keep the truth out. I dare say you live in a bubble and you need me to burst it and burst it I'll."

He eyed her lustfully, his canines finding it's way out. He was taunting her with a smirk, rubbing it on her face that he had the upper hand between them. Although he didn't know for how long he would remain at the top.

He was losing his control. Becoming mad, becoming vicious, intense craze coerced through him. This woman was bringing out Something in him that he had tried so hard to bury and he won't let her. He can't. These emotions did not belong to him. They were alien, forbidden, bad.

He didn't know why it was that she appealed to him. If it was because of who she was as his mate or who she was as a person he couldn't tell. But he loved he bravery. It was rare to see such bravery in humans even amongst wolves.

"Bubble. You are the one living in a bubble from what I see here not me." She paused. The more she spoke the braver she became. The more her confidence came back the better she could recognize the real Gloria. The Gloria who would not be broken.

"In Ocean city" she continued moving close to him with each words, this time she was the daunting one." You kidnap a girl when there are thousands out there who can give you what you want. Who as a matter of fact would willingly call you master but you want to break one. I still wonder how it is you think, maybe with your dick, nah! you know what? I don't think you think at all." She scoffed.

She was now so close to him, his smell pulled her closer. She couldn't believe that she was lusting over a monster but she was.

She looked up to meet his eyes and then She he did what he never expected, something no one had ever done. Something that shocked him and sent him into a reverie so high he moaned out, his body betraying him.

She grabbed his dick. Long thick and warm in her hands. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Haven't you considered that I may already be broken or does your mind process things so slow it doesn't consider other options than what it wants to believe. So now tell me who is in a bubble and who holds the pin." She taunted.

Her head which was so close to his neck now made him shiver. When she whispered her breathe on his neck made him want to shove himself in her so hard she kept shut.

His heart started to beat at a now alarming rate his body responding so much to her touch in earnest betrayal to his mind. Her hand on him was a steady inflammation.

His mind was recoiling and his heart and body taking pleasure until a knife stabbed him. A knife stab he remembered all too vividly it was like it was buried deep in his heart. But it was in his mothers. His beloved mother who didn't love him.

His mind came back in a rush of anger, he pushed her hands away from him and shoved her to the wall behind him. "Who do you think you are! What the hell do you think you are doing?" He bellowed and she staggered. His eyes were now a light yellow with a mixture of red like the color of the car headlight and his grip on her hard, very hard.

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