
Radiant Adventurer’s Necklace

"Shit! Brother!"

Michael grinned as he immediately bolted towards Surging Tide, and delivered a powerful kick on Surging Tide's abdomen.

Spartan Kick

A powerful kick that knocks the target back and dealing 160% physical damage. Causes knockback, and a stun for one second.

Mana: 50 Mana

Cooldown: 7 seconds


Surging Tide eyes bulge as he was pushed back from the force of the kick, and Michael immediately followed after him, and started attacking him with a flurry of normal attacks.

Surging Flames wanted to help him but Tina and the two pets had already locked him down, preventing him from providing any help, but because of this, Surging Wind was able to move towards where Michael and Surging Tide is, and enter the attack range of a Hunter.

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