
New path

Shen xiu and Ninger are in my kamui realm busy cultivating.I visit them every week.

So I am gathering knowledge about yggdrasil from different sources now.After all knowledge is power especially in yggdrasil.

1 month later

Now the whole world is playing yggdrasil.You can call it yggdrasil fever.Recently my system gave me my new mission and that is to become world champion.

Hmm come to think of it I wish to become a mage build but that keeps my physical powers weak and not able to use melee weapons normally.If I have this job class I can without any thought follow my goal.

Also when we will go to new world I will have magic and melee's both of the best jobs in the game.

I also learning many secrets I didn't know about the game.I also found out about a glitch as in the if I die I will only lose some level not my skill points.So I made good use of it.

Now at the beggining of the I don't have much so even if I loose some of my items I don't care.

So without any other thought I went to grind as now my status is




Racial level:- True vampire(10)

Job level:-Master of death(5)




PHY. ATK.-100

PHY. DEF.-100


MAG. ATK.-100

MAG. DEF.-100




But some reason it doesn't work after my total status reached 1000.If I die now my all ofstatus will become half of what it is now.

Later I found out that As the dev's are checking for glitches so they fixed it.

but I have system to hide me with cost of 5000sp

which I did when I first came to game.

But the problem is I don't know what exactly is the next evolution of true vampire so I went on a new hidden quest I got from the elder lich that lives in the grave I also live.

It took me to the Asguard but its almost impossible for me to enter there as I am a hetromorph.So what I did was control a human player in real world and manipulated him to take me into Asguard where I planned for my mission.

Which would have been impossible for me if it was not for my status.But I still played cautiously

as I made a deal with Jormungandar to open a gate for him in asguard to kill thor.

After that at middle of the night I entered thor's temple and just bellow thor's chamber i opened a portal for Jormungandar to attack Thor.As I know if I attacked a god in asguard my attack will lose 50% of its capability.

As the battle started between then whole city was on full alert.This amazing battle went for 3 days but on a lone island I can see both of them are tired on their last breath.

I then decided this is my chance.So I sneaked behind them and my newly bought Samuel's blood laced blade behind Jormungandar's back and pierced through his heart.

As he died the look of shock in his face is freaking delicious.

As Thor said "Thank you,young adventurer for your assistance,Can you take me to my temple?"

I can see it will start a new quest but why should I care for a quest when I already got what I wanted so i Shoved my blade through his chest as his death bed he understood I am not a human garbage.

But I didn't waste a second and took both of Jormungandar and Thor's bodies and items with me and left that place so fast.I didn't even notice the my mission completion music.

After returning to helheim I calmed down a little and all around the Yggdrasil it is announced that anyone who has quest related to Thor is cancelled.

You must be thinking what I doing like this. Although I don't know what my new race is.But I recently got some information that to reach level I will need the heart,blood and skeleton of a dragon.

So I decided to get best one out there.Dragons are rare but very powerful species.Among them strongest is True dragon which is even stronger than Ancient dragons.

So only true dragon I know is Jormungandar.I used him for my next level.

And why kill thor because killing a god will give me access to a job which is forbidden but one of the most powerful jobs.And with this job alone I can be both melee and Magic caster.I will able to cast all kinds of magics even holy ones which is outside of my racial build.And of course give me complete immunity to holy and light elements damage.With this alone I can cast all 6000 spells

in Yggdrasil.

But its requirements are very hard as to get this job 1st i have to kill a god,and 2nd is i have to be bellow level 30 when i am killing a god.

So I started to devour Jormungandar.My body also starting to change.By the time when I finished devoring him I myself transformed into a

dragon. Which is 100 feet huge with snake like blunt head and Black scales and blue flame like mark all over the body.(Aconologia dragon form)

As now my status is




Racial level:-

True vampire(10)

True Vampire Dragon(0)

Job level:-

Master of death(5)

God slayer(0)




PHY. ATK.-110

PHY. DEF.-110


MAG. ATK.-110

MAG. DEF.-110




As this happens I understood I solved another puzzle if I used low level dragon I wouldn't able to reach highest level of vampire dragon.

3 months later in tournament I fought against Touch me and won.I became world champion but it's just the beginning of my journey.

3 days later

Touch me contacted me to join his guild nines oal gown.I agreed to join so many others also joined the guild.We 41 people conquered the tomb of Nazerick and made it into our own guild.

Thus born Ainz oal gown.

Although Momonga is the guild leader I told him I won't able stay in the guild because I will be searching for my races next stage.He had no problem with it.

So let me tell you guys when we conquered Nazerick I got information that to reach next level first I must become and overlord.Many people thought that only skeleton undead can become overlord.Its not true any undead can become an overlord but what we needs are different.

Unlike elder liches to become overlord I need 3 items 1 book of dead,1 Necronomicon, and a overlord lich.

First was easily gathered but 3rd one was quite hard.Finally I found one in helhelm's one of darkest swamp I defeated it and used all of them as an ingredient to evolve into a vampire overlord.Except new status and new skills, abilities.I don't have much change in my hetromorph form.

So I left to grind it.6 months later as it finished I finally devoured Thors body to reach the next level which is Demi vampire which is equal to Mid tier gods like Thor.In this case my Human form also starting to change as my hair color becomes snowwhite.My hight increased to 8"5 feet.On my back 2 black dragon wings and my nails turned into 3 inch long black claws.But my muscles structure or my tattoo they have no change.

Now my status is




Racial level:-

True vampire(10)

True Vampire Dragon(5)



Job level:-

Master of death(5)


God slayer(5)

World champion(5)




PHY. ATK.-120

PHY. DEF.-120


MAG. ATK.-120

MAG. DEF.-120




It's been quite some time as I opened my system to check if I have new mission or something.I don't have any then I remembered I haven't collected the reward from becoming world champion quest.

As I opened the inventory pannel I got a new infamous skill "Magia erebra".

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