
Ch. 67: How'd You Get Your Scar?

A visionary?

More like a heartless killer.

Although thinking back, Iren may have a point . . . When Baymun and I talked, I had to admit that he was brilliant. He had a very smart way of thinking about things. But that doesn't mean I didn't want to curse the guy.

I couldn't stop myself from asking, "What's his dream for the future?"

Iren shook his head out of his dazed thoughts then gave a huge grin, "Ah but Ezzie, I've already answered my question! You must drink a pint for asking out of turn and disobeying the rules."

Multiple ooo's came from the group, so I grabbed a pint and downed it. Iren clapped his hands happily then said, "Since you're so eager to ask some questions, I suppose I'll let you be next once you answer mine . . . Has the elusive Lady Ezran retained her chastity and if so, has there been any instances where it was almost taken away??"

Richie rolled his eyes and yawned, "Good one. Going for the 'are you a virgin' card. Real classy."

"It's his turn, he can bloody ask what he wants." Illana hissed at Richie, eagerly leaning forward to hear what I had to say.

I supposed I could've drank to avoid this question, but it really didn't bother me.

"Yes I'm still chaste. And yes there've been instances - heck Iren you were there in the torture room."

Iren sighed, "Well I know that time, but have there been any others?"

Rodair's eyes widened in anger, "How bad was it in the torture room?"

I pinched my furrowed brows, "Rodair, I killed the guy okay? It didn't get too far. And in answer to your question Iren, there've been," I counted my fingers as I thought, "About four others?"

Iren fidgeted impatiently, "Come on Ezzie, everyone else has given more info than that. Give some details."

"Sigh. Let's see . . . Out of the five total two are dead, one is crippled and another can never bear offspring." I subconsciously reached my hand to my shoulder, remembering the past. Consequently, my little whelp woke up and snuggled my neck like she could feel my discomfort.

All the guys (but Richie) shifted uncomfortably from my remark with wide eyes, unconsciously moving a hand to protect their genitals.

"So did the other guy you killed have you chained or something? Why didn't you escape?" Illana asked, she seemed very interested.

I guess everyone else got to ask follow-up questions . . . Apparently my 'backstory' was too vague for their tastes.

"No. He didn't get too far either - he happened upon me while I was sleeping in the barracks at the Bodach Palace. It just so happened that the following day we were put in the arena for the fight-to-the-death entertainment."

"But weren't you disguised as a man at that time?" Iren asked with a disgusted look on his face.

"Yep. Dude was sick."

"Eww." Both Iren and Toval made noises of disapproval.

"Tell everyone more. Why did m'lady spare the fifth person?" Rodair's brows furrowed and he looked curious.

I shot an uneasy glance at Richie as I fiddled with my shoulder again, "After crippling the first man and badly injuring the second, my family was rather upset that I was infringing on their 'business'. So I chose to spare the last fellow - he did get a beating though. Just nothing too permanent."

Illana's beautiful eyes looked at me touching my shoulder and the whelp's constant nuzzling, "Were you punished for not allowing those men to harm you?"

I immediately dropped my hand as Richie looked over at me with worried eyes. He knew my history - he was the one to bandage me up after the whippings. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and joked, "Ah well if I was, apparently it didn't do much good for the other two guys, am I right?"

They gave a light chuckle, each taking a swing of alcohol for asking too many follow-up questions. Kovin was still looking my way with a strange gaze. Since it was my turn to ask the last remaining person, I was quite pleased to be able to finally ask Kovin what plagued my mind.

"How'd you get your scar?" I asked with beaming eyes.

Kovin chuckled slightly, the strange look gone, then raised a pint downing it easily. Hellfire, this fellow really wouldn't let me know!

"Next question."

I grunted in disapproval, nevertheless I asked the other question that weighed on my mind, "Okay, how or more like why did you choose to join Baymun?"

Everyone leaned in to hear the answer, so Kovin obliged, "To tell the tale, I guess I need to give you a little of my personal background - Try not to jump in excitement Ezran," We laughed then he continued, "I used to be an assassin for a very lucrative group. Keep in mind this was not by choice . . . I was given a task to eliminate a target which happened to be a newborn child. Needless to say I refused. Doing so caused my clan to sell me off to an arena where I was forced to fight in order to survive."

"Lord Baymun happened to be passing through one night with a small group of soldiers because they'd heard of the slave trading. That evening I was asked to fight an unarmed woman. I've killed many people, but I will not fight someone who can not even defend themselves. I refused and was immediately subjected to ultimate humiliation in front of the entire audience. M'lord saw this spectacle and intervened by eliminating all of the leaders controlling the arena and anyone else who dared to oppose. He introduced himself and told me that I was one of the most honorable, strong people he'd ever met. He asked if I'd like to join his side and I swore my fealty to him that night . . ."

Kovin was quiet for a moment then looked right in my eyes, his scar gruesome in the firelight, "He saved me from a life of hell. I owe him everything - He gave me honor, purpose, friendship, a reason to fight . . . I would lay down my life to protect him without a moment's hesitation. I will follow him until my dying days."

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