
Ch. 62: A Mother's Love Is Blind?

The butler was obviously very nervous from all the bloodshed, nevertheless he grabbed a set of keys and started opening the cells. Small soldiers came pouring out spitting grievances until we went to the very last cell where the soldiers claimed the Princess was being kept.

I could hear a small delicate voice crying from inside the cell and became worried. What if the thugs did harm such a renowned beauty? I mean, that Kraz fellow was a brutish pervert, I bet the rest of the scoundrels were no better. I quickly made my way to the cell and looked in on the Princess. What I saw gave me a shock . . . From what the Queen said I was expecting a comely young woman, but umm I hated to speak ill of any female, but honestly she wasn't very pretty.

The poor girl had a stocky figure with oily unkempt hair and skin, acne riddled scars on her young face, buck teeth and a unibrow. Her nose was squished-in reminding one of a pig snout and her ears were protruding from the side of her face. I couldn't help but wonder if we were mistaken - perhaps a maid had gotten kidnapped instead? Did the thugs take the Princess away before escaping? Yet the girl did look similar to the Queen though . . .

My doubts were dispelled when the butler heaved a sigh of relief, "Thank heavens Crown Princess - you are alright! Your mother and father will be so thankful! Did the ruffians hurt you m'lady?"

With wide eyes I looked over at Iren and his mouth was hanging open. Apparently I wasn't the only one confused by the Queen's flattering description of her daughter. I suppose a mother's love is blind?

The Princess' delicate voice drifted faintly, "No, they didn't touch me thankfully. I've been in here for so long though, why didn't anyone come to rescue me sooner?" Her buck-toothed mouth made a small pout.

"I apologize m'lady - the Bodach Empire has appeared and was able to help us out in this dilemma. Come, we must bring you back to your mother and father."

I quickly shook my head, ridding myself of the initial shock as we made our way back to the throne room. We made sure to carry along the unconscious thug to get some answers later.

Once we arrived, the Queen and Princess had a heartfelt (gag-worthy) reunion. I looked around and noticed that the cleaning staff were most efficient; there were no remnants of a gruesome battle except for a few unsightly maids still cleaning up some blood off the stone floor. The King sat down in an illustrious golden throne engraved with diamonds and sapphires as the Queen and Crown Princess sat next to him in smaller thrones. I hadn't noticed before, but the throne room was quite eye-catching; the stone floors and walls were engraved with intricate gems making the entire place seem wondrous and foreboding.

The King immediately got down to business, "Which of you are in charge?"

I stepped forward, "I am your highness. My name is Ezran of Eurosia, current Champion of the Bodach Empire. My compatriots are Prince Iren, Sir Kovin, Sir Toval, and Lord Rodair along with some of our esteemed soldiers. We originally came to negotiate terms of peace." I gestured to each man as I introduced them.

The King's beady eyes narrowed as he pulled at his mutton chop, "You, Lady Ezran, are the one they wanted. Why have you brought trouble here?"

I blinked my eyes in confusion, "I'm sorry m'lord but I don't even know of the group that held you captive."

Iren raised his chin, "If I may your highness, the Bodach Empire wasn't aware that our Champion had a target on her back. We're just as appalled as you are under the circumstances - even more so due to the fact that our army was welcomed with open arms and immediately deceived. If I may ask, how did this group of bandits infiltrate your magnificent and impenetrable kingdom?"

The King was visibly uncomfortable with the deception and impenetrable remarks, "One of our own sold us out and the bandits were stowed away in a trusted storage caravan. Before we had a chance to realize what had happened, we were overrun. They've been here for a week, taking my lovely daughter hostage while waiting for this Lady Ezran. From what we surmise, their leader wanted to capture her and should've been on his way here once they successfully subdued her. They knew the Bodcah Empire was being led by Lady Ezran and that your army would be heading this way. It was well thought out."

The King addressed everything to Iren and barely gave me a second glance. He was obviously really peeved that I was the underlying reason as to why his kingdom was infiltrated.

Kovin stepped forward, "Is the leader here yet m'lord?"

"Not that I'm aware of." The King replied.

"Where would the remaining bandits take off to?" Kovin asked diplomatically. They had to still be here somewhere, right?

The King looked heavenward with a sight, "They've probably taken the royal escape tunnel. When they first came here, they demanded the schematics of the entire fortress. Obviously we had to obey since my precious daughter was within their clutches. They've been using the tunnel to filter in more recruits inconspicuously. The tunnel leads out to the Geodofan lands."

He turned and ordered his troops to go check out the tunnel and I ordered our men to follow. I wasn't sure how many more of the thugs were left, but the Masons might need help.

"Do you know the name of the group or leader m'lord?" Iren asked.

The King shook his head, "No. They wouldn't grace us with that information. I see you've got one of their thugs in tow, perhaps he can be of some assistance?"

We looked over at the unconscious man as one of our soldiers from earlier came in and saluted me, "Lady Ezran. We have successfully surveyed the fortress and haven't located any rementant of the enemy."

I nodded then dismissed the soldier. Looking back up at the King, I tried to think of the right words to say, "M'lord I greatly apologize for having been the reason your Kingdom was invaded. I'm unaware of the enemy that has caused this offense, however we WILL get to the bottom of this and if you'll allow us, we will guarantee your lands are left unharmed in the future."

With a heavy sigh the King said deeply, "I'm not sure what to think about this entire matter. We've never been in an alliance with the Bodach Empire, and honestly I can't tell if this is all an elaborate ruse to have us join in a treaty. However, this man here," He nodded his head to Kovin, "Did everything in his power to keep my wife and me safe. That's gotta mean something . . . I do know that our messenger and butler informed your party that we wanted to meet you Lady Ezran and you three looked very surprised when the bandits introduced themselves. I can only gather that you are in earnest when you say you're unaware of this entire plot. If that is indeed the case, it would seem we owe you an apology for our part in the deception and we're very lucky that you three escaped the torture room to free us."

I gave a small smile, but the King continued sharply, "However I am still seriously displeased that my entire Kingdom was seized at the expense of such an uncomely woman. Surely you can understand the difficult position I'm in?"

Rodair grunted in displeasure as Iren leaned over to whisper, "Uncomely? Is his daughter really such a beauty?"

I almost smacked him upside his head (I feel like Richie is rubbing off on the young lad) instead I turned my attention back to the King, "I completely understand your highness. You've been placed in a compromising situation - No one can fault you for the grievances befallen your Kingdom."

Iren stepped forward with a negotiative twinkle in his eye, the insult he just threw to the Princess all but forgotten, "Perhaps the King would allow us to assist in the repair of building your Kingdom back to its renowned glory? Your tunnel will need to be demolished and a new one could be constructed, we can replenish any supplies that were consumed by the bandits and assist in any other way necessary. In the meantime, we could work together to find the leader of this group and bring them to justice."

The King sat and pondered the idea for a moment then asked, "I assume you'll want a treaty in compensation?"

Iren held out his hands graciously, "This would simply be a token of goodwill. Once everything is repaired and replenished, we can discuss a treaty, however there'll be no obligation to do so."

The King widened his eyes in appreciation while nodding in approval, "Very well! We'll allow access to the Bodach Empire for the following month - It shouldn't take more than that. We are very grateful for your assistance."

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