


+party chat+

xxXRose The Cat Of DoomXxx: okay i'm ready!



standing right beneath on of the walls of the Oscorp building was Rose who was wearing a black hoodie, black pants and sunglasses waiting patiently for Steve to turn on the distraction she planned.

she didnt have to wait long as an ungodly amount of fireworks were suddenly launched into the air and exploded some moments after. the fireworks just keept on going making the people ask themself if its new year already.

well the distraction worked everyone was looking at the fireworks and Rose used this fact to take out a grappling hook! (batman style) and shot it into the building.

soon the grappling hook stuck to something and she pushed a button that made her shoot straight up!

at first she wanted to use something that will make her stuck to the wall but ultimately she decided that a grappling hook is quicker.

she stopped when she was right in front of the ventilation entrance and then used a crowbar forcefully open it. at this point you are all probably thinking "why didnt she just rip it off with her bare hands? surely she has enough strength right?"...well the thing is that she wanted to do it "professional" and use only gadgets like in one of those spy movies

when the vent was open she entered it and started to crawl trough it while using her minimap to see where she was going.

'okay where do you think Osborn office is?'

<i would say that it is on the top of the building, just like every rich guy office in every "detective" movies>

'okay so i need to go up...'

she started to crawl and search for a way out into one of the rooms and eventually she found one. it was a storage room for the janitor there was nothing here except cleaning supplies and half eaten sandwich laying on the floor, the guy probably wanted to eat something quicly but he didnt managed to because of work

when she got into a room Rose took out a little black ball with a small button on in. she then proceeds to push the button and wait....


the little ball glowed blue and made a weird buzzing sound before it let out a force of blue energy, however Rose just Shrugged it off and lightly opened the door, just enough to see if there was someone in the corridor. when she saw that nobody was there she quickly left the room and run down the hallway

on the way she saw some cameras but she didnt bother because the little ball that she used earlier was a device that send an electromagnetic pulse that made every electric thing in the building useless

she hide in the corners or jump and stay on the ceiling with the help of Death who was now in a shape of a military knife to stay out of sight. at some point in one dark room she just stood in the corner and it worked...if not for the fact that there was no electricity she would be doomed

'an elevator'

it was true in front of her was an entrance to an elevator.

<i assume you want to go up by climbing the elevator shaft?>

'yup buy me a 3 knifes! a mythrill ones!'

after she got the knifes she tied two of them to her feet and then opened the elevator entrance, when she was done she jumped at the wall and all 4 knifes (2 in hands and 2 on her feet) pierced the walls and she started to climb as high as she could

when she got at the highest floor she opened the elevator entrance once again and went in but after looking at her minimap she realize that this in not the highest floor yes as there are some stairs leading even higher a couple of rooms away


the electricity got back...

'do i have another one?'

<yea but they will be suspicious if you use it right after the power got back>

'and here i didnt want to do it with the potions...'

she grumbled a little and took out a potion from her inventory and drank it successfully becoming invisible after that it was a simple walk trough the corridors and up the stairs.

she got to the last floor, found Osborn office but when she went in...

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* (A/N: three times again! OH NO WE ARE DOOMED!)

the frame of the door had some kind of very light lasers and when Rose went trough them the alarm started to go off. some weird robots started to exit from a weird hidden rooms but Rose decided to just Nope out of there while taking the computer into her inventory and jump out the window breaking it in the process

Rose: i believe i can fly! *takes out a potion of levitation* i believe i can touch the sky! *drinks the potion*

after the potion effect started working she flew away in a random direction with the help of some Magic to help her move faster


only one chapter today because im a lazy piece of garbage

Chương tiếp theo