
an old wizard

Rose business was going good some adventurer's bought a couple of weapons and one even bought a armor however they didnt buy much potions although one mage that was running somewhere stopped for a second to take a look at them however he quickly left running in the distance he probably had a meeting or something like that

well anyway Rose sold some good stuff and had now 39 gold coin and 70 silver coins

and since i know that you want to know about the price of the thing she sells dont worry i will show you

short sword, tomahawk, dagger- 5 silver

sword, battle axe, -10 silver

spear, heavy battle axe, long sword- 15 silver

normal adventurer armor- 50 silver

light armor- 30 silver

heavy full body armor- 1 gold

potion of health- 5 gold

potion of strength- 10 gold

potion of harming- 10 gold

potion of swiftness- 5 gold

the one that helped the most was freya as she bought one of each potion and the remaining 9 gold that rose have was from selling the weapons and armor well the day was ending and Rose started to pack up her thing's but before she could press the button on her ring she heard a voice

???: little miss please wait!!

Rose turned around and saw the mage that was in a hurry today he was wearing a white robe he had long white hair and a shaved beard and had weird runes and symbols tattooed on his palms

Rose: yes?

???: *huff* i'm sorry for disturbing you little miss *hah* but i was wondering if *puff* would let me look at those potions that you were selling

Rose didnt say anything and showed the different kind of potions that she had in her inventory and soon enough Rose was holding 4 different potions shining in a gentle violet light

the man took the potion of swiftness and examined it closely after he was done he did the same with the other potions and asked Rose

???: little miss where did you find these potions?

Rose: i made them mister...?

the man hearing that had the same reaction as freya but he collected himself quicker he then cleared his throat and said

Harry: ah where are my manner's my name is harry! Harry Forher

N*ga what? Harry forher? what is this a harry potter rip off? was one of his parent's a transmigrated person or is it just an accident?

Rose: my name is Rose its nice to meet you

Harry: it's nice to meet you too rose can you tell me what those potions do and what did you put in to brew them?

Rose then started to explain the effect's of each potion and how long they last but when harry asked about the materials she gave him a cheeky smile and said "secret" the old man just gave her a soft laugh and said

Harry: hohoho!!(what is he Santa?) good good! a proper alchemist should always keep his secret's! hoever i would like to know if you have more potion's? i would like to buy them

Rose: i may bring some more tomorrow

Harry: i see! well then cold you save one of each kind for me and bring them to that castle over there? it's a magic school and i'm teacher there just say that harry told you to come and they will let you in and of course i will pay double the amount for the delivery!

<Rose! take the deal! with this we could unlock the terraria world tomorrow!!>

Rose: fine i accept i will come to you tomorrow

Harry: hoho! then i will be expecting you tomorrow miss rose but today i would like to buy those ones

Rose: sure! it's 30 gold coins

harry payed for the potions and left while waving his hand's to Rose with a gentle smile on his face he feels like a nice guy i like him but what rose told me about his made me a little suspicious about him

<what a nice guy right Rose?>



'he was empty...he smiled and talked in a happy tone but i could sense no emotions in him whatsoever'


beastkin have this weird sixth sense that allows them to sense the emotions of others the more strong ones like happiness sadness madness are easy to feel but the other need a little more concentration to feel but even still you could not tell them apart. "maybe she isnt skilled enough to sense them?" is what was going in my head but i still had my doubt's


a short one but hey you had a long one today too so i guess it's okay! also i will make Rose a party how much people should be in it? the minimum is 2 more people but if you guys want more just comment

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