

As though he just got electrocuted, Aidan pulled his arm off Hope's shoulder and raised both of his hands in surrender. "Calm down. I only wanted to comfort you."

Seeing the shock on Aidan's face, Hope's hard gaze softened a little bit, but her lips still pulled into a frown. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, but I am just not used to people touching my hair." She shook her head.

Yet, in contradiction, Hope liked it when Kace did that, because of the tingling feeling that erupted on her skin, giving rise to goosebumps all over her body when they made any skin to skin contact. 

"It's okay. My mistake actually." A friendly grin appeared on his lips again as he followed Hope to enter the mini market, where they just bought drinks. 

"Why don't they allow you to go out by yourself? I meant your family, you are old enough to take care of yourself." Aidan shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I had travelled to the neighboring cities when I was just eleven."


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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