
DISTANT the Galactic Chronicles

Tác giả: NeersPabs22
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The Human Exploration of the Deep Space documented digitally by the Historian. Neil Saunders, Dr. Stacey Zhou, the STASH Consortium and key individuals did their part on molding human's Galactic History that has been continuously written. From the innovative beginnings of human's space journey to all the adventurous events that took place as the universe and galaxies were explored.

Chapter 1The Humble Beginnings : Idea

This is Us Now.

People in the past were imagining what we are today.

The visionaries and futurists of yesterdays were excited to see on their minds the realization of their dreams. Yet, we are the ones who are fullfilling it.

The work of their imagination came to life.

Let us go back on some events in the last century as we understand most of the things that brought Us...


EY: 2018

(EY stands for Earth Year)

The world was presented with forerunning technologies in different forms.

Companies and StartUps from many countries gathered to showcase new technology and innovation they have developed.

Machines and devices were presented for personal and public consumption.

From mobile devices to industrial hardwares, from smart home gadgetries to company and office equipments. Technological advances were made to cater almost everyone.

The annual World Technology Convention was again held on that year and launched the 5G Network Technology.

The technology was actually expected to arrive as demand for better global inter connectivity rose during that time. What excites the tech minded people then was that the new network technology would have a ripple effect in terms of upgrade and innovation of many devices, gadgets and equipments that would have maximized the new technology's potential. And so it was.

This technology promised a very high speed internet connection across the globe that was poised to be 15 times faster than the 4G Network existing during that time.

Most of the companies all over the world that were involved in providing internet services and communication technologies, the TELCOs, have upgraded all their systems from ground up to make sure they would cope up with these technology.

Manufacturers of mobile devices also had their own "Tech Race" in upgrading their products back then. This was to make sure that consumers were lured to buy all these gadgets that they needed in their daily lives. The common people had access to this better technology and the exchanged of data from one person to another,

from one town to another,

from one city to another,

from one country to another

became seamless than ever before.

By the next few years, the 5G technology clearly showed the difference in how people communicated and exchanged information around the world.

Governments of different countries were able to tapped on these technology as well. Upgrading services that are needed by its constituents, by its people.

Though, safety and security concerns were brought up then as some were skeptic that the progress would only enslaved us because monitoring, investigating and seeking of information of an individual became easier compare to the previous years.

Yet, the advancement of communication through the upgrade of the network was seen with more pros than cons. So nothing had hindered the continuous innovation of the 5G network technology.

It was good to see how the world has became smaller and smaller because of these advances.

The Political Chaos and Riffs between nations did not stop those forward thinking people who only sees a bright future for humanity.

It did not stop there.

A fresh start just begun.

EY: 2022

The need for faster inter network connection throughout the world was brought up after the 5G technology was created.

But again as expected, the craving and satisfaction of people and companies for a better service challenged all the techminds.

Hence, the 5GMax Technology was again launched at the World Technology Convention held on that year.

Unlike the launched of 5G 4 years prior, a lot had been looked forward on this new innovation.

Aside from tripling the 5G power existing around that time, the 5GMax was poised to be a super innovation that will greatly revolutionized the way of communication and exchange of data or information back then.

Another innovation that has changed the course of history of our technological might.

Continuous advancement of the 5GMax happened in the next few years after it waz lauched as the grid of networks from every place around the world continued its upgrade as well.

Innovative gadgets, devices, machines and equipments that had been in prototype or beta phases became the norm.

Most of the Public and Private CCTVs from established and developing countries have been interconnected. It promised a more safe and secure world by using cutting edge technology in security and monitoring. The fast connection helped real time monitoring of crystal clear cameras on almost every street corner and establishments on different cities across the globe.

Electric Self Driving cars became widespread not only on 1st World countries but on most developing countries as well. The 5GMax technology helped with a better and seamless communication of these ESD cars and the sytem that handled it.

Cars, trucks, Buses and even trains were developed to be ESDs.

These bacame available for private and for public use. ESDs on mass transport system was also adopted by many cities advancing the commuting experience worldwide.

ESDs on air and seas were also developed.

ESD Taxi Drones normally hovers above cities and towns unlike before. Quickly transporting product and people from point A to point B. The 5GMax technology helped made its system run smoothly.

ESD ships and shuttle boats were also developed to transport products and people from port to port in most countries which made the travel smooth and seamless.

And many other innovations happened on different industries that has benefited on all these developments. So the 5GMax Technology proved to be a game changer.

Most of these advances would have a great influence on further developments and research in the field of communication and transportation in the years to come.

The world has not only became smaller but truly became one through these interconnected networks that was continuously upgrade over the years.

But again, our continuous innovation and curiousity never stopped there.

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