
New Avatar

Its glowing red eyes focused on the elf before dimming greatly. Its voice was barely heard.

"Power Low."

Elune didn't know what it had said. The Golem speaks in a language that she had never heard before, and she knew many languages, including the ancient language of Hellions – demons. There weren't any Hellions left in the world anymore, at least not in physical form.

They had all been banished into the Nether Realm by the Seraphs.

However, the Golem before her was like a demon incarnated with its red menacing eyes. The magical attack coming from its eyes could instantly kill an expert Ranger, disregarding their magical protection and all. She would stand absolutely no chance against it.

"Alternate Power Source is Required. Searching for Alternate Power Source…."

Elune snapped out of her stupor. Her hand wrapped the small pendant hanging around her neck. She immediately channeled her magical energy into it, causing the pedant to glow bluish.

"Warning! Arcane Energy Detected!"

The machine stared at the ground where the elf used to be. She didn't run away. She simply vanished, teleported away.

Its eyes dimmed a little bit more.

"Energy Conversion Array Overloaded. Repair Option is Unavailable."

"Calculating New Options."

"4912 Options Available."

"7 Options Within Acceptable Parameters."

The machine refocused its attention to the four corpses – three males and one female. Only the female retained her head, meaning her brain remained intact.

Its eyes focused on the female before the red light within fade away.

Several minutes passed before the machine began to shake and broke apart, leaving only scrap metals and its metallic core behind.

The metallic core also broke apart, spreading out over the scrap metals like silvery sands.

Within seconds, the scrap metals melted as if it was made of ice in blazing hot sun. The sands became more numerous.

The silvery sands then swirled upwards before swarming over the female corpse. It covered her body completely before finding entrance inside through the fatal wound on her chest as well as her mouth and nose.

Minutes passed by before Sasha opened her eyes, revealing numerous silvery lines fissuring towards the center. She gasped and gasped before calming down.

"Memory Matrix Suppressed."

"Organic Avatar Assimilation Complete."

"Avatar is Critically Damaged. Repairing required Genetic Materials."

Sasha flipped upright and looked at the three corpses. Despite the gapping wound on her chest, she moved with extreme precision and fluidity.

Sasha raised her hand when she stood in front of the first corpse. Silvery lines could be running up her arm towards her finger tips. It quickly spiraled outwards to form a drill. Without hesitation, she pierced the corpse with the hand-drill.

Millions of nanites invaded the corpse from the drill. They broke the corpse down into useful organic materials, readying to assimilate. The process is extremely fast due to how many nanites there were, and the corpse turned into a huge puddle of bloody goo within seconds.

The goo then slowly crawled up her hand and arm, being absorbed into her being. As it did, the wound in her chest slowly closed. It healed completely once she finished assimilating the goo.

Sasha touched her ample chest, feeling the simulated breathing before turning her attention towards one direction, the direction of her village.

Her eyes had now completely transformed. It was no longer the beautiful blue color surrounded in blissful white. It is now greyish, cold and menacing – like a machine.

"Physical Augmentation is Possible."

The machine looked down and took the dagger from its sheath. It was a beautiful steel dagger, crafted by one of the best blacksmiths in the village. It knew that from accessing the host's memory.

The steel dagger melted like butter within her palm. The resulting liquid metal absorbed into her body, forming molecular armor just under her skin.

"Insufficient Materials."

The machine turned towards the two corpses.

Once there are now two butt-naked male corpses, the machine laid down on the ground and closed its eyes.

"Mapping Genome."

This process required a lot of computing power because the genetic makeup of a person is incredible complex. Billions of nanites within began to work, breaking down each cell within the host for closer examination.

Many days passed by before the machine was done. During that time, dozens more people came and checked the area.

"She is still breathing, barely. Take her back to the village elder! Hurry!"

The MC is genderless. It is a machine.

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