
Chapter 3

After reading about haki she had quickly realized that training in Haki was equivalent to cultivation in this world. Which made sense as Haki could be cultivated by anyone while Qi was mostly useful for devil fruit users. And since except the Qi cultivated by her cultivation technique had an elemental orientation, it would be really hard for the Qi cultivator to find a specific devil fruit that complimented their Qi.

She had already started to train in her observation Haki by using sea Kings as her opponents. Luckily since she had supplemented her body with Qi she could easily survive a few hits she would take while continuously dodging the attacks of the Sea Kings and also escape from any stronger sea Kings that came from deeper parts of the ocean.

Her acute perception had let her develop observation Haki at much more rapid pace than her Armament Haki. She was at a stage where she could predict a few attacks even before it started.

Although she had tried her best to improve her Armament Haki it always conflicted with the Qi she used to improve her body quality. It wasn't until very recently she had realized Armament Haki had similar properties to metallic Qi, which was an advanced for earth Qi, and had managed to fuse the two together. The result of this fusion lead passively strengthening her body while she lost the ability to use Armament Haki but could use her metallic Qi strengthen if needed.

So now she had managed to make all her abilities dependent on Qi except for observation Haki which was entirely dependent upon her perception and intuition, which had already high due to the countless battles from her previous life.

At the age of eight she could physically over power a marine lieutenant commander and could go toe to toe with a rear admiral and maybe even give a vice admiral a run for his/her money if she caught them by surprise.

Right now Robin was on her way to give an examination so that she could officially become an archeologist and follow in her mother's footsteps, so that she could explore the world and read all the poneglyphs to publish the history of the void century to the public.

Short chapter this ends the 8year time skip and beginning of Robin's adventure.

As many of might have realized I will be using bits and pieces of Avatar The last air bender concepts . For example metal being an extension of earth . Also I know an earthbender can't bend purified and refined metal , as I said earlier just the concepts to fit my needs.

Thank you for reading

Have a nice day ahead

HasaDigaEebowaicreators' thoughts
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