
Can't Make Rash Remarks

"Do we have the footage right now?" Qian Meng asked, thinking deeply. 

"They should have some video footage from the time. The manager wasn't sure if the camera caught what happened, but this is the story that the employee who catered to this female celebrity gave."

Qian Meng chewed on her lip. "What does everyone think? What are the plans if we don't have clear evidence of what happened?"

A Director of Marketing, Ma Qiu, spoke up. "According to custom, it would be wise for us to explain our side of the story even if we don't have any solid evidence on her hand. It would minimize the criticism," the guy said. He was a young man who looked bright with life. 

Qian Meng looked at the others in the room. "The best option would be to wait and watch. If we don't have solid evidence, we can't make wild conjectures," Xiong Fen mentioned. She was the Director of Public Relations, who had worked a lot longer in the industry. 

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