


"As if" I mocked at his naive thoughts "you can't even touch her" I know I should be mindful of my words but well, what he says is next to impossible. She lives with my father who resides with an inessential level of security. He is way too low level to even make it past the street of that house. They might be a powerhouse in Japan, but here, in Korea, as much as I hate to admit, my dad's more powerful than they are.

He slightly smirked at my comment, although as if I cracked a joke.

He signals one of his men and soon enough I can see a small body, resisting the man to her full strength, her body slightly familiar, not weak but not strong as well.

"Take off her mask" The leader asked the man dragging the girl.

I gasped at the sight which was beyond belief for me.

"hikari!? HIKARI!!!!! BAJBXOAN" she muffled as her mouth was filled with a cloth in order to prevent her from speaking, needless to say.

"NAYEON!!!!!" I yelled, evidently suprised. Half-afraid half-in disbelief.

How? How did he manage to get her?

He clearly noticed my undeniable expression, as I could see him giggle, one that's not out of joy but out of feeling victorious, one that's triumphant.

"Now what were you saying?" he stepped closer and held my chin to lift up my face, I swiftly shook my head so as to get his filthy hands off me.

"let her go" I eyed him with immense vexation. "She has nothing to do with anything you want!" I made a valiant effort to hold my anger in check

He clenched his jaw, followed by an imperceptible smile.

"You know what to do" he repeated his earlier said words.

I nodded reluctantly.

"And just if you don't care enough about your sister." he simpered "your friend, Hannah?...she works at a café...in Busan?"

To my consternation he had rather an unexpected amount of information about me. I was disgruntled at the fact that I couldn't do anything, I couldn't talk back, couldn't fight back. I don't want to follow his words, I don't want to harm BTS, after all I've been a fan, and not just that, they've been a source of light and life for me.

Tears started forming in my eyes, not those of sorrow and melancholy but those of indignation and wrath at being hell bound and that my hands are tied.

"FINE!" I gritted my teeth "I'll do it, but at one condition." I spoke my head held up high even though I'm on my knees my pride was higher than ever.

"No violence is to be involved. No member shall be harmed. And keep my sister in conditions better than the present. I'm not afraid to die, but remember this, Mr.Lee if knew what you're doing, you'll be out of here in no time" I waited for his reply. I know my dad doesn't give a shit about me, but they don't.

"Intriguing. The fearlessness of being caught by a mafia and the lives of your dear ones at cost, you are a woman of indomitable spirit." he pursed his mouth in a self satisfied smirk.

"Up skill her. She shall be one of us." No,no,no,no. Just when I thought things couldn't amplify. I only exacerbated my problem. I face palmed myself in my head.

And I knew at this point denying or being disinclined to his saying would be of no help.

What did I do....

I watch helplessly as my sister is dragged back from where she came.


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