
Chapter 32

When they got home, they were greeted by Aurora and Adalynn that cast curious glances at Asia on Dante's back but said nothing about it.

Dante: "Aurora, can you please prep a room for our guest and Akeno each. Adalynn could you please start dinner."

Aurora/Adalynn: "Of course master."

Since her room was being prepped Dante layed Asia on the couch in the living room and went upstairs with Akeno.

When he walked into his room, he was met with a mildly annoyed Akeno.

Dante: "What's the matter Akeno?"

Akeno: "Why are you making me stay in a different room? Why can't I just stay in your room?"

Dante: "Because I figured you would like to have a space to yourself and I sometimes need to have some alone time and with us sharing a room that wouldn't be feasible. I also have private time with Nevan, Adalynn, and Aurora some nights and since we haven't done it, yet I doubt you would want to be in a room while we are having private time."

Hearing his reasoning Akeno was going to retort until he mentioned 'private time' with Nevan and his maids making her blush. Hanging her head in embarrassment she gave a small nod of understanding.

Dante: You are welcome to come over to my room at any time but if there is a magic spell preventing entry don't force it because the backlash won't end well.

Giving another nod Akeno walked off to see if her room was finished. Before Dante could do anything else, he felt his phone vibrate and looked to see:

Name: restricted

Number: x-xxx-xxx-xxxx

Reason: Job

Request: Protect young nobles during junior devil meet.

Payment: 3 million

Do you accept Y/N?

Seeing this Dante accepted the job because he figured that since he was going anyway might as well make some money while he was there.

A little while later after discussing some of the fine details with his employer Dante walked downstairs to see Adalynn making dinner in the kitchen and Asia starting to wake up. Pulling up a chair Dante sat across from Asia waiting for her to fully wake up.

After a few minutes Asia sat up and stretched her arms out making Dante want to pet her like if she was a nekoma. Seeing Dante in front of her Asia quickly pulled her arms down and blushed making her look even cuter in Dante's opinion.

Dante: "How do you feel?"

Asia: "Ah! I feel fine Dante-san. I feel liberated almost."

Dante: "Nods* Can you try to pray and let me know if there is any discomfort."

Asia gave him a nod and started to pray,

Asia: "Thou lord thank you for this blessing allowing me to be untainted and freed."

Asia was ecstatic, she was able to pray and there wasn't any pain or discomfort what-so-ever.

Asia: "It worked! Thank you so much Dante-san. How can I ever repay you?"

Dante shrugged it off saying, "Don't worry about it. I sent you to Rias hoping you would find a happy family, but I was mistaken, at least here you will always be cared for. If you are adamant to work then you can help out Aurora and Adalynn with the house, don't worry you will get paid for your work. Also be cautious around my uncle because he is a bit of a pervert. For any specific rules regarding the house ask Adalynn or Aurora."

Asia: "Who are Adalynn and Aurora?"

Dante: "They are my maids. You knew them formerly as Raynare and Kalawarner, but after becoming my maids, they changed their names."

Asia was surprised knowing the once overbearing Raynare and Kalawarner were now maids but brushed it off.

Asia: "Then I will impose on you a bit longer and will work hard Dante-sempai."

Dante gave a nod and said, "If you want to go ahead and get started then you can go help Adalynn in the kitchen. Aurora is prepping your room now."

Giving a smile and a bow Asia trotted off to Adalynn in the kitchen.

Hearing them get along Dante stood up and went to the training room where he immediately put on a weight bracelet on his wrist and ankles setting them to 500 lbs. each and he put on a magic absorption vest. After letting his body adapt to the weight, he started running laps at a mind-blowing speed. After running 50-miles in less than an hour he was drenched in sweat due to wearing 2000 lbs. and having his magic reserves sucked dry. Not caring about his exhaustion, he started doing a series of push-ups, sit-ups, and various other stretches he did a quick lap to cool down.

After his lap he went back to the center of the training area and called out The Blade of the Warrior and watched as it turned into Raiden.

Raiden: "Training again?"

Dante gave a nod. "I need to improve more."

Raiden: "Alright. Will I be attacking, defending, or is this a mock duel?"

Dante: "Defending, then after a while I'll have you attacking and finish it off with a mock duel."

Raiden gave a nod pulled out a katana that is still in the sheath and Dante pulled out an identical blade but unsheathed his.

Raiden: "Ready when you are."

Dante didn't respond and just charged Raiden and started with a downward swing that Raiden casually blocked while also kicking Dante in the stomach.

Raiden: "Too many openings, keep your feet squared and back firm even when bent. Now again!"

Dante said nothing but continued to attack while receiving coaching from Raiden. After a while Dante stood firm and held his katana in front of him and said, "Okay, start attacking." Raiden didn't say anything and rushed Dante delivering an overhead strike just like Dante did but with 10x the force Dante had and as a result Dante was forced onto one knee. Dante tried to sweep Raiden's feet, but his opponent stood strong as a mountain. Raiden gave a disappointed frown and kicked Dante away like a ball. While air-born Dante righted himself and landed on his feet only to be swatted away again just as he landed by a horizontal swing to his waist that cracked his ribs. This process continued for about four more strikes before Raiden gave a sigh, "Why are you trying to block the force of some one far stronger than you? If you had a shield, then it would be different, but you have a blade. Redirect my attacks or use leverage to manipulate my attacks, I thought I taught you better than this." Dante gave a sad smile. "Well I would redirect them if I could see them."

Raiden: "Sigh* How many times have I told you to not use just your eyes while in a fight? You have 4 other senses on top of that your instincts are so powerful that it is borderline bullshit, but you suppress them instead of learning to control them. As your teacher I am somewhat disappointed that you haven't tried to fix this before now. Well anyways, Luna will kick my ass if I permanently hurt you so we will end things here. Learn to control your instincts then try again."

Dante: "Sigh* Yes sensei."

Raiden didn't say anything further and just returned to Dante's inner world/sacred gear.

Giving one last sigh Dante got up and took off the weights and the vest before heading to take a bath.

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