
The not-that-much problem

After discovering the ''dead'' cat and the message, we couldn't escape in time as all the corridors filled with students as the Halloween feast had ended. And they all were surprised when they saw us, then the message and then the cat.

Student A- what is that?

Student B- I think I've heard about that chamber somewhere...

Student C- Harry again?

They were all discussing what happened when Filch appeared and saw Mrs. Norris.

Filch- my cat! My cat!...

He was really upset, and when he saw Harry, he decided that Harry had killed the cat. Thankfully, before he strangled Harry, Dumbledore appeared. He saw the situation for 10 seconds and detaching Mrs. Norris, told us four and Filch to follow him.

Gilderoy- my office is the nearest, just upstairs. Please feel free...

Dumbledore- thank you, Gilderoy.

We all followed Dumbledore to Gilderoy's office, and during all the journey, Filch was looking to Harry like if he wanted to kill him on the spot.

When we reached the office, Dumbledore examined Mrs. Norris, even with Lockhart being... well, Lockhart.

Gilderoy- It was definitely a curse that killed her, probably a Transmogrifian Torture...

And he continued like that until Dumbledore said:

Dumbledore- she's not dead, Argus.

Filch- not dead? ...But why's she all-all stiff and frozen?

Dumbledore- she has been petrified.

Gilderoy- ah! I thought so!

Rainy- (*mental Facepalm*)

Dumbledore- but how... I cannot say...

Filch- ask him! Ask Potter!

Rainy- oy! He has nothing to do with this. Dumbledore, would you like me to show you what happened? I was with Harry all evening.

Dumbledore- hmm... it would be appreciated.

Rainy- cool! Then just Legilimens me.

McGonagall-!! Ms. Lionheart! That involves very private matters of yourself!

Rainy- I'm a Gryffindor, Professor. I don't hold any big secret, and the headmaster is secretive enough for both my secrets and his. I'm not worried. Besides, I have something occlumency-like in my head. If I don't want him to know, he won't know.

Dumbledore- (hmm? She didn't have any type of occlumency last time...) if you are so willing I'll do it. Legilimens.

Then, having Odin guide Dumbledore to the memories of after the deathday party, he saw all what happened. Harry hearing the strange voice, me extracting the trait after talking with Odin, and we both following the voice to the message. Then he stopped the legilimens.

Dumbledore- ...they are not the culprits.

Filch- What!! that can't be! I'm sure of it-!

Rainy- Filch, the only one on our group that could have petrified the cat would be me.

Filch- what!?

Dumbledore- she's correct. This type of petrification requires a high level on the dark arts, or... Rainy's special situation...

Filch- then it was you!?

Rainy- I never said so. But I can revert it.

Dumbledore- you can?

Rainy- but of course! I'm awesome after all. Command! Magic! Esuna!

And with some green light, the cat begun to unfreeze and jumped to Argus arms. After some more chatting about if we knew something else, and thanking me for the help, Dumbledore dismissed us. We went back to the common room, and we talked on the way.

Harry- should I have said what I heard?

Ron- it's not a good sign hear voices, even in the wizarding world

Rainy- with Dumbledore knowing is enough.

Harry- he knows?

Rainy- he used legilimens on me, remember?

Harry- oh, yes. What is that?

Rainy- ... (I never mentioned it? Even on the orphanage story? Well... whatever) it is a memory reading spell.

Hermione- he saw your memories??

Rainy- yeah, so he has even seen us chasing the voice while in my mind. I trust him, and as I said before, I have something occlumency-like in my head so no worries.

Ron- and occlumency is...

Rainy- the art of defending your mind of legilimens. He could only see what I wanted him to see.

Hermione- that's convenient. All about you is convenient Rainy...

Rainy- just because my awesomeness!

Ron- if only you had a special magic to brew potions...

Rainy- oy! It's 50/50, sometimes I make a perfect potion before any of you.

Ron- more like 80/20...

Hermione- and you also need to study the theory more.

Rainy- I get it! I'm not the most awesome person..... yet!

Harry- can we get back on track on the problem of the voice?

Rainy- what problem?

Harry- ugh... the problem that we don't know what attacked Mrs.Norris!

Rainy- well, we can try to investigate on that ''chamber of secrets''.

Hermione- I'll spend time on the library searching for that

Rainy- cool, thanks.

Then we reached the common room, and we went to sleep.

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