
I'm Impressed

Sky heard Clark and Ryan going on and on with their flattering in the elevator to which she covered her ears.

Ryan always dealt with things roughly as Arlo. He never thought Sky's way of pissing people could be so awesome. He goes with many bodyguards and makes them beg and cry. Sky plays well and gives them no chance to even cry in front of her.

Ryan who had recorded in his camera, played while having dinner. Sky was bright red seeing herself on the big screen as all praised and laughed.

Arlo instinctively checked her left backhand after seeing her slap to stay away from President Wright.

"I'm fine." She just whispered to him near his ear craning her neck but few saw them.

"Elli, you expect me to treat you how President Smith treats our little President. Shouldn't you treat me how she treats her husband?"

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