
We don't have an ice pack

Seeing Sky turning shades of red, they stopped giving her a teasing look. Girls who were dressed in school uniforms removed their blazers throwing up and walked around.

Some girl's blouses were heavily cropped or backless. Their skirts hardly covered anything. Sky found it very difficult to even spare glance at them.

Sky saw Clark looking around and covered his eyes. "Kids shouldn't watch adult-rated view."

"Sister Sky, I am not a kid." Clark replied seriously.

Sky was speechless. She got down from the stool and spoke as she started going towards the exit.

"You guys enjoy watching. I am going home." Sky left from their place. Before they could react, she had reached quite a distance.

"Sister Sky, wait" Clark was the first one to react and follow, rest followed him.

Sky's walking speed was a little fast, She was crossing many people on the way hence she didn't care who was present around.

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