
Am I a messenger?

This was the doubt she had for a very long time. She doesn't know anybody who was working in the military, Sam and others were retired.

She was nowhere connected to the president of the country. Her family also has no connection with the military.

Upon that, Military hospital doesn't allow so many family members inside. She was sure they are treating her special but she didn't know the reason.

"Well, I can't disclose anything to you." Ben stood up.

"If your recovery is on the same range, I will give discharge tomorrow if you guys guarantee she will be looked after well." By the end of his sentence, He was looking left side of the bed.

Jai woke up and leaned on the headboard. Sky smiled at Jai and replied to the doctor, "My brothers are a thousand times better than your top best nurse. So no worries Doctor Goody."

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