I was lost at the sight of the night sky.
Although I gleam like the stars, there was nothing behind me but a dark void.
But there was Rhio. Like the big moon that shone above us all. Calm and mysterious; its far side still unknown to everybody.
Then there was Derick. Like the sun which, in its brightness, made me completely disappear. Scorching but otherwise important.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" a voice came from behind me. "Oh why, aren't you alone?"
It was Deo.
I nodded.
"Want some juice?" he offered a glass of fruit drink as he sat by the fountain railing.
My smile didn't reach my eyes, "No thanks. Why…why didn't you tell me the truth early?"
"If a billionaire asks you not to, you can't," Deo played with his glass, "That's how my job works."