

Jisoo and Jin had made a little stop at a convenience store before heading to Jin's place. She wanted to cook dinner for Jin before she had to leave and go to work tonight. They browsed through the store with Jin holding onto Jisoo's shirt like a little boy scared to be left alone and not wanting to get lost. Jisoo grabbed a bunch of meat and veggies for Jin since he hasn't been home for two months. Whatever he had in his fridge may not be good anymore.

She suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom.

"Jin, I need to use the bathroom," she tells him as she led him to the tables nearby and made him sit.

"Why are you going to leave me here? Can't I come with you? Please?"

Jisoo chuckled at the panicking male in front of her who refuses to let go of her arm.

"Jin, you want to go to the bathroom with me? The women's bathroom?"

"But I'm blind! I won't be able to see anything."

"Jin, not everyone knows that you can't see anymore. They will think you are some perverted peeping tom."

She gently pried his clutching hands off her arm and gave him a quick kiss on his lips to ease his panic.

"I'll be back before you know it. Now be a good boy and sit here and wait for me, okay?"

Jin protrudes his bottom lip in a childlike pout as he nods his head to agree. He was honestly scared to be left alone but Minji was right. He didn't want to be known as a pervert so he sat quietly with their cart full of foods next to him while Jisoo left to go do her business.

It wasn't long before Jin heard some light footsteps walking towards him. His lips no longer covering his teeth as his cheekbones rose high. He smiles at the person when the footsteps stop right in front of him.

"You're back already Minji? That was quick."

Jin was only greeted by silence and it made him wonder why Minji had suddenly become quiet.

"Minji? Are you okay?"


The smile that had grown twice in size faltered the moment he heard her voice. It had been so long since he last heard her voice, but it was a voice he would never forget for she was once someone who was so dear to him. Someone who he once loved so much.

"Oppa what are you doing here alone?"

"H-hi Sunni. I'm actually not here alone. I'm here with my girlfriend. She just went to the bathroom."


Sunni had come to the store for a quick snack before she went to work and couldn't stay away once she noticed Jin sitting by himself. The store was close to both Jin and Sunni's place. They didn't live too far from one another and would often come to this very store for late night snacks or drinks. Memories of the two together flashed through both their heads as they remembered their happy memories together in this store.

Sunni's eyes brimmed with tears as she gazes at Jin with so much guilt. She walks up even closer to Jin as she gently grabs his hands and crouches down on to her knees in front of Jin.

Jin froze at the sudden touch between them. It didn't make his heart flutter or anything, but instead made him uncomfortable. He wasn't sure what her intentions were when she held his hand but then he felt her lowing herself in front of him until he heard her knees hit the floor. He caught onto what she had just done and tried to pull her back up from the ground.

"Sunni, what are you doing? Get up."

"Oppa, I am so sorry..."

"Sunni, don't cause a scene. I said get up."

"No Oppa, I want you to know everything that I have done to you."

She cried as she confessed all her wrongdoings that she had done to Jin.

"I know I have no right to ask you for your forgiveness and I don't expect you to forgive me either, but I wanted you to know. I was scarred when I was younger by a man who hurt me a lot. I gave him my love and in the end, he broke me. He hurt me so much that I was afraid to love anyone fully. I know that gives me no excuse to treat you the way I did, but I can't change the past. What's done has already been done. I can only try to change and correct my future. And I want to start by apologizing to you."

She was sobbing uncontrollably with her head lowered in front of Jin as she apologized over and over again while telling him everything. Jin was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do or how to stop the crying girl once she had finished her story.

"Sunni, it's okay. Don't cry anymore and please get up."

His hands had let go of Sunni's hands and he found his way to her face as he gently wipes her tears away.

"I was in so much pain when I first found out about you and Taehyung, but now I'm okay. I forgive you."

Sunni sniffles as she lifts her head to finally look into Jin's eyes. She was puzzled by how easily he had forgiven her when she had just confessed to cheating on him and never loving him. His bright smile that he used to smile at her had found it's way to his lips.

"Didn't you hear me earlier? I said I was waiting for my girlfriend," he grins widely as he wipes the new tears that were falling from her face.

"I'm in love with someone else. I've moved on from you, Sunni."

Sunni smiled genuinely at Jin's grinning face. She could see how happy Jin was. He had truly moved on from her and she couldn't ask for anything more. To apologize to Jin was the one thing that had been on her mind for the longest time and to finally let it out had never felt so good.

"And I give you and Taehyung my blessings..."

Her eyes start to water again at Jin's words. She had only wanted his forgiveness but to receive his blessings meant the world to Sunni.


"If you two truly love each other, then I want nothing but happiness for the both of you."

Sunni jumps to her feet and hugs Jin. She felt so grateful to Jin and she happily cries as she hugs him tightly.

"Thank you Oppa."

She pulls away from the hug and finally sat down on a chair next to Jin.

"So where is this girlfriend of yours Oppa? I would like to meet her."

"Her name is Minji. She's a nurse that Taehyung hired to take care of me. She went to the bathroom, but it's been a while now. She hasn't returned yet."

That new information threw Sunni off. She didn't recall Taehyung ever hiring someone to care for Jin, but she figured Taehyung must have done it without her knowing. He had been telling her that he misses Jin a lot, but he was afraid that Jin will be upset with him because he was together with Sunni now.

"Taehyung misses you a lot Oppa. He's been wanting to come see you. He's been a little sad and was scared you were going to hate him."

"I don't hate him Sunni. I don't think I can ever hate Taehyung. He's my little brother. I miss him a lot too. Why don't you tell him to come visit me? I just got discharged from the hospital and will be going home."

"That sounds great! I'm sure he's going to be so happy to hear this. I'll let him know right away Oppa. I'll meet your girlfriend next time. Take care."

"Take care Sunni," Jin smiles widely as he waves like a little kid to no one in particular.

Sunni fishes for her phone in her purse as she exited the store not seeing Jisoo who was hidden in the aisles nearby.

Jisoo had returned from the bathroom a while ago but saw that Sunni had approached Jin so she remained hidden. She saw everything that happened between Jin and Sunni. And the only thing that was on her mind right now was Taehyung.

What Sunni had just said about Taehyung seemed to be false. Taehyung didn't miss Jin. Heck, he didn't even care one bit about Jin. Or did he?

'I'll take Sunni and the company both away from Hyung. He's going to be a blind and broke man soon.'

Jisoo tried to think back to their encounters and Taehyung's hot and cold behavior.

'Hyungsu-nim. Nal mideo... jebal.'

She wanted to see Taehyung. She was utterly confused by him. His actions were the complete opposite of what Sunni had just said.

Jisoo watched as Sunni fidget with her phone and slowly made her way farther and farther away from the store.

At first, she hated Sunni with so much passion but with the way Sunni got down on her knees to apologizes to Jin, was more than enough to soften up Jisoo's heart. She couldn't help but feel a tad bit of pity for Sunni knowing that she suffered a lot back then in High School. Sunni's acting was so good back then that Jisoo was clueless to anything that was going on with her. Had Jisoo known, maybe Sunni and Jisoo could have been good friends.

She turns her attention back to Jin who was smiling to himself as he waited for her. She hates it when she has to lie to Jin, but she needed to see Taehyung.

"I'm back Jin."

"Minji, you just missed Sunni. She was just here..." Jin happily told Minji before his happy face falls. He was so caught up in his happiness that he forgot the tiny detail that Sunni was his ex and telling your current girlfriend that you just met your ex girlfriend might not be the best idea.

His worries and panic returns as he got up from his seat and tries to explain himself to Minji. His hands wandered around to feel for any part of her as he desperately calls out to her.

"She came to apologize to me! I don't love her anymore! I love you Minji. Please trust me!"

Jisoo smiles knowingly at Jin before she gently took his hands into hers. She brought his hands up to her cheeks before she kisses the back of his fingers to assure him that she trusts him.

"I trust you Jin. Now, can you trust me with something as well?"

"Of course, I trust you Minji. I trust you with my life."

She drew irregular shapes with her thumb on his hand as she smiled towards Jin.

"I need to see Taehyung. Do you think you could give me his number?"

Jin meant every word that he said to Minji. He trusts Minji and loves her so he doesn't even questions her why she wanted to see Taehyung.

He remembered Taehyung's number by heart so he gave it to her and she quickly added his contact info into her phone. She thanked Jin before they both went to the cash register to pay for their load of food and made their way to Jin's home.

To Be Continued...

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