
Hey guys!

I won't be continuing this book. I'm sorry but I don't think I can write it anymore. I could have deleted it but I thought to keep it here so that I can look back at it in the future.

I am not really passionate about it because it's not really a very unique story, it is very cliché.

Another reason is that I shouldn't have written this fanfic anyway was because I was writing it casually but I have seen many people here who are very passionate about writing and have been doing it seriously for some time.

So it wouldn't really be fair to them (not that they care) if I continue this blasphemy (fr tho)(wtf is that title?😧 I named it that so people could find my book 😂).

I think anyone who has read this story probably knows how this would have ended.


Btw I'm really better, I have been taking my medicine and will be dying my hair red tomorrow (yay! lol 😂). I have been wanting to colour my hair for so long and I'm kind of excited.

There are times when I get sad and some times have been during which I have been more depressed than ever, but it is better overall.

Thank you to all the people who have supported me, I really appreciate it. I was a bit melodramatic sometimes lol.


hahahahaha 😅😳


I'm sorry to anyone who was rooting for me (that is IF someone was ??)


Rav3n_creators' thoughts