

The next morning Kai woke up at 5 am to study. He opened his eyes as he laid with his back on his bed. Then he stood up and winced at the pain he was feeling. His body was bruised. It was a throbbing reminder of the vow he made last night. Then he took the papers that explained Lexi's physical chart and sat down on his bed and began studying it. It was quite interesting and extremely detailed. The only thing it didn't show was physical appearance. Kai could see the mapping of her nerves. He could even see the pathway of all her veins and arteries.

After reading, Kai got out of bed and went to the kitchen to fix himself a cup of coffee. He put the ingredients in and let the machine do its work. Minutes later, the smell of coffee filled the house.

Smelling the now familiar smell, Lexi climbed out her bed. She had been up since five too. Before she left the room she put on some light make-up, this was something she had always done. As she walked out of her bed her bruises began throbbing. Sometimes they would throb, other times she would feel a sharp pain jolting through her body. She opened her door and walked to the kitchen. When she was inside, she saw Kai holding a cup of coffee in his hands. When he saw her he handed her her cup of coffee. This was their morning routine so he made two at the same time.

Lexi took a hold of the cup and blew on the coffee a few times to cool it down. Then she removed some of the hairs on her face and took a sip.

Kai unconsciously mimicked her then he said, "So are you still going to jog with me today?"

"Of course, did you think I wouldn't because of last night?"

Kai looked away and then back at her, "Nooo, I just thought maybe your bruises hurt too much. I thought maybe I ruffed you up too much." He said trying to tease her.

Lexi just closed the distance between them and then pressed her finger on Kai's arm.

"Ow!" Kai exclaimed in pain.

When Kai exclaimed, Lexi raised her eyebrows revealing a smug face, "Sounds to me like you're the one in pain."

Kai just laughed, "Yeah, I have few bruises here and there. You're one tough girl, my word!" He laughed again, put his cup down and then smirked, "But don't act like, I'm the only one in pain." He then returned the favour and started poking her too. At first, it was to get a reaction out of her. But of course, since she was prepared for it she kept quiet. When Kai saw he couldn't get her to cry out in pain he switched tactics, 'I will get a reaction out of her.' He then started poking her on her waist and other ticklish areas. Kai was using his mother's secret moves. As a doctor, she knew full well where to tickle. Kai having received many of her punishments knew how to execute it too. Kai continued his onslaught.

While Kai was trying to get her to exclaim in pain, Lexi held back her voice, 'You're not going to get me.' Kai was relentless but she was tougher. She decided that she wouldn't and that was that. Lexi had thought she was in the clear when she overcame the pain. Until she realised that Kai was no longer trying to make her feel pain but laugh. She saw his smirk and knew he was up to no good. As he was poking her she almost laughed multiple times. She held herself back so much it looked like she was having the hiccups. Even so, she fought the urge to laugh. She then put her cup of coffee on the counter and continued to resist. But then all of sudden the urge to laugh increased. It was like Kai had graduated from a novice to a god of tickling. She could feel there was a lot more thought to where he was poking and tickling. Lexi tried to hold out for as long as she could but eventually, she burst into laughter. Her laugh resounded through the kitchen. She thought that when she caved Kai would stop. Boy was she wrong, he smirked and continued to tickle her mercilessly, 'As if I'm going to stop now. This is what you get.' He laughed and continued. As he tickled her, she guffawed so much she was losing the strength in her feet. She looked like an old woman as her knees buckled and her back hunched. She was laughing so much her stomach was hurting and tears were running down her face. When it reached this point she said, "I give up!"

Immediately, Kai stopped, that was his safe word when his mother and father had tickled him to tears. Lexi, still with her back hunched and her right arm around her stomach looked at Kai with a sour expression and pouted at him.

Kai just continued to laugh showing no remorse whatsoever. When Lexi saw her act to try to win his sympathy wasn't working she just laughed. Soon they were both heartily laughing together until Lexi exclaimed in pain.

"Ow! My stomach," She said while holding her stomach.

When Kai heard her cry, he pumped his fist in the air. It was only then that Lexi realised what she had done. She placed her left hand in front of her eyes and then they laughed again. However, Lexi laughed in pieces as not to aggravate the pain. After they laughed, they both drank their coffee still full of smiles.

When they were done drinking, Lexi offered to wash the dishes but Kai refused, 'Rather go get changed.'

Lexi didn't insist, she did just that, she went to her room and changed into her running clothes. After washing the cups he went to his room and changed into his running clothes. Then they both met each other by the door and went for a run. When they came back, Kai said he was going to go shower. But before he could Lexi told him that when he uses the toilet he must put the seat down. Kai furrowed his eyebrows but complied anyway. He had been the only child in his house and had his own separate bathroom. He had never been asked to put the seat down so he found it quite bizarre. He did wonder what was wrong with her hands that she couldn't do it herself. But they had just had a moment together and he wasn't going to open those can of worms and risk a possible argument.

Kai went to the bathroom and then showered: he changed into his work clothes, said goodbye to Lexi and then went to work.

After Kai left, Lexi showered. She also saw the seat was down so despite his unpleasant look he listened. After showering she dressed and then went to her father's work. This time not to go see her father. Lexi was exceptionally talented when it came to business and interpersonal communication. So she would often help out where she could. She knew when to switch from personal to impersonal communication. It was an innate gift. When Lexi got to the communications office everyone greeted her from their cubicles. They loved it when she was there because it meant less work for them.

When the manager saw, Lexi he came out to personally greet her. When the manager had first met Lexi he was respectful to her just to suck up to her father. However, as he saw how gifted she was his views started to change. It wasn't just the communications manager that felt this way. The other managers from the various departments felt the same way. They were all more than happy to have her succeed her father if she chose to do so when his time was up. Lexi stayed in the office and helped them until it was her time to leave. She and her father left work and went to go to and practise. After they were done practising Lexi sat by the bar and ate some food.

That is when Kai walked into the room. He had just finished his 6-hour shift of mining now it was time to train with Jacques. Kai took a deep breath and steeled his resolve. When he was ready Jacques took the remote and just like yesterday he began mashing the upward button. Immediately, Kai felt the gravity but he stayed standing. He stood upright until Jacques, tapped the upward button a few times again. When he did Kai fell to his knees.

"Get up!" Jacques the drill sergeant shouted.

So Kai did just that. With much effort, he stood up. And kept standing with all his might. This cycle continued until it was over. After he was worn Jacques decreased the gravity and they began sparring with each other. Like yesterday Jacques told him what mistakes he was making and shocked him when he was struck out (1). They continued to train like this until individual training was over.

After training, he sat down next to Lexi. He was hoping for another one of those energy waters. He couldn't deny that without it, he would never be able to fight properly. But like an angel, Lexi passed him a bottle. He exclaimed in joy and then drank its contents.

After the hour break, it was time for their joint training. Just like yesterday, they were to fight him together. They held their kickstarters and cycled their essence lightning then they looked at each other and gave one nod before the launched at Jacques. The first string of hits were perfectly coordinated but as they continued they fell out of place again. The problem this time was that both of them were playing the submissive role. This was because of the vow they made last night as well as the bruises they were feeling. Their bodies were in pain and it would hurt a lot more if they were to crash into each other now. There were many times where they would just stand and look at each other thinking that the other would have taken the opportunity to attack.

When Jacques saw this he stopped them and shook his head, "What now? Yesterday you had so much fight. Now you are too afraid to step on each other's toes."

At this moment, Lexi and Kai both looked at each other and pursed their lips. The facts were undeniable this was clearly cowardly combat.

"Rather step on each other's toes or bump into each other than to do nothing. Eventually, you will know when to hold back and when to attack. Look at each other attentively. See who has the fastest charge or who has the strongest punch and then decern whether the opening requires a forceful attack or a lightning-quick attack. This is why it is crucial to know your partner's make up to the t. Only then can you make plans and start gelling together the way you should."

Hearing Jacques's reassuring speech, Lexi looked at Kai, "Forgive me when I bump into you. Since you are so frail."

"Ha-ha... Forgive me if you accidentally land on the ground. It's not my fault I'm so strong."

Then they both looked at each other while amplifying their essence lightning. Their eyes were full of vigour and resolve. Then they smiled at each other and off they went. They fought with Jacques up and down the ring. They still bumped into each other or obstructed one another, a lot. However, they knew that it was part of the process and continued as if it was nothing even though their bodies were screaming in pain.

It was only about two weeks later that they were no longer bumping into each other. Their movements were a lot more fluid and team-like. Lexi and Kai could finally concentrate on the finer details that happened in a fight without crashing into one another. However, it was these finer details that were the hardest part. It required hours upon hours of training to be skilled at it. They still had ways to go but they had also come a long way. Today was the day they were finally going to start training with weapons. Kai had been doing individual weapons practice with Jacques and now that he had reached a certain mastery; Jacques allowed them to incorporate it into their teamwork. When they were facing the Zolma they wouldn't be fighting barehanded but with weapons.

Kai equipped his weapons onto his all-black combat gear. He had his bow attached to the back of his customizable pursuit tactical vest. His arrows were in his tactical waist pouch. His kickstarter was in the front of his vest's holster next to his shrunken spear. Lastly, his dagger was on his right leg in the thigh dagger holster.

Lexi wore her black techwear joggers with four straps at the bottom. Her pants was tucked in neatly into her black combat boots. Yet, it could not hide her beautifully shaped thicc thighs. On her left and right leg was a thigh holster for her dagger and kickstarter respectively. She also wore a black Assassin's Creed Movie Callum Lynch Hoodie (2). When the hoodie was zipped open you could see a black short camisole top revealing her flawless peach white skin. Even when it was closed there was a noticeable bump near the top of the hoodie. It could not conceal her bosom. Lastly, she had her spear attached to her back in a shrunken state.

Fully equipped, Lexi and Kai started their dual weapons training. However, this also had its own sets of problems. Unlike before where a mistake was just bumping into one another. If they made a mistake now they could do real damage. This was in the back of their minds as they jostled their spears and shot their arrows. Every move they made was done with extreme caution.

Watching the two fight in such a wavering way made a nerve twitch on Jacques's forehead, "Are you underestimating me? You can't even dream of beating me the way you two are fighting... Like I told you before, rather make a mistake than cower in fear. I am here, if I see that your mistake will cause serious damage, I will intervene at the last moment. I will give you time to rectify your mistake but if you can't, I can."

When they heard this they nodded their heads and continued to train. This time they moved with more of an enriched enthusiasm. The fear wasn't completely gone but they were getting there. It was only when Kai made an uncorrectable blunder that they began fighting unrestrained. In this one instance, Lexi was fighting up front with her spear and Kai from the back with his bow. While fighting an opening presented itself so Kai drew his bow and shot towards it. Lexi saw the opening too and rushed in front of the path of the coated arrow. Kai inhaled quickly when he saw Lexi in the way but it was too late. He had already fired the arrow. His heart began rushing as overwhelming guilt washed over him. But his father-in-law saved Lexi by catching the arrow before it pierced her in the back. He then gave Kai a few pointers and told Lexi to observe her surroundings. When Kai saw how easily Lexi's father was able to stop an arrow he put his all into it. He was confident he could fight unreservedly. They continued to make fatal errors like this but bit by bit they were getting better.

Day in day out they did their individual training and then they did their joint training. Even on Kai's birthday, they trained and slowly but surely they were making progress. The progress was slow but the days flew by quickly. In just a blink of an eye, the two month training period was over. By now Lexi and Kai were a lot more comfortable in training. They no longer made any fatal mistakes. The only problems were an occasional brush of a weapon. Where an arrow or a spear would skim past the arm causing a shallow cut.

Kai and Lexi had just finished an intense training session so they were huffing and puffing for air. That's when Jacques looked at Kai, "You are ready to go to rank 1."

Kai pumped his fist in the air and then said to Lexi, "Thank you for all of your patience." He was finally at the stage where he didn't have to hold her back. Now they could move forward together, in strength.

Lexi just gave a closed-mouth smile. It was her decision so she didn't feel the thank you was necessary but she responded positively anyway.

That's when Jacques said, "So let's begin your evolution and the first step to becoming a Zolma hunter. Kai, I bought some Zolma meat here with me for you too. Since you don't want any handouts, you can pay me back later."

Kai nodded his head and then accepted the meat. The meat could be fried, boiled or steamed whichever way you preferred it. Zolma meat was pitch black and had a bouncy yet firm texture. Despite how it looked the taste wasn't that bad. It was quite salty and unexpectantly spicy but other than that it was savoury. To evolve, they had to consume 200g of the meat. They gladly stuffed the meat down their faces. They had been training so hard for this moment how could they not?

After they ate the meat, the changes started happening so they changed their clothes. They where now wearing white garments. After changing they were inserted into a rectangular shaped capsule. This capsule was human-sized and had a watery yet sticky liquid inside. It was like the amniotic fluid of a womb but wasn't. The fluid was quite poetic because it was like being reborn. However, it was what was used to regulate the evolution. If it happened to fast it could have adverse effects on the body. If it happened to slow there were was a risk that you wouldn't evolve fully. This didn't happen often but rather safe than sorry. A mistake could cause massive problems later on your walk to power.

Kai and Lexi stayed in the machine for about an hour then Lexi came out. When she came out she was sopping wet and sticky in all the wrong places. She looked like she had just been rubbed with nuru gel. It was a feeling that made her insides squirm. Not to mention her senses were sharper because of her rank up. Her skin became more supple as it covered her beguiling curvatures. It was like touching a baby's bottom.

Jacques handed her a towel which she gladly grabbed. She had fluid all over her bountiful breasts as it ran down her blessed rift. To the bottom of her peachy waist and alluring long legs. Lexi gladly alleviated herself from the fluid and then waited for Kai.

10 minutes later, Kai came out of the capsule drenched in the fluid as it dripped off his muscular body. His muscles were compact and firm after ranking up. His senses were also sharper than before. This made the fluid stickying on him feel so much worse. He could feel the fluid in the crevices of his crevices. It made him want to cringe so when Jacques handed him a towel, he accepted it immediately. He then dried himself off starting with his hair. Then he moved to his six-pack. He wiped each block clean. Then he moved to his defined chest, toned arms, taut v-line and henched legs.

Once he was done, he noticed Lexi was staring at him. So he furrowed his eyebrows, "Is something on my face?"

Lexi just smirked, "So you finally came out, huh?"

Kai just looked at her and sighed then he shook his head, "How long have you been waiting to say that?"

Lexi just tittered.

Kai shook his head again, "You should be in the shower because that's where I'm going." He said and made a beeline to the shower room. Lexi followed him shortly. The shower room was just as it says. It was a room full of showers. The showers had dividers so you couldn't see each other unless you purposefully peaked which was a temptation that did waltz in Kai's mind. However, he beat it and brushed the thought away.

Lexi and Kai climbed in the shower and moments later they exclaimed in relief. They were finally ridding themselves of the sticky feeling. Kai thanked his lucky stars he didn't have to go through this experience anytime soon. They only time the capsule was needed was when you moved to a new level ie. Beginner to Amateur or Amateur to Kajun. The only reason they need it to go to rank 1 was that it was there first evolutionary step. From here on out, they could ascend to rank one without the use of the machine.

After showering they changed back into their combat gear and returned to the training room. When they got there Jacques said, "Well done on becoming Beginner Rank 1's. Go home and rest. We begin training in two days. Tomorrow is your rest day as your body needs it. You may not use your powers at all."

When Lexi and Kai heard that they nodded their heads and then they went home in Kai's car. By now, Kai's car had already been delivered from Drauton so he no longer needed to use public transport.

On the way home, an insatiable hunger came over both of them. Their stomachs were singing the whole way. Kai had to turn on the radio to listen to artists with better voices. When they got home, Kai immediately ran to the kitchen to make food, it was two-minute noodles. Lexi, on the other hand, was ordering takeout. When Lexi saw what Kai was making she shook her head, "Let me buy you food tonight? You can't keep eating two-minute noodles. Now that you have ranked up, you need to eat meat. To develop and maintain your physique. "

Kai shook his head, " It's okay, tomorrow I'll go to the grocery store and then I'll cook some real food."

Lexi put her hand in front of her mouth and raised her right brow, "Can you cook?"

"Yes, I can... A little."

Lexi laughed, "I tell you what, how about tomorrow I cook us a real meal? You know, as a celebration for reaching our first milestone as partners?"

Kai furrowed his eyebrows when she said she'd cook for him, 'Can she even cook?' but he accepted her offer anyway, "That would be nice." She had just offered to cook for him, how could he say no? And truthfully, he was getting sick of eating two-minute noodles.

Lexi smiled when she saw she finally got through to him. That's when the bell rang at the front door. So she opened the door and collected her takeout. Then she switched the tv on and began eating. After Kai's two-minute noodles were done cooking, he sat down next to her and he ate his food. Since he was famished he ate five packets worth of two-minute noodles instead of three. After dinner, he put his dishes in the dishwasher. Then he said goodnight to Lexi. Had this been any other day they would first practice their special ability. However, they were not allowed to use their powers for a whole day so they couldn't.

After Kai entered his room, Lexi finished her dinner and then put her cutlery into the dishwasher and then turned the machine on. She then turned off all the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning they ran through their every morning routine and then Kai went to work. Lexi, on the other hand, did not go to her father's work instead she stayed home.

At work, Kai was finding it quite difficult. Although he could feel that his body had become a lot stronger, he wasn't allowed to coat his pickaxe with lightning making his job significantly harder. Nonetheless, Kai continued to grind to 6 o'clock. Because there was no training today, he could rack in a few more hours for more money. After work, Kai showered and then said goodbye to his colleagues and came home.

On the way, Kai wondered what she was going to make. If she was going to make it at all. For the duration of the time Kai had known Lexi, he had yet to see her cook once. She always ate takeouts. Whenever he emptied the dustbin, he would always find wrappers and boxes from various restaurants. Even at the Montreal Estate, they had their chefs who made their food, 'Can she cook? Kai shook his head, 'No definitely not, either she does cook and the food is barely palatable. But if it tastes good then I know it's takeout.' The idea of Lexi faking to cook food was something he didn't put past her. It was within the confines of her personality.

1- Baseball reference: In baseball, if a pitcher throws you for a strike three times you are struck out. Using that as a reference, if Kai made a mistake three times he would get shocked as a punishment.

2- Assassin's Creed Movie Callum Lynch Hoodie: I know full well that Assasin's Creed does not exist in their world. The items I mentioned are clothes from this world so that you can picture what I'm talking about should you choose to look up the clothes.

Hi guys. Since it's my birthday I thought I'd upload this one early. We just reached the top Top 400, thank you (don't know for how long but we were there)! Have a wonderful day wherever you are in this world.

Lazarethcreators' thoughts
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