

She dragged herself in the forest. It was night now. So she stayed in a cave that she found. She kept crying for loosing her husband and her son. She was angry for what Kira did because she never had a thought of hurting Kira. She was a white witch. She spent a week in the trauma not eating anything. One day suddenly she threw away the thoughts of missing her husband and son.

She began to meditate. She was in using her witchcraft way to find a way to save her son from the so said curse. She spent 2 days in concentration not getting up from position. Promptly she got a vision of a flower purple in colour found on a mountain. A voice inside her said, "This flower is known as sweet saple. It is said to cure all kind of diseases. It blooms once in a hundred years. This year is said for it. It is rarely known by people. Before it is too late head to the hill close to the forest where you are staying. Hurry sister." She opened her eyes and mumbled, "Thank you Yuko."

It was dawn. Not spending a single moment she walked out of the forest as fast as she could. She reached at the base of the hill. She couldn't believe what she saw. It was a beautiful greenery place. She began to walk up. There were many flowers and plants. The image of the flower appeared. She began searching for it among the other flowers. It was dusk now, it was a beautiful scenerio for a person searching for peace. 😉

She searched the whole place but she just couldn't find it. It was hard for her. She began to loose her hope. She sat on the grass with hopelessness. She kept thinking about the happy moments with her highness and her baby.

She felt a tap on her shoulder. Pushing away her thoughts she looked up. A small boy stood in front of her. She smiled at him, he did return one. "Ma'am it is not safe to sit here on the hill at night." He replied. "Oh, I didn't know that." She stood off the grass brushing away the dust off her dress. "Umm." The boy hesitated. "Are you lost ma'am?"

"I think so." She replied smiling. "Oh, come with me may be my father can help you." He smiled widely. They began to walk down the hill. "So what is your name, son?" She asked. "My name is Namjoon." He replied. "What is your name, ma'am?"

"Oh, my name is mi-" she paused. She didn't want to reveal her identity. "My name is Minseo." Reaching the base of the hill, Misuk regained the memory  about the flower. "Namjoon?" She called. "Hmm?" He looked up. "What were you doing up there?"

"Oh, my family have sheeps so I was bringing them back to there sheds. Inorder to know whether I left any I take a round again to find the missing one." He replied with proud.

"Oh." "And what about you ma'am?" "I lost the way back to my home. When I saw the hill it looked beautiful, so I thought to see. I was so consumed by its beauty that I forgot about the time passing."

"What does consumed mean?" He asked not having heard of the word before.

"Consumed means to eat." She replied. "So you mean, you were about to eat this hill?" She chuckled at the boy's question. "No, it looked beautiful, so I thought to sit and watch it. That's all." She giggled.

"Alright. It is dangerous here at night. Father says that there are ghosts on the trees at night. So he warns others from going to the hills at night. But I am not scared of ghosts. I can fight them with this stick." He said as he raised the the stick which was in his hand. Misuk chuckled at the boy's cuteness.

"Okay, well have you ever seen a purple flower?"

"Purple flower? Well, there are a lot purple flower here. Due you mean the one with white sticks in it?"


"Then yellow sticks in it?"

"No. I think it has blue sticks."

"The blue one?" He raised his brow, pouting his lips; in a thinking manner.

"Oh, you mean the one with blue sticks?" She nodded eagerly. For a moment she was happy for getting a clue about it.

"That one. It was only a single flower. And- Oh, there's father." He waved his hand to man standing outside a hut.

Namjoon took her hand and began to run. They stopped close to the man. "Namjoon, you shouldn't make a guest run." He demande. "Sorry father." He mumbled. His father ruffled his hair. "May I help you ma'am?" His father asked concerned.

"Father I am going to play with my sister." He said and ran in the hut. The man looked at Misuk. "Umm? I don't have anywhere else to go. Do you mind giving me a room." "Yes, of course. Please come in. Feel it as your home." She smiled.

"Choonhee-ah, we have a guest here." He called. A lady came out of the hut. She bowed to Misuk. "Choonhee-ah, make our guest comfortable." He said. "Yes my lord." She replied and gestured Misuk to follow her. "You can sleep here, ma'am." She was shown a futon. "Mother! She is crying." She heard Namjoon's voice and baby crying loud.

The lady walked to the direction of voice. "It's her feeding time." Misuk heard the lady sigh. Namjoon came to her. "Ma'am would you like to play." He asked her. "You don't have to call me ma'am. Call me aunt Minseo." She said smiling at him. She was beinging very careful in saying her name. Because the outer divisions of her kingdom rarely saw her. If she do tell her name then they would come to know. Her clothes were little dirty here and there. She had thrown away her jewelleries so that she could hide her identity.

"Okay, aunt Minseo." He bloomed showing his dimples.

"Namjoon let her rest. She must be tired." His father complained. The boy nodded lightly and ran to his mother. "Ma'am, do you mind if I know the reason you are here because your accent sounds a lot familiar to the royalty."  He asked looking at his feet as he stood infront of her.

"Yes, after all I think so." Hearing her he looked up curious to hear her. She began to make up a story. "I ran from my house with my lover who was a servant. My father cursed me and said never to return to him. I believed my lover but in the end he cheated and looted all my things and ran away. I was luring everywhere without a proper shelter to sleep. Just at the dusk your son found me and brought me here. I am really thankful to you and your family." She got up and bowed to him. "Oh! no! what is this ma'am you don't have to bow to me." He was surprised by Misuk's gestures.

"But how did you recognize my accent? Do people from city come here?" She asked.

"No, I was a gardener at the royal palace of King Park Sungjin and my wife was a maid there. When my wife was pregnant with Namjoon. She wanted to stay with her parents. Her parents lived here so we left our jobs and came here. After she gave birth to our son, she didn't feel to return. Just 3 years back her parents passed away and so we thought we should just settle here." He smiled at her.

The lady came with a baby in her arms. The baby was staring at Misuk as though she saw something fascinating. Meanwhile Namjoon was playing with her feet. (The baby's feet)

"Let me introduce." He said and took his daughter from his wife's hand. "This is Y/N. My sweet duaghter." He said looking at his daughter. "And this is my wife Choonhee." He said. "And myself Jongdong. And my son Namjoon."

Misuk spent three days with family and it seemed that Namjoon and Y/N become close to her. While Misuk took care of the their household, the couple were building a hut for her.

It has been 1 month and Misuk still couldn't find the flower. Namjoon do always accompany her to the hills. "I think they are finished aunt." Namjoon sighed as he sat on the ground. "Well, I do want that flower sweety."

"The one with blue sticks was plucked by father." He collasped on the ground. She stopped searching and looked at him. "How?" "When Y/N was born, she was ill. Father and mother, didn't know what medicine should be given. So they called a physician. He said that Y/N was going to die. To save her he told father to pluck a flower with blue sticks. He plucked it and gave it to the physician. He tore the beautiful flower to put it in the boiling water. And gave that water to Y/N to drink so that her disease goes away. Half of it was given to me. The water had bad taste." He completed.

Misuk collapsed on her knee. She couldn't believe it. The only one which was left was given to these siblings. A tear rolled down her face. Luckily Namjoon didn't see her. It was getting late they headed back. She lost the hope of saving her son.

Right now she felt her world shatter. She walked in to her hut, closed the door and fell on the futon. She cried her heart out silently. "Misuk, don't cry." A voice said to her in her mind. "How cannot I, Yuko?" She sobbed. "Take care of the baby and the boy who are with you now. For now this is your duty of protecting the siblings. Teach them all that you have learned. A time will come when you shall be repaid. Sleep my dear." With that she slept.

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