
Sneak Out

As Night finished his story I realised that I had unconsciously moved closer to him, my hand stretched towards him.

Clenching my fist I dropped it to rest beside me on the seat.

Night was leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees with his head bent forward looking utterly defeated and I felt something shift inside me. I would help him find justice for his beloved sister. She deserves it and so does he.

"Night.. Blade.. I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry, I know that isn't enough but I am and I promise you I will help you find the evidence you need no matter what."

I took a deep, gasping breath having rushed that out without breathing and almost choked on my own air when I saw the look on his face.

No longer bent forward he was staring at me with his leonine eyes and the intensity had me caught in their depths and I couldn't look away. I knew my cheeks were glowing red and there were butterflies in my stomach the size of eagles!

My danger senses were firing and almost throwing myself from the couch I stumbled from the room mumbling something about needing the toilet.

Running into the first room I came too I closed the door and leant my cheek against the cool surface my eyes closing as I remembered his powerful presence.

My body had actually started shaking from the need to throw myself into his arms, what was wrong with me? He had just finished telling me the most devastating story and I was too lust addled to care!

No. I did care. I knew with certainty that I would do anything to help Blade solve her murder but I desperately need to get my hormones under control!

I finally removed my face from the cool surface of the door and looked around the room I had stumbled into. Judging by the huge desk it was most likely to be Nights office.

Taking a pen and paper from the top drawer I quickly scribbled a note stating that I wasn't feeling too well and had gone home but that I would be happy to meet and discuss the plan to take my step monster down at the office on Monday.

Having decided to leave it on the hall table before sneaking out and ordering an Uber I quietly eased the study door open and found Blade on the other side.

Looking me up and down he saw the paper clutched in my hand and raised an eyebrow. I knew I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights and tried to recover from the shock of finding him on the other side of the door.

Not even deigning to say anything he held out an imperious hand and I reluctantly handed over the note and gulped as he read it quickly.

"Erm yeah my tummy hurts.. it's probably contagious.. I got really sick well I mean I was in the toilet and I got sick and then I was scared of you catching it so I came in here to write you that note but then -"

My incoherent rambling was cut off abruptly as Night placed a hand over my mouth and damn if his eyes didn't darken as he looked down at me! Was this going to be it? My first kiss?

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