
Episode 1 - The Book

Luna woke up a little tired because yesterday she was redecorating her house with her family. But now it was time to get up, it was Monday, the first day of the week. Luna yawned and turned off the phone's alarm. It's been two weeks since that new guy, Zorn, entered school.

Weirdly, Luna became close to him, they talked everyday at school and sometimes they'd hang out for a while. But Luna has always been a reserved girl, so when they were together there wasn't much to talk about, but Zorn didn't seem to mind at all, on the contrary, he really liked having a mysterious friend like Luna.

After 10 minutes, Luna finally got up her bed and did her daily routine: take a shower, dress up, eat breakfast and go to school. Everyday the same thing.

Once ready, she went out of her house ready to start another day. Pulling out her iPod, she looked for her favorite playlist. After approximately 10 songs Luna arrived school, so she got her iPod back to her backpack and went to her classroom. Before even finishing entering the room, Zorn looked up and ran to her.

– Good morning, Luna! How was your weekend?

Luna sighed. Ever since they became friends this was her morning routine with Zorn. He'd always say good morning to her and asked her about the previous day.

– Good morning, Zorn. —she arrived at her seat and sat down—. Well, I spent all weekend redecorating my house.

– How fun! When will you let me go to your house? —Zorn too sat down on his chair—.

– I don't like bringing guests home.

– Why not? It's gonna be fun! And anyways, remember that you have to help me get up to date. Since I'm a foreigner there's stuff I don't understand.

– I know… but… can't we do it in a park?

– Nop, I'm going to your house today, 'kay? That way you'll teach me and we can do stuff friends do!

Luna looked at him weirdly at that last sentence, but she just sighed and agreed. Zorn wasn't doing too good on basic subjects like math and history, and Luna, on the contrary, was pretty good at them, so she was the best option to help him.

The day went by fast, and without noticing, school ended for the day.

– So… your house?

– Alright…

Zorn had a big smile from ear to ear on his face, Luna couldn't stop herself and smiled lightly, and then made their way to Luna's house. On the way they stopped at a little cafeteria to buy some cupcakes for later. Zorn spent the whole way talking while Luna just nodded and said a few words here and there.

In a few minutes they arrived at Luna's house. Her parents were still at work but her little sister was definitely home by now; at that Luna swallowed nervously and hoped she were on her room. Her sister was quite mischievous and talkative, if she were to see Zorn, she'd start to harass him and say he was Luna's boyfriend. Luna disliked those type of jokes.

So, hoping for the best, she sneakily made her way inside, but it didn't work.

– Luna, you're hom-!

Seeing Zorn, she was stunned on her spot, but not for long. A few seconds later a mischievous smile appeared on her face.

– Oh… So? Who is he?

– Hello! My name's Zorn, pleased to meet you! I'm Luna's friend and came from abroad.

– So, he's a foreigner, huh…

– Zorn… let's go…

– Eh eh eh, no. Wait. —she stood closer to Zorn—. So you're Luna's boyfriend… These days Luna has been talking a lot about a guy, that must be you!

– Luna talks about me here? Wow, I didn't expect that!

Luna took Zorn by the arm and practically ran to her room, her sister just stood there by the door, still with a smile on her face. At Luna's room, she locked the door to prevent her from entering, sighed and lightly slapped her cheeks, trying to get them back to normal, since thanks to her sister they got quite pink.

– I'm sorry… she's like that…

– Don't worry! I liked her.

Luna sat at the border of her bed and started to take out her math and history books; Zorn did the same. They sat on the floor and Luna started to explain him the subjects, accompanied by the cupcakes they bought earlier. Zorn spent the whole day at Luna's.

The next day at school, Luna and Zorn as always were eating on their private space. Ever since they met, they always ate lunch below the tree Luna escaped to the day Zorn got surrounded by all that people at their table. Luna still finds it difficult to be near him when that happened, but she tolerates it a little more now.

– Alright guys, then, I'll wait to see your plays tomorrow, don't let me down!

The teacher assigned the creation of a theater play. The classroom was divided in pairs and everyone had to submit a script, the winner was going to be further developed and played at the school festival. Luna and Zorn were a pair.

– So, Luna! Today I'll go to your house and work on the play, we're gonna create a winning one!

– I'm not really interested in winning…

– That's not the spirit!

Zorn clapped Luna on her back a few times to cheer her up. At the end of the day, they made their way to Luna's and once there made their way up to her room. She wanted to prevent her sister from seeing Zorn again, she didn't want to go through that kind of embarrassment again. Luna went down again for tea and cookies.

Zorn stayed alone at her room, observing everything cautiously. He stood up and went to her desk, were her favorite book was, the one she knew from start to end. Zorn took it a started to read it. After a few pages a smile formed on his lips, that book seemed quite familiar. While Zorn was reading, Luna came back to the room; she left the tray with the tea and cookies on her bed and took the book off of Zorn's hands.

– I like that book, is interesting.

– Where did you find it?

– On your desk, it was at plain sight.

Luna stayed silent.

– What do you think if we base the play on the book? It'd be awesome!

– What are you saying? It's a long book… and I don't think the teacher's going to like it… She's always liked simple plays about love.

– I told you that's not the spirit! You'll see she's gonna like it, come on!

Luna couldn't say no, so she only sighed and nodded. Zorn was really happy, that book meant a lot to him. They spent the whole afternoon writing the script for the play, it ended up being a bit long but they were really proud of their job. They ate the cookies and drank the tea while talking about it. After a while Zorn confessed that it was his favorite book too, which surprised Luna, not a lot of people knew about it, in fact, she hasn't seen it in any library. She just knows that her parents gifted it to her when she was little, and from that moment on, it became her favorite among all her books.

The moment they started to talk about the book, a spark appeared on Luna's eyes; for the first time since they met, Zorn saw Luna's happy and excited side, a side almost no one knows. After hours of talking, Zorn went back to his house.

Luna took the book and laid down on her bed; she hugged it tight, closed her eyes and smiled. It's been a long time since she had a connection like that with someone else, besides her friends. Without noticing, she fell asleep.

The day to choose the winning play has arrived. Everyone on the classroom presented the play's title and the general plot in from of everyone while the teacher noted down every play to later choose a winner.

– Hello everyone! I'm Zorn and my partner in this project is this lady here, Luna. Our play is called "There will always be a tomorrow". It's about how some nations are in war and have to send their best soldiers to fight, the winner nation will obtain the key to restore the world's peace. But don't be fooled! The play has lots of surprises within.

Everyone in the room clapped. Luna couldn't believe how happy that made her, she had a big smile on her face. Both went back to their seats.

– And the winner play is… There will always be a tomorrow! Congratulations Luna and Zorn! The rehearsals will start next week.

Everyone clapped again, Luna and Zorn couldn't believe it. They stood up and hugged tightly. After a few seconds Luna became aware of what she was doing, and that it wasn't normal for her to do it. She quickly broke the hug and went back to her seat. Zorn was just really happy.

– See, I told you, we were going to win.

Lunch time came, and with that Zorn and Luna went to their favorite place, sitting down on the shadow under the big tree; that day's lunch was pizza. Luna wasn't a big fan of it but she didn't have another option. While they were talking, Luna noticed how suddenly the aura around Zorn changed again, just like a few days ago.

– You know, Luna… sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.

– Huh? Why do you say that?

– Say what? This pizza is so good!

Luna was once again puzzled. She started to think that Zorn was a little weird, but couldn't say anything since it has only happened twice. She forgot quickly about it and continued to eat as if nothing happened.


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