
Chapter 21:

Sei Pov

The next fight is I am going up against Amy. Amy came to this school this year and she did not care about the rumors that Clara spread about me. She said I am me and my dad is my dad. When She came to my house she found out that my dad was nice. They got along well. That makes me happy. Now if only if daddy could get along with Zen but I have a feeling that won't happen anytime soon. Amy and I go to the arena

A.I: Battle Azure vs Spellcaster the environment is the Swamp.

I instantly turn green I hate the swamp it all muddy and disgusting. Amy does not seem to like it either. Oh well let get this over with. I can here Decklyn from the crowd. Because of my contract my senses are stronger than the average person.

Decklyn: Maybe we get to see some mud wrestling.

Zen: Danm I forgot my phone


I shoot a water bullet out of my finger at both of those idiots. I can use a little bit of Azula power when I am not fuse. it is not much but it is enough to give those two idiots a less. It connects and they fall to the ground and Benny and Zola are laughing at them.

Amy: What was that about?

Sei: I was punishing two perverts. They wanted to see some mud wrestling

Amy: I am fine with that

Sei: WHAT!

Amy: Just a joke unless you want too. You don't have to be a Prude Polly

She I forgot Amy was a little bit of a closet pervert. I remember when we first met she was in her underwear eating ice cream, then when she saw me she groped me and asked how my boobs were so big for my age. I can't help that I have good genes All the women in my family are like this. The A.I teleports the both of us into the swamp area.


I fuse with Azula and get into my suit. I start crossing through the swamp. I wish I had pant. Why does this dress have to be so revealing? The swamp is coming up to my legs. I wish I could fly like mom and dad but I don't grow wings until version two. There are 3 forms of the transformation. Version 1 which I am in now. Version 2 when we look a little bit more like a demon, and version 3 is when become a full-size beast. In version 3 I would become a Azure Dragon and Zen would be a Demon Tiger. I only seen Mom in that form once and it was when she had to stop several Nuclear warheads going straight for China. Right now, I can only do version 1. I see a blue Fire ball come at me. I wave my fan


I make wall out of the water around me, but the flame is still coming It was only enough to slow it down so I dive into the water. I manage to avoid it. With power of Azula I can breathe under water. So, I can stay here as long as I want to.

Amy: I knew that little fireball was not going to stop you than how about this STAFF OF VOLCANOUS HADES FLAME!

That is the staff that Beta was using. She a giant fireball and completely evaporated the water where I was at. She can control that staff better than Beta and she has only had it for a couple of months.


I shoot a giant Ice dragon at her. She just smiles away. Than out of her hands she summons some sort of Vase. Then she starts chanting.


That stupid pot absorbs my attack. How many of those magical items do you have. Where the fuck does she keep all this shit/ I need to regroup


I make mist and then I make my escape. Amy uses her stupid pot to absorb the mist, but the time it is there I am already gone.

Amy: Come out come out where ever you are I am willing to bargain

Fighting someone with so many tricks is not fun I got to think of something than I come up with an Idea. Time to put my plan into actions. I learn this when I was training with Zen He made shadow clones. I flash back

Sei: Where did you learn how to do that

Zen: TV

Sei: Really

Zen: Don't make fun TV people say TV rots your brains, but it can also give you some inspiration. Watch a couple of these. Trust me.

I look what he gives me

Sei: What the hell is dragon ball and Naruto

Zen: Inspiration trust me

Sei: You are such a nerd. There is no way I am watching this.

Zen: I may be nerd, but I beat you with a trick I learn from this.

Sei: Still not watching it

Zen: Suit yourself I let you keep them just in case you change your mind. I am telling you that you will. Not regret it. That Kamehameha wave that I use early today and those shadow clones got from this

I reluctantly take them and when I was board I decided to watch them and it was not that bad. Ok so I binged watch sue me, But there is no way I am telling Zen That it is to embarrassing. Now time to start my counter Attack.


I create Mist that covers the field

Amy: This trick did not work the first time it is not going to work now. VASE OF GLUTTONY

She sucks up all the mist and she looks surprise now because there is not just one of me now there are now six of me. I use the mist to cover me.

Six Sei's: Which one is the real me.

Amy: Clever: You think you can confuse me they are probably just illusion.

Amy Hits one of my doubles. It turns back into water. The other five of us begin to attack. Amy starts to cast spells, but my doubles are too fast than one of them punches her than another.

Amy: These are not illusion THERY'RE FUCKING CLONES

Sei: Bing water clones to be exact. I use mist to cover myself so can't guess which is the real one

Amy: Wow I expect you to be good but not this good Where did you come up with this.

Sei: Secret

Amy: Come on don't be stingy

Sei: I can't it is to embarrassing

Amy: Will talk about this later. It does not matter if there are five of you or one of you. I will just beat you all at the same time. NOVA BOMB!

Amy uses the Staff of Volcanus and makes a giant fireball. She aims it at all five of us There is a huge explosion and the dust clear.

Amy: Now let see. WHAT SHE IS NOT THERE!

I come out of no were and grab her from behind. Yep that is right she was fighting only clones. I was hiding in the water the hole time waiting for my chance. Now is the perfect chance. I cover her mouth so she cannot cast any of her spells. Then I use my strength and start spinning into a piledriver into the swamp I frees the swamp before we impact causing more damage.


We slam into the frozen swamp breaking the ice and Amy is knocked out. The bracelet on the wrist that we wear takes most of the damage. But it gives us a little shock when we take enough damage to knock us out. I would never do this type of move on a friend. It is really dangerous, But because we are here we can go all out without killing each other.

A.I: The winner of the match and that will be moving on to the next round will be Azure

We both are teleported out and I use Han to heal Amy she wakes up.

Amy: I will get you next time

Sei: Anytime any place.

We head back to the stand and I see Zen and he is smiling at me.

Sei: Not a word

Zen: I did not say anything, I am just here to congratulate my fellow Nerd. You binged watch because you had to at least get to episode 16+ because you use that mist technique and the water clones.


Benny: Mom. Dad quit fighting in front of the kids.

Sei and Zen: SHUT UP BENNY!

Alberto: Are they always like this.

We read the next fight It is Decklyn vs Torin


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