Satan went to the bathroom and turned on the bath taps. She then added bubbles because the children would only bath if there were bubbles.
"Vivian! Olivia! Time for the bath!" She called for the children.
When they didn't come she turned the bath taps off and descended the stairs. As she entered the living area, she heard a giggle. A giggle she could recognise anywhere. Olivia's giggle. It came from the kitchen.
When she entered the kitchen she saw her children and Dracula playing and baking a cake. She didn't see Dracula at first.
"Didn't you hear me. I said bath time." She chastised the children. Then she saw Dracula covered in flour and burst out laughing. "Sorry. I didn't know you were still here." She said in-between her laughter.
"It's okay, I thought you might be working for a while, so I decided to bake with the girls. Is that okay with you?" he chuckled.
"Yes, why wouldn't it be, you're their father. Thank you."
Seeing her parents getting along and not arguing Vivian was filled with delight. A wide smile bloomed across her face.
"No problem. Would you like me to help bathing them."
"Yes, please, that would be great."
"Sure," he said to her. Then he turned to their children "Come on girls" he said to them.
He ran up the stairs playful and the girls followed him laughing.