
Chapter 35: Heading to Rainbase 1

In the region of Alubarna, there were some places that had traces of destruction. These places had similarities in which it were filled with charred corpses and big holes. Not only that, it seems that a scene of massacre had unfolded in all of these places.

Naturally, the culprit of this was Narmi, which right now nonchalantly heading towards the direction of Rainbase, to rendezvous with his crew members. Albeit he had just massacre the subordinates of Baroque Works, there were not a sweat can be seen on him.

This was obviously to him just releasing some steam on the small fry. His main target right now were currently taking his time at their base in Rainbase. He felt that he need to teach some lessons for Crocodile that he shouldn't be conceited with his abilities and title as a Shichibukai.

After about an hour, he finally arrived at the rendezvous point of his crew members. They were just chatting among themselves, devoid of any tense expressions on them. As a matter of course, they had reached the level that was on par with Yonko, so this matter was just a small piece of cake.

"Yoo… Sorry for being late. Is there any problems that you guys encounter on your way here?"

"Well as for me, I just use my abilities to scramble their bodies part so it wasn't anything." Law replied. Boring was written all over his face.

"As for us, there were many of them that tried to capture Big Sis Robin when they noticed we were passing through. But as you know, these guys wasn't worth the time so we just knocked them out cold. How about you, Big Bro?" Nami replied with energetic tone.

"Well, I got to teach lessons on those small fries thinking they can catch Robin. Well not that they would mind the lessons as they were dead by now. Ohh the guys that you guys knocked out, I also took their life. So, any informations Law?" Narmi said with indifference. To him, killing them was just cleaning the world from the existence of these nasty people.

"Hmm.. With my method, I got that their leader was a Shichibukai, 'Desert King' Sir Crocodile. He was a Logia user, Suna Suna No Mi. He was famous for his cruel personality, for example he killed his subordinates that had failed the mission he gave to them."

"Hmm Crocodile. Well, I guess his power only as a Shichibukai, not even worth of you guys that had been strengthen to Yonko level. Capturing him would be easy. Nevertheless, tread carefully as we don't know if he had set a trap for us. Although we are strong, but we are not immortal. Not yet as of now"

Robin and the others just nodded their head. They knew what Narmi said was true. Strong doesn't put them as an immortal. If their enemy probably put out deadly poison, then they could be dead.

"So what's the plan? Did we just charge into his base?" Law asked.

"I guess we just charge in. Based on your info, I guess he wouldn't cared much about his subordinate's death, if he was that cruel. So hoping that he will came out was out of the options. Besides, I want to settle this quickly so Robin can read the poneglyph."

Robin just smiled gently with Narmi's statement that he want to settle this quick just so that she can read the poneglyph. This reason was really like him. After that, with Narmi on the lead, they quickly rushed towards Rainbase.


Rain Dinners.

"Sir Crocodile, all of our subordinates that had been stationed in Alubarna had been killed. The one who had killed them was rushing towards here."

Crocodile's face was full of indifference when he heard the report. For him, these guys that had died, was just couldn't made the cut in this line of works.

"Useless idiots. It was good they were dead, I didn't need a bunch of useless guys under my lead. And I guess you who was leading them, should just follow them along."

Crocodile then held out his right hand and reached for the subordinate's neck. The subordinate's eyes was wide in shock when Crocodile said he want to kill him. He tried to run away, but Crocodile could reach him before that. Fallen into despair, he heard Crocodile's mouth muttered something.

"Desert Encierro"

It turns out, he just muttered the attack name. The subordinate's body slowly starts to wither until the liquid in his body got absorbed, leaving him in a seemingly flesh-less state. After absorbing all the liquids, Crocodile just threw the subordinate's body to the side.

Crocodile then reached for his Den Den Mushi, and contacted someone on the line.

"Daz Bonez, a group of troublemaker were heading this way. I task you with stopping and killing them. Bring Zala along with you. Also, in this group of people there were Nico Robin. I want her alive."

"Alright sir Crocodile. Is there anything else you wanted to tasked me with?"

"After you beat that group, go and recruit some more people into Baroque Works. We are right now in shortage of men."

"As you wish."

Crocodile then cut off the call and sit on his seat back. He continue on relaxing, as he was confident that Daz Bonez would complete what he tasked him with.


3 hours later.

Five silhouette were seen gradually nearing Rainbase in a swift motion. Obviously, these five people were Narmi and his crew members. They had rushed straight towards this place without stopping.

"Finally, we had reached Rainbase, right now we would just need to find the base and wreak havoc there. Now now, where are you Crocodile?"

"His base were in Rain Dinners. This place was a casino that act as a front for his base. So if we find this place, we would find him." Law replied straightforwardly.

Narmi just dropped his head down when he heard that. He didn't expect Law to just said that with a straight face. He knew that his base was in Rain Dinners, and the question was just his mumbling.

Suddenly, a shout can be heard from afar. The loud shout contain the tone of confident which caused the group to turned their heads towards the direction of shout.


When they turned there, a tall man and a slender woman was seen standing besides each other.

Hey guys. I'm thinking about making one chapter per day as right now I'm very busy. Due to this, I didn't have much time to wrote the novel, which led me to the conclusion on making one chapter per day.

Anyway, thank you for supporting my novel

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