

Yerin POV

i woke up by the sunlight which was hitting on my face then i look at the watch and i was shock "OH MY GOD, HOW CAN I END UP SLEEPING HERE?OH SHIT IT'S 8 A.M. I BETTER GET READY HIS AND HER BREAKFAST!"i ran to bathroom to wash up my face then when to the kitchen doing the breakfast for them

While heating up the stove for my other dish, i was cutting some onions and cucumber unfortunately i saw a shadow of someone before i turn he has greet me

tae:"what are you cooking for the breakfast?"i jump in surprised

me:"oh gosh"i accidentally cut my fingers but i try to hide it

tae:"why are you so startled? Just like i'm a ghost"he smirked

me:"oh no..nothing,huh the breakfast will be ready in 5 more minutes

tae:"ohh okay,make sure it's tasty"said in sarcastic way

me:"huh,oh yes"i smiled but inside my hand is pain feel like want to cry

after he left i quickly wash my hand with waters then put band-aids.I turn off the stove and set up the table before i put all the dishes but before that i kept some food for me inside a meal box for me to eat for my lunch.I quickly put for them and going to take a bath

tae:"wahh you can cook so well...galbi, kongnamul bap,oi naengguk and moo saengchae,why did you cook so many?"on the other side bora was angry

me:"i thought you say you want a big breakfast last night?"

tae:"ohh ya"he feel embarrassed so he scratch his neck

after i finish bathing i quickly get ready and go to school without telling the jerk


i was in the library doing my duty (yes i'm a librarians)after i finish it i found a book 'Love is not Over'i took it and read the synopsis then i love the story so i borrowed the book and look at the time since i got another 30 minutes before my class so i went to the rooftop and read the book

after 15 minutes Eun-Jae text me,she is my best friend




then continue reading the book after a while there is someone open the door,i thought Eun-Jae but it was jimin and his gang called BTS

jk:"hyung,you said we going to watch movie last week but you have been giving a lot of excuses"he pouted

jimin:"i know right"

tae:"Bora has been asking me to follow to the shopping mall this few days because her elder brother going to get marriage so she want to buy a lot of stuff"

me:"Huh that slut is so childish"i tell to my self

jin:"so went is your marriage? I thought she lived with you now,so how's everything?"this make me curious so i close the book nd listen to what they were talking

tae:"another 1 months and 6 days and it's really uncomfortable to stay with a person i don't love.She has been rude to Bora and she even fight with her so how can i stay with a bitc* who like to hut my loves one"

jk:"i don't know what i like so much about Bora,Yerin Noona is better than her for me"

rm:"to be honest i agreed with what jungkook said"

jimin:"just be careful with her,you are my friend i don't want you to get hurt at last!"

i was happy with what jungkook and Namjoon said because at least there is agreed that i'm better than the slut of his girlfriend.Ilook at Taehyung reaction he was irritated with the situation before he could say anything the door open loudly

Ej:"Yerin-ahh eodi--" she stop after look at the boy group then they turn behind and see me,shit i'm in danger.Eun Jae you better pay for this.

To Be Continued...

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