
Nightmare Boss (Part-1)

Azi grunted in anger, the number of enemies was easily mucmore than the previous but unlike the last time where they faced with skeletons, they were now facing with undead chimeras in much larger number from than the previous challenge, not only that they were being ambushed left and right, and it was getting really annoying fast, even if they were killing their enemies efficiently it was getting tiring and unlike others she was using consumables in the form of arrows, it was indeed difficult for her.

Zeus: "Azi only take shot when you can say you can safely kill them in one hit or when we are in extreme danger, let us take care of the others while at it."

Azi simply grunted at that as Zeus and Tarasque stated clearing the mobs, since they were being the one at the front they were slowly being covered by foul smelling putrid blackish blood.

Zeus: "Eww, I hate it, this is being incredibly being difficult with this entire smelly gunk covering us."

Tarasque: "You are not the only one in fact I wish to take a good bath in real life as soon as possible after finishing this mess."

Azi smirked as she spoke, "Meh, what kind of fragile being are you two, a little bit of fluids on you two and you are complaining like crazy."

She was greeted with the harshest glare the two could master at the moment, only for their attention to grab by what looked like an octopus and snake rolled in one with a human face, it stood there without moving, as it let its tentacles dip in the water, Zeus used observe on it.

[Name: Undead Chimera

Level: 11

Class: N/A

HP: 1500/1500

MP: 3000/3000

Element: Electric

Attack: 1200

Defense: 300]

Zeus shouted out immediately, "Jump up, climb the walls."

No sooner did the words came out of his mouth the others jumped into action, they had barely managed to climb out of water holding on to the side of the catacomb when the top of the water lit up like Fourth of July as large amount of current passed throw the area.

Azi shouted at Zeus, "Hold me Zeus I am taking it out."

She let her go of her hand as Zeus held her tight by holding her from the waist, as Azi fired two arrows together hitting the creature as two large red numbers appeared above it, [-780], [-800], appeared killing it.

Zeus did not waste any time he rubbed the blackish fluid all over Azi, taking advantage of the situation as the dropped on the floor of the catacomb. Azi was already frozen in to silence at that while Tarasque smirked at her, suddenly with a battle cry she jumped on Zeus fully intended on maiming him.

Zeus simply laughed loudly as he wrestled with Azi, who was seeing red with anger as Zeus laughed at her attempt, "My my why are you angry are you so fragile that a little gunk harmed you?", which further incensed her, Tarasque fially made her way to the duo as she separated them as she spoke in a chiding tone, "Knock it off you two children. We have work to do."

Azi let go of Zeus as she spoke angrily, "This is not over, and I will have my vengeance."

Zeus simply waved his hand lazily as he spoke, "Yes yes, good luck with that."

Tarasque then gave a nervous chuckle, "Guys I do not want to be a stick in the mud but more of them are arriving."

It was lucky that the creatures were at the part where it was a bit dry but they would reach the water soon, Zeus as such spoke in a commanding tone, "Azi keep firing the arrows, I will back you up with my spells."

Under the combination of various spell and arrows there approach was stopped as some of them even died, but it gave enough time for three of them to reach the group as they quickly killed them.

A few moments later the trio reached a wide open space, as a message popped in front of everyone's eyes.

[Welcome to the 'Sanctuary', a hidden place inside very difficult and higher level dungeons, a place for rest devoid of any monsters or any danger, where you can rest for as long as you want. Normally you may not be able to quit a high level dungeon without either dying or conquering or usage of special items, but the sanctuary allows you to do so although your progress in the dungeon will be reset.

Warning: Once you proceed to the next floor you may not return back to the sanctuary.]

Azi: "Well we will be resting here to recover our stamina and mana before moving forward, who knows what we may face next.", which the other two agreed.

A few precious minutes of rest later the group decided to leave the sanctuary, as they left they came face to face with a door that led to the boss room, by then the group had already reached level 10, but unlike the previous they needed almost 11,000EXP to move to the next level, much greater than the 4500EXP needed to level up from Level 9 to Level 10, and it was still a long way to get over.

Zeus opened the door and as they entered the place trudging through the black murky water, they were in front of vast room with a few broken gigantic pillars and statues acting like island in the middle of a vast lake.

Tarasque: "Where is the boss?"

Zeus shrugged as he spoke, "Maybe he is taking a much needed toilet break."

Azi simply rolled her eyes as she glanced up her eyes widen in fear as she shouted out, "Move now."

As soon as they moved from the place a huge figure landed on the exact place they were standing a few minutes before. A creature from nightmare stood in front of them snarling at them, one of his head was human but the other was that of the a goat and a lizard, bearing 6 hands each brandishing different kinds of weapons ranging from spear sword, axes, shield and bow, the lower part of the body was that of a long black snake.

Zeus used observe on it as he bit back a curse.

[General Máximo Ocampo

Level: 13

Class: Lord

HP: 30000/30000

MP: 30000/30000

Element: N/A

Attack: 5000

Defense: 1000

Description: The younger brother of the emperor who wanted the throne for himself, having both superiority and inferiority complex joined hands with a Necromancer to overthrow his brother, although he succeeded but his brother trapped them here with his dying breath till the end of time or till when he is slain. He was not the strongest person alive as such he did many experiments with humanoid irrespective of their age, race, or sex. The chimeras are the end result of such inhuman experiment.

Zeus: "It will be difficult but nothing we cannot overcome, but unfortunately, the Hell mode run, we have to prepare for it separately, or else we might lose."

Azi: "Let us thing about it later on but first let us deal with this failed science experiment."

The being howled as it slithered towards them at incredible speed, Zeus jumped back as he dodged a spear thrust and a sword strike before he used fireball hitting it causing it to stumble back as it hit him causing about 1500 damage.

Tarasque did not wait any longer as she attacked the body from its behind causing a damage of about, [-2000], but then the tail hit her back throwing her causing her to suffer [-3000 damage] as well as stunning her.

Maximo chased after her intending to finish her, only to be hit by an arrow on its face specially the eyes of the goat stopping its approach for a few seconds as well as making it lose about 2500HP as it roared in anger, Zeus took the moment to attack it from behind but before he could reach the abomination the goat head opened its mouth as it bleated out loud, causing them to get stunned for a few seconds, Zeus who was already airborne could not maneuver properly as he got hit by the tail causing him to suffer 3000 damage. From the start of the game till now this was the most damage he had received and it hurt a lot as if he was slammed by a freight train.

The abomination tried to slither towards a paralyze Zeus who could not move at all as the others watched with wide eyes the giant sword in the abominations hand was swung with the intent to clearly take his head off.

Hey everyone I hope you like this chapter, if so do not forget to comment review, rate and vote for my novel

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