
Book One: Chapter Thirteen: The Fight Begins!

Rumiko and Tomoe ran into an old friend of Rumiko's named Makoto. He is hellbent on getting revenge towards Rumiko for locking him up. They both see a man who is actually over them. Makoto threatens to have six people out to attack Kaoru and the others.

I am curious about who let that bastard out? Rumiko asked. That guy is out to attack you where you are most vulnerable. I replied. Yeah, I figured that is what he is planning. Ally replied. I really don't care. Knowing him, he will have a few friends of his to get in our way. Rumiko replied. As I would let that bastard have his way. I replied. I'll applaud you for tenacity. He is more dangerous than you think. Aoi replied. Let's be realistic here, Makoto is plotting. Rumiko replied. You know you are right, but don't look down on yourself. Minori (Haru/My Rare Treasure) replied. Who are you? Minori asked. Minori Miyazaki, one of these days, I will tell you all. Minori replied. (Haru/My Rare Treasure). Wait, are you who I think you are? Ally asked. He walked past the room. Do you know that guy? Minori asked. Yeah, that guy is Higashiyama's husband and the guy over your squad, Rumiko and Tomoe. Ally replied. He looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly. Tomoe replied. More like harmless to be honest. Rumiko replied. As all of them went home, I saw Aoi talking to someone. I eavesdropped and heard what he said. I'm sorry, I can't let you touch my cadets without my permission or Rumiko either. Minori replied. Are you trying to say that you will get in my way? Makoto asked. Yes I am, also those kids won't let you touch her without going through us first. Minori replied. It is your funeral. Makoto replied. He charged towards Minori. Just keep deluding yourself with that thinking. Minori replied.

When Ally and I were walking towards my car, as she opened the door. Who the hell are you two? I asked. So you two are the two we are supposed to kill? Justitia replied. Stealing the words right out of my mouth. I replied. It's ok if I beat her a**? Ally asked. I need a break got damnit! I yelled. Let's just get this over with. Ally replied. We don't want this to become a murder scene. I replied. You sound so confident? Nemesis asked. Ally, open the door, please. I asked. Well, I have no a problem doing this. I kicked Justitia in the chest, sending her flying. I don't think so. Ally replied. Nemesis punched Ally in the face, but Ally blocked, nearly knocking her arm out of the socket. You dodged my attack. No one ever lives after that. Nemesis replied. I will never bow down and give into a wannabe goddess who deludes herself. Ally replied. Nemesis summoned her weapon called *Malum. So your weapon is that is a spear? Ally replied. She summoned her sword *Capiendas Avaritia. As Ally and Nemesis engaged in fighting. Stop fighting. There is a kid right there. I replied. So what? Justitia replied. I almost punched her in the stomach. Kaoru, what is wrong? Mei asked. Someone is behind you. Mei replied. I elbowed Justitia in the stomach. I want you to test what the hell you are dealing with. Makoto replied. I see you girls are not just for show. Makoto replied. You are right. I will not warn you anymore. Stay away from Rumiko. What we just did to those is nothing compared to what the hell we are truly capable of. I replied. Ally glared at him. You talk big, let's test what you are saying is true. Makoto replied. He was about to attack me. Ren grabbed him saying, "I won't let you put a finger on my sister or Ally..."

What the hell are you doing here? I asked. I was going to come here to warn you about these bastard and his men. Ren replied. Why don't you get off his arm before you break it? Ally replied. Ren let her go. Rumiko will not live in peace after I kill everyone that cares about you. Makoto replied. Makoto, let's get you out of here? Justitia replied. Makoto and the girls left. Those two women's names are Justitia and Nemesis. Ren replied. They are more dangerous than they were fighting you. Ren replied. I arrested the one that was fighting you, Kaoru. Ren replied. She went after you because you and I are related. Ren replied. Those are one of the six criminals that broke a few days ago. Ren replied. I need you and the others to help me catch them and put them in prison again. Ren replied. You out of all people are asking me for help? What about that self-righteous attitude of yours? Ally replied. I will talk about it tomorrow at HQ. Ren replied. When Ren left, I was thinking about what Ren requested of her and the others. The next day at HQ, Ren appeared among the others. What does that great Ren doing here? Aoi replied. I asked your six to fight off Makoto and his friends? Ren asked. What the hell are you hiding, Ren? Rumiko asked. Let me guess, you want our help. You will not compensate us for our help as our lives are on the line. Rumiko replied in anger. I know how his squad works. I used to be a part of it. I replied. It seems we are risking our lives while they get the glory and praise for retrieving the criminals. Rumiko replied. I figured that much. Katsu replied. You all are already playing in his game. He has hatched. Rumiko replied. So? I asked. The only way is to defeat his friends or die. Rumiko replied. Aoi summoned a sword. Why did you just summon a sword? I asked. For example, I never thought I would see you again, Eros? Aoi asked. Wait, how did you see her? Ren asked. This temptress knows how to get her way. Aoi replied. She is famous for disguising herself as someone else. Isn't that right? Aoi asked. So the rumors are true about you working for them? Eros asked. Aoi grabbed Eros' cheeks and says." Yes, that may be true. I still have no qualms on defeating you or even killing you". I know that much, handsome. Eros replied.

At that moment, I saw his manical smile on his face. At that moment I realized that he meant what he said.

He seems to be acquainted with Eros.

I wonder how things will play out.

Stay Tuned.

Quick History Lesson:

Capiendas Avaritia means Temptress of Greed in Latin.

Eros is the Greek Counterpart of Cupid. I just made it a woman instead of a man.

Justitia is the Roman goddess of Justice

Malum means Calamity in Latin.

Nemesis is the goddess of indignation and retribution.

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