
Jarvan the Third Came Back

The sun was dawning. Omega entered Hugo's tent. He sat on the table and stared at him. You better not fucking fail. He lobbed a cup at his head. It bounced off and fell to the floor. Hugo sat up and looked at Omega, "What the fuck was that for?"

"We have to get going, it is 10 kilometers away," Omega said getting off the table, "Do you want to return to Cassidy or not?"

"Shut the fuck up already, let's go," He said as he put on his coat, "Do the others know?"

"The generals are aware, but we are the first awake," He said walking out of the tent, "We don't have all the time in the world."

"Don't we have horses?"

"I already prepared that, let's fucking go."

"Geez, fine," Hugo said as he climbed onto one of the two horses, "What is up with you?"

"You are willing to make a deal with that motherfucker, who clearly has something up his sleeve and if you lose, first you die and we lose the territory we gained? What do you think Cassidy will think?" He snapped as they trotted down the road, "You disappoint me."

"Don't worry, he is just a human, he has no powers, unless."

"Unless what?"

"Nothing, nothing, there is no way he has powers, he is but a human."

"Then stop talking and prepare yourself for the fight."

The city grew larger as they rode towards it. They didn't say anything. They neared the gate and the guards stopped them.

"Halt! We are at war, no one enters!"

"I am the Bilgewater leader, I came here to have my duel with your leader."

"Go right in, the arena in the second to the right, then the third to the left, you shouldn't miss it," He said as the gate opened. The streets were full of people, they all moved out of the way as Hugo and Omega passed, they made a path that lead them to the arena. It was massive. People were already in the arena cheering. Hugo and Omega rode in and found themselves in the pit of the arena. Hugo jumped off his horse and Omega did the same. A noxian man took both horses out of the arena. The man they had met the night before was in the middle of the arena. He was practicing with his blade. It was a metal staff with a blade on the end of it. He noticed them and stopped. He planted his blade in the ground, and bowed his head.

"I see you held your part of the deal," He said, "Did you bring a blade?"

"I did," He said as he drew the bone blade Omega had given him, something caught his eye. Could it be? That amulet, Jarvan the Third. He elbowed Omega and pointed at the amulet. Omega turned to him and nodded. He went into his demonborn form and climbed onto the stands, the people moved away from him as if he was death itself, leaving Hugo and the Noxian leader in the middle of the arena.

"I, Shinska, the leader of Noxus, challenge you to a duel."

"I, Hugo, the leader of Bilgewater, accept your challenge," He said grabbing his blade with both hands, "May the best win."

As he said that, Shinska leaped into the air spinning his blade and driving it towards Hugo. Hugo lifted his blade and placed his left hand on his right shoulder, absorbing it. The two blades hit each other sending an ear-breaking clang through the air. The bone blade didn't break from the blow. Hugo swung his blade down and spun bringing the blade towards the back of his neck. Shinska landed and rolled out of the way of the strike. He rose to his feet and spun the blade in his hand. He smiled and a cyclone of air wrapped around the blade. He swung it forward. Hugo rolled out of the way and the staff slammed into the ground. The cyclone disappeared and Shinska spun with the blade. The blades clashed and Hugo drove it into the ground. He spun and drove his heel into Shinska's stomach, sending him flying back, without the blade. Hugo withdrew the blade and tossed it at his feet.

"I see you have powers as well," He said pointing at Hugo's arm, "Which god gave you that?"

"Jarvan the Third gave you that amulet, you are his new toy aren't you?"

"What is that ring?"

"Ha! It's a wedding ring, I am married," Hugo said as he jumped at Shinska. He rolled out of the way and rose to his feet with the blade in his hand. He jumped at Hugo bringing the blade into the ground. Hugo dodged the blow and drove his knee to his stomach. He fell leaving the blade.

"Are you sure we should just call it quits and you stay alive and we can finish this without any deaths?" Hugo said as he pulled the blade out of the ground. He looked at Shinska who was on his knees in the sand. His head jerked up and he stared at Hugo. His eyes were white and his face emotionless. He rose to his feet and crossed his arms as two large pillars of sand rose from the ground and then flew towards Hugo. Hugo separated his left arm and dodged the pillars. Fuck, Jarvan, you motherfucker. He stood still as Hugo dodged around the arena from the sand attacks. He neared Shinska and jumped bringing his sword towards his neck. The sand rose to block him and tossed him to the side. I have to hit that amulet. The crowd roared as he landed on the floor. Shinska put his arm forward and opened his hand. A ball of condensed air swirled into his hand and fired at Hugo. Before Hugo could do anything, two stone hands surrounded him and closed themselves around him. The ball hit the hands and exploded. A cloud of dust formed around where the hands were. Shinska turned away and started to walk to the exit of the arena.

"Jarvan the Third, leave this man alone," Hugo said as he emerged from the dust, "We met once before, now I will show you what I am really made of. You are so predictable."

"You are smart, aren't you?" Hugo jumped towards Shinska and his arm blackened. Shinska blocked his first blow and brought Hugo's fist into the ground. He merely missed the amulet's chain. He got up again and both his arm's blackened. Wings burst from his back and spikes emerged from his body and formed a suit of armor around him. He ran towards Shinska. Shinska went for a punch to counter Hugo's attack but Hugo slide under it and grabbed the amulet and ripped it off his neck. Shinska fell forward onto the floor, crashing face first into the sand. Hugo crushed the amulet in his hand. Before tossing it on the floor. He walked over to Shinska's body on the floor. He went down to one knee and rolled his limp body onto his back and leaned his head onto his knee. His eyes had returned to their normal state but his face was emotionless. He put his hand on Shinska's neck, looking for a pulse. He is still alive, barely. The crowd was silent as they watched what was happening. Omega climbed down from the stand and ran towards the two of them.

"What are you doing?"

"It wasn't Shinska, Jarvan the Third possessed him to kill me, I knew that this would happen when I saw the amulet," He said, "He is still alive, he will need to rest."

"Kill him," Omega said coldly.

"What do you mean? He is defenseless."

"Kill him or I will, this was the deal."

"Do you think I give a fuck about the deal?!" Hugo shouted, "I don't kill people who are defenseless, I give them a chance. Now back off and let me deal with him."

"I thought you were the Noxian nightmare, but clearly you are the Noxian caretaker."

"Father, what is up with you? He can't fight, why would I kill him? Do you think the people will ever support me if I do?"

"Our people won't."

"These people are our people as well," He shouted, the crowd gasped, "Get me a bloody doctor!"

Omega sighed, "Jarvan the Third cursed him, he will die, he can't be saved."

"No," He said as he picked up his limp body, "I can't just kill him or leave him to die," He walked out of the arena leaving the people questioning what had just happened. He asked a guard where the main square was. He walked to the middle of the square and began to speak.

"I, Hugo of Bilgewater, now am your leader, yes, I know this might seem weird but do not worry," Hugo said as the crowd thickened around him, "I will do my best to keep your freedoms, but the one thing I can't keep is you being Noxian, from today on you are Bilgewater! I will be your leader and I will fight to defend these lands as if they were my own, our people will live together, we are brothers now, we are no longer enemies, the only enemies to us are the other empires who want to invade us! Return to your normal lives, I will deal with organization personally to make sure you get the best I can offer for you," The crowd hesitated before cheering, "I am glad we are on the same page."

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