
His Last Breath

No One's pov

(They are now pro hero's)

The battle had been hard. All of class 1-a fought with everything they had. This had payed of and now they had defeated the League Of Villains once and for all. They were full of joy because of this, however they were too worn out from the fight to celebrate.

No one had suffered major injuries, only minor. That is true, bar the one broccoli head struggling to stay alive. It didn't go unnoticed by his classmates. The explosive man, despite being out of breath, ran to him. He inspected Midoriya's wounds;he had been burnt. The culprit was the League's very own, Dabi.

The ash blonde felt tears prick his eyes. Deku wasn't going to make it. The thought was excruciating.

Having finally escaped, the salty substance ran down Bakugou's cheek. Midoriya weakly brought his hand up to wipe the rest away before his arm fell limply by his side again, not having the strength to keep it up any longer.

Crimson gazed into emerald as everything around them became white noise. Bakugou began to speak.

"Please don't go Deku." He begged. "I can't live without you. Please." It was unusual to hear the blonde beg. Scratch that. Bakugou NEVER begged.

"I have too Kacchan." Midoriya replied.

"Deku...Please live for me...I l-love you!" The tears were streaming now. Apparently they were contagious as it set the green haired man off as well.

"I love you too, Kacchan." Despite his tears and the fact he was literally DYING, his voice was surprisingly strong.

Bakugou kissed his lips. It was not a kiss of hunger, but one of love. Pulling away the greenette spoke his last words.

"Goodbye Kacchan."

~Time Skip To Funeral~

Everyone was in bits. With Midoriya gone, it was as if a light had left their lives. One that had left a giant whole in their hearts. One that would never return.

~Time Skip Three Years Later~

Bakugou Katsuki and Inko Midoriya arrived at Midoriya's grave. Every year they came to remember all the times they had spent with the cinnamon roll.

Inko still cried about her son but the Bakugou's helped her get through by relating memories of Izuku and telling her he would not want her to cry.

Katsuki had calmed down from his anger-filled past and started to be kinder to people. Midoriya had changed him and he would whole-heartedly admit it with no shame. He had become a better person and left his past behind. Well most of it. Bakugou had lost the ability to fall in love. Midoriya still had his heart. He was the only bit of his past he couldn't, no, didn't want to shake off.

All of class 1-a carried on being hero's. They made sure to work hard because that would have been what Midoriya would have wanted them to do.

Yes, he was dead but he lived on in all of their hearts.

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