
Meeting at the Beach

It was nearly 3 PM by the time Justin and Emily made it back to the arranged spot on the beach near a certain lifeguard tower. Everyone else was already there, digging working on digging a gigantic hole. Alexa spotted them first and waved them over.

"Hey! Come join us, we're making a hole big enough to bury me and Zack in so we look like some sort of weird two-headed alien sticking out of the sand. So far it's only wide enough for one person and not deep enough."

"We've been working on it for almost an hour because the top sand was too dry and it kept caving in on itself," Mandy added. "As soon as it's done I'm going boogie boarding."

"Oh, I love boogie boarding!" Emily practically squealed. "I'll go with you! Once the hole is done, I mean. My siblings and I used to dig giant holes all the time."

Justin was fine with working on the hole as long as he wasn't the one being buried in it. Once in a lifetime was more than enough for him on that front.

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