
Family lunch 2

The lunch went on they all were having normal conversation but what everyone ignored was the fact that Ravi is actually not happy with arrangement going on. She excused herself and then left .

It was actually no surprise to her family because that how she is , but this time the reason was different which nobody was aware of. Their mother said "Sorry Mr Rathore actually she is like this only ,she is a complete nerd totally different from our Kaira"

Yash just nodded because to him it doesn't even matter if any one stay or not to him only presence of Kaira matters.

Suddenly someone came from the Door it was the little prince of Bajaj family Vivan , he was wearing jeans with white inner shirt and red jacket he was too mischievous, Just after entering his first question was "so how's you old man".

It took him some time to realize that they have a guest in their house and he coughed twice and then said "Hello Mr Rathore "

Just then yash interrupt him and said "brother-in-law would be more preferable".

Vivian's face was full of confusion and then looked towards his mother and said "When did you fixed di's marriage? why am I not aware of this , I am sure i just didn't came home for one night, or Have I traveled parallel world"..

But he was smiling and then he continued" where is the bride to be, why is she not here don't tell me she is too shy?".

To this his father said "Yash is Kaira's fiance and not to Ravi's".

Now vivan was too confused .Then he looked towards yash and said "brother-in-law i really feel sorry for you , my parents are actually quite cunning they just transferred their biggest trouble to you , you will be having a tough life after having this dumb in your life" he joked.

To which Kaira glared and yash just smiled. and said " obviously i am aware of that" he teased kaira but his eyes were gentle.

After Vivan's arrivals the atmosphere was quite lively and after that yash and vivan decided to soon have a get together .

Kaira was angry because now two people are actually making fun of her and this was not a good feeling.

Even on the dining table they both had constantly teased her.

Then suddenly she looked at Yash and Said "Do you want to get dumped on your first day of engagement?"

Vivan said " Oh cat have Paws too"

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