
The Final Mini-Gate’s Purpose

At the start of my third day in the Demon Base Corruption Gate, I swept through the first 8 mini-gates of the last cycle.

Despite containing 1080 moles each, I was able to gloss through the eight mini-gates in under two hours after finally stopping my training.

Since I no longer saw any progress by the end of the second day. I focused more on applying what I gained from my training without limiting myself too much to increase my efficiency.

'I can't stay here for long anyway.'

Since no one knew what could be waiting for me in the demon base, I couldn't afford to force more 'training time' into my already tight schedule.

After falling through the gate's main opening one more time, the ground was now devoid of the phobia-inducing openings. Currently, only one large 'opening' that seemed more like a tunnel was left.

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