
Reaching the Wall

On the journey to the border, some pleasant and some bad memories were made. At one point, they had to flee from a party of soldiers that saw them per chance, and slightly less dangerous were the small bands of bandits that started to terrorize certain territories since the chaotic government couldn't keep up the protection of villages and roads when the soldiers were called to arms.

Against which threat the army was built for, wasn't announced, but the death of the dragsean diplomat couple as well as the dragsean call for arms on the other side of the border, was enough indication for the common people. Everyone believed that a war was coming between Dragsa and the Icelands.

The further the companions proceeded towards the border, the emptier the road became and the villages resembled ghost towns. Only some stubborn folk remained guarding their life-long home from theft and decay.

Despite the climate rising continuously, the hearts of the companions felt cold seeing this, and Katherine snuggled closer to Nathaniel every night.

"What do you think we will see when we reach there? Could the war already have started?", Katherine asked in the depth of the night.

"I don't know. It is unlikely, but not impossible. Even if it didn't start yet, there is not much time. Still, something seems off about this. I just can't point my finger at it.", Nathaniel murmured back. He laid on his back with Katherine's head in the crook between his chest and shoulder. Unconsciously, his hand played with a lock of her hair, before it finally rested on her head when his thoughts came to a conclusion. "It doesn't matter what we find there. As long as we are together, as long as your and my magic aren't exhausted, there is nothing we cannot tackle. So, rest well. It might get very taxing soon."

What he didn't tell her, was that even with both their magics there would be sacrifices. Many innocent people would die on their enemies' side or even on their own. The faces of the Renat's soldiers got clearer in his dreams every night, as well as the screams for help when they perished. Once or twice he even saw the skeletons of his own soldiers swimming in a puddle of darkness, next to their falumorean opponents. In the back of his head a women's voice whispered all the time: "Demon! Monster!"

The scent of roses and Katherine's warm sleeping body were his source of comfort whenever he woke up with a raging heart and sweat on his forehead. Yet, as the nightmares became worse, he grew more and more afraid that his magic would overwhelm hers one night while he was asleep. After all, strong emotions were the prerequisite of magic running out of control. Sometimes, he would leave the tent and spend hours outside to calm down.

Luckily for him, Katherine was a deep sleeper. However, the soldiers noticed the unusual behavior of their commander and it was Sam who finally had a talk with his master. Well, it could barely be called a talk as there were few words said:



"May I help?"


"You should tell her."

The last suggestion was met with silence, then a sigh.

"At least use this to calm your nerves before bed", Sam suggested, and handed him a vial with a light blue fluid. "Your tent is glowing almost every night... though I, of course, dare not say how much of it is caused by different activities."

Nathaniel's sharp glare only made Sam chuckle to himself. Hesitating for a bit, Nathaniel finally put the vial in his pocket. He didn't like outward influences, but maybe this was necessary if he didn't want to worry her again. After all, these were just nightmares, and when the war was over, they would vanish into thin air.

Few days later, the border finally came in sight. From the distance, the companions could see that the high gray wall, parting the lands and nearly merging with the deep gray of the clouds this day, was still intact. The white and blue flag of the Icelands flapped in the wind, featuring the goddess Skadi with a spear of ice in her right and a magic glow in her left. On her head sat a crown of obsidian - the crown of the Icefall royal family.

As the party approached the wall, they saw a group of riders in full armor dispatch. They numbered about thirty - almost double of Nathaniel's entourage. Soon after, they surrounded the smaller traveling party. Compared to the enemies they met on the road, however, Nathaniel gave no signs to attack.

The rider with the most decorated armor opened his visor, so that the face with a brown beard behind it became barely visible. "Following the Crown Prince's verdict, you are hereby arrested for murder of King William Icefall, owner of this land and all its people. For your own good, please do not try to resist."

The rider swept them with a cold glance once to assure their compliance. When he was about to turn his horse and escort them to the border, he suddenly stopped, and looked again. A badge, as dark as the night but ornamented with sapphires and diamonds, had appeared in the hand of one of his prisoners.

It was a man with a strong aura, whom he noticed before. The wanted posters described him as highly dangerous individual, and even without seeing his prowess, Marcus of house Iceflower would have given them right. In the red eyes of this man stood the detachment and viciousness of someone who ended hundreds of lives. He was not surprised that someone like this would dare to murder a king or even bring the King's badge, the one thing to prove the King's will, from his corpse out in the open. The spoken words, however, didn't match his expectations.

"By order of King William Timothy Roland Icefall, who is not yet dead, I demand to be brought to General Hermond Icespear, who should be, as I assume, your commander."

For a few seconds, silence reigned, then the border soldiers exchanged unsure glances.

"Not yet dead... I am not sure if I shall believe this", the leader said slowly. "But I will relay your request to the General as soon as all of you are brought to your... new chambers."

The last two words were accompanied by a sarcastic smirk that left no room for ambiguity. The 'chambers' would surely be dark, unpleasant, and equipped with enough chains to hold them all for a lifetime.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary", Nathaniel replied, his lips featuring a sufficiently 'friendly' smile as well. For now, Katherine, Lady Brandon, and Hazel were hidden under long coats from the soldier's gazes, but he would not let them suffer in any wet and cold caves as long as he was their leader. "I carry proof of the King's survival with me. Proof that is for the General's eyes, and for his eyes alone. If you hinder me in any way from reaching my purpose, you are, by the right of this badge, hindering the King. One can even assume that you are working with his enemies to hide the truth. Thus, I am allowed to take any necessary steps to reach my purpose."

Hearing this, the border soldiers tightened the grip around their weapons.

"Fortunately...", Nathaniel continued and swept them with a cold glance that made each one of them feel like they were no more than bugs on the floor, "I am not here to cause trouble. If you bring me and my people to the General, I will forget that you wanted to imprison the spokesperson of the King."

"Your 'people' as well?" The leader asked through gritted teeth.

"Some may stay back as long as they are treated with the respect they deserve", Nathaniel complied and pocketed the badge again. "How about this: I will only take three with me to the General. Everyone else will stay exactly here, under your care, until the General reaches a decision. Remember, these are already very favorable terms."

Obviously, Marcus knew that as well, for he nodded after some deliberation. To the soldiers who would stay with the remaining group, he gave a reminder: "Everyone, stay vigilant. They might try to break formation and cross the border any time."

Then, he picked six men to accompany him back to the border together with the Nathaniel and the three people he had chosen.

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