
Exam Time


My dearest friend in need

You are my life

You are my support

But why are you so difficult to understand

Maths!!!Electronics!!! Physics!!!

Exam are near

My bp high

With increasing tension and distraction

I couldn't study a single page

A day before the exam

I remember you

But you turn away your face from me

I need, I miss you

I may be a little mean

I may be a little greedy

But you are my only support in exams and life

For 15 days be my friend

For I shall be yours forever and ever

Exam is over, Results are out

I feel like a dumbo

Who is useless

Only remembering one thing, books

Oh books, my gmdear friend

I shall not abandon you ever again

So, books!!!books!!!books!!!

Don't leave me alone

Don't forsake me forever.

-By Tinni_15

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