
Episode 10- Lost Time

"How far is this place?" Ellis asked while sweating and helping Joe.

"If I had a dollar for every time someone asked that, I would have a hundred dollars by now" Mike says cocky.

Carrie and Finn were walking behind everyone else. Carrie looks over at Finn.

"Hey.." Carrie says trying to get Finn's attention.

Finn looked at her. "Yes?" He said with a questioning face.

"I just want to ask, well do you remember the wreak?" Carrie asked nervous. She was still confused on what happened.

Finn, shocked by the question, quickly answered with "It's really all a blur" He stared at the ground. Trying not to make eye contacted.

"Oh okay." Carrie put her hands in her pockets, still not sure if he was telling the truth or not.

"It's really not far" Miley smiled at the group, trying her best to cheer them up.

"Wait, didn't we pass that rock already?" Mike asked, pointing towards a wet rock.

"How do you know that, that rock is the same rock?" John said looking annoyed.

"Cause I peed on it already." Mike pointed to the wet spot on the rock.

"Miley, are we lost?" John turned to her.

Miley looks around. "Maybe." She said in a low voice.

"Really?" John was pissed.

"Calm down. We will figure something out" Shawn said while thinking.

"Maybe we could..or...we could..." Mike said while thinking too.

"Guy's I hate to interrupt but if we don't find a place soon..well it's going to get dark and we will be just sitting ducks if we don't move." Mr. Hicky said looking at everyone nervous.

They looked around.

"Man it's almost dark" Ellis said nervous.

"Let's just...I don't know..." Miley says sitting down. She holds her head up by her hand. "I'm sorry guys.." She stops. "I thought I knew the way but I guess I was wrong." She puts her face in her hands.

Eva bends down. She puts her hand on Miley's shoulder. "It's not your fault. You did your best" Miley looks up at her. Eva smiles. She gets back up. "Does anyone have a plan?"

"I may have a plan" Carrie says walking toward them.

"Whats your plan?" John says turning towards her. "And it better be good." He crosses his arms.

"It is. Listen, we may not be that far from the bus. So lets just go back to the bus an stay the night on there." Carrie says explaining her plan.

"Sounds good to me." John says nodding. He turns to the others. "We go with that plan" He starts to head back to the bus.

They head back to the bus. But what they find is a broken down bus.

"What!?" John said looking at the bus.

"Damn those thief's!" Shawn said pissed.

"All the windows are busted and the engine is gone!" John said as he shut the hood of the bus.

"Great plan, Carrie" Ellis said as he crossed his arms.

"Well how was I suppose to know this would happen!" Carrie said getting frustrated.

"Come on guys. Don't blame her. She was the only one to have a plan." Mike said as he put his hand on her shoulder. He smiled at her.

Carrie mouthed the words "Thank you" to him.

"Well, if someone stays up while the others rest we can stay on the here." Eva says coming up with a idea.

"Well, that's only if someone wants to" Shawn said looking around.

No one spoke up. Carrie looked at the ground and sighed. "I'll do it!" She says raising her hand.

Everyone turns to her.

"Carrie, are you sure?" John asks walking to her.

"I'm sure." She smiles at him.

"Well, lets get on the bus!" Mike says jumping on the bus before anyone else.

"I really wanted to help you guys find a place to stay at.." Miley says walking towards the bus door with her head down.

Someone grabs her hand. Miley turns to see it was Carrie.

"Miley it's okay. Don't blame yourself. You were only trying to help." Carrie says as she gives her a warm smile.

"Thanks" Miley smiles back at her. She quickly got on the bus.

The others followed behind.

"Okay Carrie. Remember, only an hour. Than wake me up!" John said handing her his watch.

She nodded her head as she took the watch from him.

John walked to the back of the bus an tries to fall asleep.

Carrie sat in the drivers seat. She looked back to see if anybody was a wake. But no one was. As she was putting the watch up in her pocket, she pulled something else out. It was the spot from before. She studied it. A biohazord symbol was on it. "That's strange. It's been used." She said looking at the empty part. 'I wonder if someone used it on that baby in the car.' She thought. Flashes of the baby came back to her. She quickly turned to the driver window and threw up.

"You okay?" A soft voice came from behind her.

Carrie wipes her mouth before turning around. She sees Finn looking at her worried. "I'm fine" She said with a wake smile.

Finn nodded as he sat down in the seat diagonal from her.

"Why aren't you asleep?" She asked looking at him curious.

"I don't know. I guess I'm still in shock with everything that has happened.." He looked at the ground.

"I know..." She smiled at him, as he raised his head. "Don't be scared."

"Why?" He raised a brow.

"Cause, we have each other." She nervously laughed. "I mean. I'm a little scared but I think about John, Mike and my parents." She looked at her necklace, around her neck. "This was my moms. My dad had given it to her when they had their second date. And John gave it to me for my birthday...." She stared at it for a moment. "It helps me remember the good things in life."

Finn smiled at her but quickly turned it into a frown. "When is your birthday?"

"Two days from now.." She looked at him. "Did your mom ever give you something?"

His face went blank as he looked at the ground. "No..."

"Oh.." She looked at him with a worried face.

Finn stood. "I'm getting sleepy. I think I'm going to try to get some sleep" He walked to the back of the bus.

"Night.." She said watching him. She turned around, to face the steering wheel. 'Only 58 minutes to go...' She thought to herself. "One Mississippi...two Mississippi....three Mississippi...."

"You know you don't have to stay up long.." Miley said walking up to the front of the bus, to Carrie.

"I have to. I said I would." Carrie said looking out the window.

Miley sat beside her. "If you need to talk I'm all ears."

"Thanks, but I don't really need to. I'm fine." Carrie smiled at her.

"Come on. You can tell me" Miley said nugging her.

"It's fine...I just really need..to.." Carrie stopped to think. She tired to think of something, so Miley would leave her alone, when John walked up.

"Hey, you can go sleep now" He said rubbing his eyes.

"But it hasn't been an hour?' Carrie looked confused.

"I know, but I don't like you being up by yourself." He said moving her out of the way so he could sit in the driver seat.

"Why?" She fired back. Her cheeks were burning. "I'm not a little kid anymore! I can take care of myself!"

John stood. They faced one another.

"Carrie...it's not because your a kid. It's because those guys could come back and I don't want anything to happen to you" He let out a sigh. "Or to anyone else."

Her cheeks stop burning. "Okay.." She looked down before walking to the back of the bus.

"Miley, do you have kids?" John asked as he sat back down.

"Well, I have two kids, but they are with my...um..." She blushed.

"Oh...well I don't have any" He said looking at the steering wheel.

"What about Carrie?" She asked confused.

John turn to face her. "She is my brothers kid."

"Well, where is your brother?" She asked.

"Dead." He took a deep breath as he crossed his arms. "He died before Carrie's mother gave birth to her. He died of cancer..."

"Oh! I'm deeply sorry for your loss." She put her hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"Don't be. He was a druggy and his wife was a bitch.." He said closing his eyes for a second.

Miley's eyes widen. "Wow..." She couldn't think of anything to say. So she stood and walked to the back of the bus.

John faced the window in the front of him. 'John...you know what you have to do...if you give Carrie back to her mom all this hell will break lose, but if you don't a lot of people will die....' He thought to himself. "What am I going to do?" He placed his face in his hands.

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