
CHAPTER 13 : You such a tease

"Where did you get this treasure?" Touma is really curious about how she able to get her hands on the weapon. Of course, you can buy it but not in this amount. Capacity she had right now able to threaten the country. It is not a piece of cake to get this.

"Black market and he is a friend of mine. Do you want me to get you one?" She can easily buy more if Touma wishes for it. She is quite famous at the black market with her lavishes money for weapons.

She would always the first to get the latest weapon on the market regardless of the price. As a daughter of Hinode Family, it would never raise any question neither people care.

"Are you willing to get me all this?" Touma quite surprise because these weapons were not only increased their manpower but it will threaten the other families. Why did she want to help him strengthen his army instead? She is totally weird.

"Yup, I will get anything you want if you are willing to marry me," She replied casually to him as if it is a small matter. Once again, it startled Touma. He shook his head helplessly.

"It is not gracious of you to joke around about marriage."

"Obviously I am not a graceful lady and who said I'm joking?" She smirks at him then directly look at his black shining eyes. He then smiles back at her but didn't bother to retort.

"Actually my plan is for us today to let you show off your skill of shooting. I heard rumours you like to shoot." She changes the topic to warm up the atmosphere. If she continues to push it, it might frighten him. Little did she knows, Touma is starting to enjoy her spontaneous and direct manner.

"Plus, you look really tense when I saw you in the office. Do you need help?"

"It's just a matter of business. Nothing you can help."

"Just tell me, I might be able to voice out an idea from an outsider's perspective." After all, she has ten percent ownership for Megamind Corp. She is not sure whether he already figure out about it or not but she didn't want to underestimate him. His capabilities are not something you take lightly.

"You are not an outsider and you know It." he glances at her reaction but she just looks back at him as if it does not matter to her if he knows about it. She goes to extreme measures just to be incognito about it but to him, she just openly admits it as if it's nothing serious.

She let a soft chuckled and doing a slow clap to him. "You sure thorough about my background, what more do you find?"

"A lot of interesting stuff. You sure live up to your status." he let a sneer out.

"Then, have you taken interest of me?" she teases him again.

"Why did you take interest of me?" he throws her back the bomb. Half kidding and half curious.

They didn't bother to coat their words with sugary stuff. Both of them with strong character colliding with each other and refuse to give in for the sake of winning and pride but deep down in their heart knows how both of them really enjoys each other company. If not, why it is easily she forgives him and why did he bother to seek her forgiveness. Thinking about this, Ando and Ken can only sigh helplessly for the sideline. If they want to continue with this, they will need to be stronger in future because the obstacle awaits for them will not as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

"Do you want to know the truth of half-truth? She jokingly asks even though she knew his answer.

"Can I know both?" he wouldn't let her had the pleasure of playing with him.

"Then, which one do you want to know first?" she put both of her palms on her cheeks and blinks naughtily at him a few times. She tries to act cute as always. It is a success. She looks really cute and super adorable when she acts like that and Touma really enjoys his sight of hers right now.

"Let me know half-truth first." He let out a laugh seeing her act. She is able to get his casual self to show instead of aloof intimidating self he normally put. The last person able to do this is only his late mother a really long time ago but she is his mother and Kahina obviously a stranger he know yesterday.

"You not only stole my first kiss but you stole my heart too. A thief needs to be punished and I need to get justice!" she pouted her mouth and glare at him while saying it.

He couldn't contain his laughter after hearing her answer. This is the first time he been accused as a thief. She keeps on amuse him with her unique ways. He wipes his tears. It is a really long time for him to enjoys others company as she is right now.

"How about the truth?" He then continues to chuckle.

"I will tell you when its time" she put a cheeky smile as she let out a chuckle. They both seem to enjoy each other and really oblivious about their underling's gaze towards them. This sight of them is not normal for them, at least not for Touma's underling. As for Kahina's smile and laughter, which is quite normal for her but it is only shown for her family and not a stranger. This ambience surrounds them will warm anyone with happiness.

"Such a tease!" he didn't push her more about the matter and continues with a random topic about each other.

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