
Forest of Death Part 3

Recovering from his injuries to an extent and catching his breath he set out to move again looking for weak teams near him with a heaven scroll. He happened to find one of those teams soon tired from a fight and they had some heavy cuts on their body a perfect target to get their scroll.

He soon encountered the team. The team was three boys and they were trying to recover as fast as possible one of the shinobi with them was a medical nin and was healing up his team members. He needed to strike when they were busy healing and the first one that he would strike would be the medical nin.

He charged quickly to the medical nin. The medical nin sensed his attack and dodged the blade as it came down on him. The medical nin knew he had to protect his team that wasn't fully healed yet and were still struggling. He wasn't sure if he could fight the boy in front of him but he had to try to help his team become chunin. He soon saw that the boy in front of him had injuries as well and he realized he had a really good chance. The medical nin started to attack RIku specifically targeting his left arm that had been injured. Riku was at a disadvantage and wasn't able to fully utilize his injured left arm. He was struggling to fight but he needed to preserve. He started to focus his chakra on the speed of his blade making the sword increasingly faster with every swing. Soon the medical nin started to feel overwhelmed by the speed but he was able to defend against the many attacks. The medical nin was being pushed back and soon he fell on a nearby root of the giant trees as he lost his balance Riku took advantage of this and cut his arms. He then took the earth scroll and ran from the injured group of shinobi.

Soon he got back to near the entrance of the center tower of the Forest of Death. He checked around the area to see if there was anyone. He found that there was barely anyone around and he took his chance. He finally got into the center tower and he opened the scroll like Anko said. At that moment the scrolls created a puff of smoke and Ryu appeared in front of him.

Ryu: Damn Kid you look horrible. But hey you passed.

RIku: Thank god this is over.

Ryu: Kid go to the hospital you got some time before the next announcement.

Riku: Ok good.

Riku then collapsed in the spot from fatigue and the injuries. Ryu caught him and took him to the hospital to heal for the next event in the chunin exams as he still had 4 days to wait for the second exam finish.

After the 4 days the proctors realized that there were too many people still in the exams so they decided to have the preliminaries. By the time that the second exam finished Riku recovered a decent amount closing the small wounds and his left arm was bandaged. He could use his left arm but he needed to have it bandaged. The preliminaries started soon and Riku was going to head there soon only to be stopped by his mother.

Yukine: You don't have to participate you are still injured.

Riku: Mom the doctor said that all I need to do is keep it bandaged and has signed off on my injury.

Yukine: You don't have to do this we will still love you.

Hayato: Let the boy go he wants to get the experience to be better.

Riku left the house and started to go to the area of the preliminaries they would be similar to the third exams in the sense that they would be one on one fights and that is all that they knew for the time. Riku was arriving at the exams and saw the other participants lined up in there teams so he went to the side of them and stood there. Soon a man walked in his eyes looked tired, he had long hair with a konoha bandana on.

???: Alright people we will have the preliminaries. I am the referee Hayate Gekko. The rules are simple we will have one match for each of you all of them will be random generated one on one fights. You are free to watch all fights if you want to get an advantage on future matches. Any questions. No. Then get to the next floor and we will start

The group went up to the second floor they were sizing up their opponents and wondering who would be first. As Riku got to the second floor he went over to all of the other konoha genin and was talking to them.

Riku: Who do you guys think will be first?

Ino: I wonder it is randomly generated.

Naruto: I wanna fight someone strong!

Shikamaru: *sigh* This is gonna be a drag.

Suddenly there were names that appeared on a big screen in the front of the room showing pictures and names.

Hayate: First match is...

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